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Kerbal training

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In career mode kerbals receive experience after every mission. Player could use those points to train kerbals in way he likes... this would require few additional stats for kerbals.

Stamina/body strength - how far kerbal may run, now it is forever or rather until player gets bored. This should change way of thinking about manned missions, base plans etc etc.

G-resistance - it should be important for pilots, if kerbal is under too large G he should pass out for few seconds and make craft uncontrollable.

Panic limit - each time part crashes and explodes near kerbal he should increase his level of panic. If he goes above his limit make him uncontrollable and only way to regain control over him is to send other kerbal with rescue mission. Panic level slowly decreases over time when kerbals are in group. Panic level should increase over time for kerbals in EVA and inside small ships, if they are on mission for long time on ship with tiny crew space.


Edited by Darnok
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Meh.  I do all of these things on my own.  I think that this would limit what I can do too much.  How do I tell my kerbal this is an emergency, so just hold on for another week

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I don't mean to nitpick or be rude, just want to point out some details.
"carrier" = a ship that carries aircraft
"career" is the word you are looking for


On 5/4/2016 at 0:23 PM, Darnok said:

G-resistance - it should be important for pilots, if kerbal is under too large G he should pass out for few seconds and make craft uncontrollable.

That will just force EVERY manned ship to have one of these: Probodobodyne QBE

"Panic level should increase over time for kerbals in EVA":
    -Let's assume the mining rig engineer went EVA. and his panic meter fills up while outside on EVA.
    -Is he just standing(sitting/lying fetal position crying) there, with no response to the player input?
    -Can they be rescued by bringing another kerbal in range? or do they need to be in the same ship.

"Stamina/body strength":
   -Can stamina be regained by waiting?
     >yes? then timewarp away (because time is the cheapest and most abundant currency in KSP)

To be honest, I don't even know a "better" way for implementing these ideas (and I hate criticizing without even adding an alternative method).

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1 hour ago, Blaarkies said:

That will just force EVERY manned ship to have one of these: Probodobodyne QBE

With stock remote tech it wont help :P


1 hour ago, Blaarkies said:

"Panic level should increase over time for kerbals in EVA":
    -Let's assume the mining rig engineer went EVA. and his panic meter fills up while outside on EVA.
    -Is he just standing(sitting/lying fetal position crying) there, with no response to the player input?
    -Can they be rescued by bringing another kerbal in range? or do they need to be in the same ship.


If another kerbal is in range panic level can be decreased slowly. Yes crying and sitting seems fine :)


1 hour ago, Blaarkies said:

"Stamina/body strength":
   -Can stamina be regained by waiting?
     >yes? then timewarp away (because time is the cheapest and most abundant currency in KSP)

To be honest, I don't even know a "better" way for implementing these ideas (and I hate criticizing without even adding an alternative method).

No, stamina can regained only inside ship. If you run out of stamina your kerbal can't run, but he should be able to walk very slow. Engineers without stamina can't do their job, same as scientists.

In future only way to regain stamina could be food.


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