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Hi from KerboFrance !


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Hi everyone!

Like many people here, I can't stand video games & space things. :)

Beside introductive joke :

I'm "Phell", french player since 0.23 .

I like to play with mods, but I don't play so scientific. i like to create missions that complement the contracts of a career, and I like dealing with KVV !

Cursed player, yeah the one who forgets too add the 'chutes after an hour of mission design. The one who boasts of using RemoteTech but forgets the delay during a probe mission to duna....:D

I come to this wonderful place to read and learn how to develop more complex missions/careers/crafts/mods/spacetrips/alien encouters & how to MAKE A "SPACE MONKEY INNA POD" PROBE PART ! :D:D:D

I also like to use 'Toshop and I heard you like nice pics, so i've put nice screens in my screens.

Here's a sketch of my futur Space career diary, I hope i'll got enough time to also create a journey on this forum : http://www.ph3ll.com/ksp

I created my small companies, based on a Kerbeuropean/Kerbrussian Coldwar pseudotime (Kerbin 60's/90's) :


Have a nice day, Kerbodudes.

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