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What's the Largest Number of Kerbals You Have Ever Had In One Ship?

Zosma Procyon

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1 hour ago, Kermanzooming said:

Wow. Just 5 (4 tourists and one with the right stuff for levelling purposes) for me.

Do the Moho 40 carry Life Support supplies? How long is the trip?

He he he, no! That ship is just three 2.5 meter service bays with 8, 16, and 16 external command seats, with a couple batteries, a probe core, solar panels, rcs fuel, xenon, and one of my ion engine clusters with a heat shield. The Kerbals are technically EVAing. I figured out that they don't need anything more. This is my standard craft design for returning crews to Kerbin. I have two ships on the way out to Eeloo to pick up crews.

Edited by Zosma Procyon
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I've had 16 but that was fairly early career...I keep starting my careers over as I keep thinking I could do so much better with what I've since learned...gotta stop that you guys are putting me to shame :wink:.

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Just now, katateochi said:

I think around 30-35 is about the most I've ever had on one craft, but that was more of a station than a ship.

There is a craft (made by @Azimech) that can take 2860! https://kerbalx.com/Azimech/Orbital-City (though I'm guessing it's not been filled to capacity).

Would take hours and create a few blisters.

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I launched a station part once that had 72 kernels on board and filled it with tourists to complete the suborbital and orbit parts of there holidays.  After that they were all transferred to other craft for various destinations.  In fact i don't think I even completed all the contracts,  I might not even have the save file any more.  Perhaps there still up there ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm. I sent 8 to Jool once.

BUT as far as total capacity goes...

My career mode Minmus/Mun bases could hold 30+, but the largest capacity in a spacefaring vessel would probably be my original Interpid (see my mission report). It can carry 25 not counting landers and such.

If you want to get really technical, another ship from my mission report (the same type as the first one) has the 25 Kerbal capacity... BUT it has lots of Jool ships attached to it right now. Doing the math, it can probably hold 50.

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