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Procedural inflatable/bendable and retractable station parts?

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I searched some time on this forum but didn't find any request or suggestion like this.

This mod should likely be compatible to / working with

  • CommunityResourcePack
  • GPOSpeedFuelPump
  • Kerbal Attachment System (KAS)
  • Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)
  • Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics.
  • TAC Life Support
  • KeepFit

I'm not a coder.

My idea contains parts especially for building up rotating station rings, so not single parts whose are the centrifuges and crew habitats themselves.

  1. All parts should have one kind of connection to each other, Common Berthing Mechanism (CBM) and Androgynous Peripheral Attach System (APAS) (solen from / influenced by CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack) and nodes for trusses.
  2. They all should have a minimum width/height/length of 3.75m in deflated state and 6m in inflated state. These values are also default if not stated different below.
  3. In VAB the context-menu should provide sliders for the width/height and length in inflated state.
  4. The width/height/length in inflated state can be pre-defined in VAB independantly in 1m and 10cm steps.
  5. Inflatable tubes should have a toggle button in VAB context menu to toggle them to bendable/unbendable.
  6. For inflatable/bendable tubes the shorter side gets the length set up for inflated state.
  7. For inflatable/bendable tubes a new slider is provided for bending/curvature radius, better with fixed steps like 11.25° / 22.5° / 33.75° / 45° so they match together nicely.
  8. The inflatable/bendable tubes provide indicators painted on which side is inside the bend radius and which side is outside the bend radius to see how to mount on EVA / docking maneuvers.
  9. In default deflated state the bendable tubes are "cubic" packages, they form a bended/curved tube shape as soon as they are inflated.

These kinds of parts should be included in the pack:

  1. inflatable hubs (6 ports, 5 ports, 4 ports and 3 ports) - maximum inflated width/height 12m
  2. inflatable tubes with different settings (habitat, workout, science, entertainment etc.) - deflated length 6m, maximum inflated width/height 6m, minimum inflated length 7m, maximum inflated length 10m, can be set up to be bendable as well in VAB
  3. inflatable tubes with different settings (habitat, workout, science, entertainment etc.) - deflated width/height 5m, deflated length 9m, maximum inflated width/height 9m, minimum inflated length 10.5m, maximum inflated length 15m, can be set up to be bendable as well in VAB
  4. retractable tubes, fixed diameter, length 2m, can be retracted to 3.5m (compatible to Infernal Robotics? Add themselves to IR servo control lists?) - no habitats but pressurized walkways
  5. retractable tubes, fixed diameter, length 4m, can be retracted to 7m (compatible to Infernal Robotics? Add themselves to IR servo control lists?) - no habitats but pressurized walkways
  6. Static and short connecting parts with active or passive CBM ports to form a ring by for example stacking 4 x this connecting part alternating with 4 x the inflatable bendable tubes set up for 45° bending - as soon as the whole package is inflated (IR servo list !?) and the ring is complete the ending CBM ports automatically dock and lock - no habitats but pressurized walkways
  7. Adapters for the CBM and APAS docking ports to other same sized formats.
  8. And last but not least, to be independent from other rotating cores: a central hub with a stationary / static tube core with 2 docking ports at both ends and a rotating inflatable ring with  3 / 4 / 6 / 8 connecting ports to be preset in VAB, core tube width/height 4m, length 7m, ring deflated width/height/ 5m, deflated length 3.5m, ring inflated width/height 10m, inflated length 7m (compatible to Infernal Robotics? Add themselves to IR servo control lists?)

To 8. :



I hope I didn't forget anything.

Edited by Gordon Dry
Indeed I forgot something, the edit is inside
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