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StarrTech Aerospace Long-Range ships

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Looking to go far, far away?



Hi, I am a beginning modder who does not know anything about texturing, and only a little bit about modeling. I know even less about .mu's, IVAs, and the way to code in a part. I really would appreciate help and suggestions!


Should I work on implenting the parts or work on modeling first? Also tell me part ideas in the comments!

Artifical Gravity Command/Habitat/ Service module.

I made my long range service module/habitat/Gym/Command Module w/engine (the Habitat, fuel, engine gym and command module will probably all be separate pieces for more flexible building so you can use the hab for other things) because in stock, there is not many long range ship parts (Sketchfab link)  : 

"Labrador" Heavy Vaccum Engine
I made this part for lack of vaccum thrusters in stock, other than Ion engines, which are really not good for big, heavy, interplanetary motherships (Sketchfab link):

"Bolt" Electromagnetic thruster

A part designed to bridge the gap between the Labrador and stock Ion engines, this part is based on a real world principle for an engine that has the capabilities of VASIMIRs, Ion, and Liquid Vacuum Thrusters (The Labrador is a liquid vacuum thruster). It use electromagnetic pulses and electricty charged into a sort of liquid fuel that does not have the power of traditional engines and is then shot into space, with the pulses contradicting with the form of electricty in the vacuum, forcing the ship forward (Sketchfab link):



  • V1per, for telling me what programs to use and other useful advise
  • My brother, for helping me model
  • RoverDude, for giving me inspiration to mod in the first place.

Future Plans

  • Actually texture and implement the parts
  • Separate the artificial G module into different parts
  • Add other orbitial Habitats
  • Add habitats and command modules for rovers/landers
  • Add 3.75 meter command modules and crew parts.


Thanks for viewing this post! Please help by commenting suggestions and advise!

Edited by LordOfMinecraft99
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15 hours ago, DarthVader said:

Calm down on the caps.

Way to be encouraging.  His mod, his thread, he can format his posts any way he likes, as far as I'm concerned.  I'm more interested in the CONTENT of the mod, and while it's obviously still early days, it's looking interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

@LordOfMinecraft99, good luck and keep on keepin' on.  :D


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3 hours ago, Neutrinovore said:

Way to be encouraging.  His mod, his thread, he can format his posts any way he likes, as far as I'm concerned.  I'm more interested in the CONTENT of the mod, and while it's obviously still early days, it's looking interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops.

@LordOfMinecraft99, good luck and keep on keepin' on.  :D


Thanks for the encouragement!

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