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Request: Wingtip vortice condensation


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I think that requiring FAR for the proper voxel simulation and identification of potential condensation points is totally overkill. Again, I'd be more than happy with a simple small or invisible part that draws a fading line once a certain speed or Q is achieved.


It's a shame that no developers have taken an interest in this, the thread is over 3 months old already.

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On 18 avril 2016 at 0:46 AM, Inacio said:

It's a shame that no developershave taken an interest in this, the thread is over 3 months old already.

I talked to a friend who learned a bit of C# for his physics studies and he may be able to help me write a plugin

the idea would be to put a small part where you want the smoke trail which would trigger a particle effect depending on G force and speed

idk how doable this is or if it's an accurate enough way to do it

also the particle FX would vary depending on speed in order to avoid some problems like in the pic of the green fighter shown earlier but I bet that with SmokeScreen I can do a few things to help with spacing or use a method similar to my other flight sim but that would be hard and i have no idea if ksp can handle that kind of particles, I think it's doable in Unity though

Any advice/help ?

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1 hour ago, Falco01 said:

I talked to a friend who learned a bit of C# for his physics studies and he may be able to help me write a plugin

the idea would be to put a small part where you want the smoke trail which would trigger a particle effect depending on G force and speed

idk how doable this is or if it's an accurate enough way to do it

also the particle FX would vary depending on speed in order to avoid some problems like in the pic of the green fighter shown earlier but I bet that with SmokeScreen I can do a few things to help with spacing or use a method similar to my other flight sim but that would be hard and i have no idea if ksp can handle that kind of particles, I think it's doable in Unity though

Any advice/help ?

Maybe use line drawing instead of particle FX. Particles are affected by physics, and so if you're going faster you'd need more particles to make a decent line, which would have some performance impact.

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