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MK3 Cargo Ramp

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This may be a duplicate question on my part, but since being a new father, busy at work, and this site changing apparently, I couldn't find the old post if I made one at all. But can you connect the mk3 cargo ramp to any of the mk3 cargo bays? I'm having trouble getting this to work and would like to be able to put rovers back there or any cargo and roll off with the ramp or up it to retrieve.

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Congrats of being a new father ;)

Yeah you can connect Mk3 ramp to any cargo bay and put a rover back in there. I've experienced issues due to the fact that the wheels were spanning a little too large, so it wasn't easy entering straight in and docking it back in place properly.

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Technically, it should connect to any part with an open node, which should include Mk3 bays. Dont forget to use the slider to adjust the height of the ramp so it just hits the ground. Also, If you have clearance problems, you could mount wheels off of a singular I-beam undernearth the cargo, instead of on the outside of it.

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