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Mechanical Mouse Industries - Kethane & Payload Packs Released!!!


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It is a really cool Video of your plugin!!!!! With a texture and some other modules maybe, It´s gonna be really awesome. I like the driller a lot, too.

Is it possible to make a excavator and a more largely becoming hole? That would be cool too. Than we could dig holes!

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It is a really cool Video of your plugin!!!!! With a texture and some other modules maybe, It´s gonna be really awesome. I like the driller a lot, too.

Is it possible to make a excavator and a more largely becoming hole? That would be cool too. Than we could dig holes!

Digging holes is not possible because of terrain generation.

here is an idea with seening new pic from nova i see the green planit to be a gas gaint so for the Kethane pugin why not add a bollen

srry, I don't get the statement/question.

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Dani-Sang, can you make a small stackable RCS tank to match the new mini fuel tank, and maybe a battery pack as well? The current battery packs are great for larger constructions, but they're quite heavy for the kind of micro-landers that your pack works quite well for.

Also, when the new version of EPS is released, do you plan on switching over? I read that it will support power usage by non-EPS parts, and it allows recharging from empty tanks.

RCS tank: We already got such tank atm :)

Battery Pack: Already working, already modeled, but on the shelf until Kethane is out.

Regarding Energy plugins, we will see. If it is usable (which I hope) then I will. I know Kreuzung started working along (or trying to) with l00. But I got good hopes.

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"Here is an idea; upon seeing a new picture from Nova, I've noticed that the green planet is a gas giant. For the Kethane plugin why not add a balloon?"

Idea is in my mind... but I first want the Kethane released before I look further... I will also need to wait until that gasgiant comes in, then I know the stats of it.

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I'm just wondering how the hell we're supposed to LAND in a gas giant; mayhap use a spaceplane?

In that case, think you could modify the Kethane so that a spaceplane could gather fuel while inflight, kinda like the Bussard Scoops from Star Trek?

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As far as I know, it wouldn't be possible to land on a gas giant, their surface would be so far down that the pressure and temperature would destroy your craft, no matter how strong it was, and the surface itself would be a strange semi solid gas.

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As far as I know, it wouldn't be possible to land on a gas giant, their surface would be so far down that the pressure and temperature would destroy your craft, no matter how strong it was, and the surface itself would be a strange semi solid gas.

Metallic Hydrogen, to be precise.

Hmmn, the Zeppelin mod would be great to use, if you could have it deployable; zip into the atmosphere, pop chutes, deploy balloon, profit.

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So glad the engines are fixed, I've finally been able to land some bases.


Even manged to land on the mun with ion engines and a single small liquid engine.


Although your lander legs couldn't hold the weight and my engines broke off. :(


Now all we need is the batteries to be fixed so they don't become un-rechargable, but that's PowerTech's problem, isn't it?

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So glad the engines are fixed, I've finally been able to land some bases.

Now all we need is the batteries to be fixed so they don't become un-rechargable, but that's PowerTech's problem, isn't it?

Thats mumech problem, but the whole energy part of this pack is getting another revisit... because I'm up to date with new developments about energy plugins and there is one comming that will fix all problems.

I'm bad at balancing and I've got now a dedicated balancer in the team. Ion engine will be weak again and make space for Kethane engines which are between Liquid and Ion engine. Ion will be only used for spacetravel. So enjoy as long as you can with these ion engines :).

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i am considering this a challenge. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED :P

with the most minimalistic probe possible , you will probably be able to land on the moon with the new ion engines, tho it will be very very hard :P

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just remove the spaces in the first set of brackets

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Ill be waiting :D Looks like amazing mod to combine with zoxygene

Oh man, how are those three mods gonna work together, are you going to have special solars for each one, or will you have to switch which fuel type you're making? or will all solar panels just do all three at once?

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Oh man, how are those three mods gonna work together, are you going to have special solars for each one, or will you have to switch which fuel type you're making? or will all solar panels just do all three at once?

Kethane is a standalone plugin. It doesn't need external plugins to function and it doesn't need stuff such as solar panels. This is a whole new fueltype we are giving you with loads of possibilities. With Kethane you will never have to worry about compatibility with other plugins.

Also please don't complain here about other plugins (even if I make use of it). If something is not to your liking regarding updating plugins or which ones you have to download. Then I would happy to suggest you that you go to alll those energy plugin creators and stuff that goes around it and ask them to start working togheter on one plugin.

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