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Shipname Panel


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Since search in the Mods section came up empty:

I would like to request a mod that allowes me to name my ships!

Nooooo not in the Mapview...i want a way to have the name displayed in big letters on the shiphull! Let's ne honest here: the Enterprise would be half as awesome whitout the big NCC 1701 Letters on the hull. So that's what we (i) need: A way to get either the vesselname or, even better, a freely customizable text on the hull. A 'simple' (as in, i hope not to difficult to make, but far more complicated than i can handle) way to do this would be to have a name-badge part in different sizes that you could simply radial attach (basicly a solarpanel whit different texture). That panel would than have the vesselname/text imported into it's texture.

bonus: a option for different textstyles/colors.

double bonus: Lights that illuminate the panel.

(just to be clear: this is just a modidea/request. Since i am non-native to english i have no idea how demanding/arrogant that text up there sounds^^)

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In this particular post, I link to the mods needed to accomplish this. They have a small footprint when it comes to memory usage.

Here's a few images of how I've used it. I created the names as flags with a transparent background. Not that hard. If you need additional help, don't hesitate to ask!





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