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I keep seeing Dyna-Soar and MAKS references on Reddit, which inspired me to create...  something. 

I call it DynaMAKS, since it's basically their love-child:









Full album, including passenger version:  http://imgur.com/a/yBnkI/layout/horizontal#0

The craft glides extremely well and can sustain flight down to around 30 m/sec.  It can glide a very long distance at low speeds, below 100 m/sec.  The nose is naturally pitched up by the bow ramp below the cockpit in atmospheric flight, so little to no trim is required.

However, when launching, this pitch effect should be compensated for.  Start the gravity turn in a traditional heads-down space-shuttle style, using the pitch effect to help steer you into the turn.  When the ascent angle reaches about 45 degrees, roll upright so that the pitch effect is now resisting the turn, though very weakly due to the thinning air.

Open the air brakes for reentry!  Start the descent with the nose pitched up about 45 degrees and keep it pitched up as high as you can, using RCS for assistance.  It will be gradually forced down as the air pressure increases, but you need maximum possible drag to slow down as quickly as possible, or you will burn up.

Craft files: 
DynaMAKS -  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14176520/DynaMAKS.craft
DynaPAKS -  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14176520/DynaPAKS.craft

Ven's Stock Revamp is a required mod!

Action Groups:
1 - Toggle engine.
2 - Toggle radiators and cabin lighting.
3 - Toggle cargo bay, omni antenna, docking port and docking port light.

Extending the landing gear also disables cockpit reaction wheels, so roll-control isn't as touchy during landing.  It's still kind of touchy.


Edited by RoboRay
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