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[1.3.1] Carrier Vessel Expansion (CVX) [ver 0.13.1]


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Carrier Vessel eXpansion

You can Download it here!

Album: https://imgur.com/a/L3mph











Another Great Review By Kottabos:



What is CVX?

CVX is a low parts mod that allows you to build a Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier. The mod currently contains 5 parts: 1 screw, 1 rudder, 1 hull, 1 radar tower, 1 bridge tower. The idea behind CVX is so players can explore Kerbin while carrying aircraft and not have to worry about having enough fuel, or...  You just want an aircraft carrier without worry about tanking your cpu with parts count.

What is Included?

5 parts:

  • 1 rudder
  • 1 screw
  • 1 hull
  • 1 radar tower
  • 1 bridge tower

Why only one carrier?

More ships are on the way. Soon I'll be releasing a Wasp-class LHD, Essex-class CV (for recovering the Kapollo) and an Admiral Kuznetsov CV (for all you Krussians) in the first phase. The second phase is experimental carriers such as a submersible carrier and a helicarrier.

Why are there no weapons or radar?

There are already mods covering that, and a list of recommended mods are further down the page.

Where can I get that F-14 craft?

The F-14, made by GrandAdmiralJon, can be found here on KerbalX.

Recommended Mods:

 Hanger Extender is helpful for building very large crafts.

The following is for placing the carrier in water.

The following is for keeping the massive vessel together.

Arrester Cable and Hook, By Flywlyx


Bugs and Issues:

  • The big glaring bug this mod has is the Boat Kraken in 1.1.3, this is where the vessel is flung into the atmosphere, caused by a floating point error. The release of KSP ver 1.2 fixes this so there is nor more the need for either use FAR or AirPark but both are excellent mods, try them anyway.
  • The new current problem is the stock joint system, where even rigid attachment will allow parts to separate, KSP's attachment nodes weren't designed for such heavy masses. I recommend using the cheats for both inserting into the water and operation until Kerbal Joint Reinforcement is updated.

Change Log:

Version 0.13.1: 1.3.1 Compatibility
-Dependency Update

Version 0.13: 1.3 Compatibility and Fixes
-Fixed Fuel Capacity in Nimitz Hull
-Fixed Engine Thrust

-Added Reaction Wheel to aid in turning
-Added Support for USI Life Support
-Added Support for Aircraft Carrier Accessories (Nimitz Catapult and Toy Box Catapult [for Future Top Secret Vessel]
-Added Pre-made Craft Files

-Updated Dependencies 

0.12: Various fixes and adjustments:
-Models and Dependencies updated to KSP 1.2
-Model recompiled as a second attempt to fix the Light Dim Bug.
-Added normal maps
-Added new hull textures
-Added new resource, KSteam
-Adjusted screws (still not perfect, still goes too fast for a carrier, 40m/s, but hey this is a game.)
-Adjusted Buoyancy, hull rests at waterline.
-KSP 1.2 has better floating point so no more boat bounce
-Fixed phantom forces with rudder, but is as useful to steer a carrier as a fly swatter. Hopefully a solution coming soon.

0.11: fixed issues with rudder settings.

0.10: Initial Release


Additional Credit:

  • Snjo and RoverDude: for FireSpitter (*.dll Packaged with C.V.X.)
  • RoverDude: for Community Resource Pack (Also packaged with C.V.X.)


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Edited by Eskandare
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The download is broken. I tried both winzip and regular windows, and both of them said something along the lines of it being an invalid directory.


Oh computers, why do you always have to be a pain in the 4$$?

*later* Alright, so after the 15th download it actually worked. 

Edited by Raptor22
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2 hours ago, Eskandare said:

There is also a buoy spawn that @SpannerMonkey(smce) released on the Large Boat Parts page, but I can't find the post with the link. I think it is there. ;.;

Hi, still not got to try out the carrier between 1,2  episodes of destruction,  Looking forward to it though :)

 Here's a fresh and shiny link  to the spawn buoy, at least this ones on the first page. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jx5duzrsq4f32sq/ChannelMarkerGreen.zip?dl=0 . Has fully functional KK spawn point ( if placing yourself, do not place any deeper than the lighter green line on the body of the buoy)







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1 hour ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi, still not got to try out the carrier between 1,2  episodes of destruction,  Looking forward to it though :)

 Here's a fresh and shiny link  to the spawn buoy, at least this ones on the first page. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jx5duzrsq4f32sq/ChannelMarkerGreen.zip?dl=0 . Has fully functional KK spawn point ( if placing yourself, do not place any deeper than the lighter green line on the body of the buoy)

  Reveal hidden contents






Thank you  SpannerMonkey, I'll put it on the OP.

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@Eskandare you did an outstanding job on everything! Working ordinance lifts and all. I was grinning from ear to ear last night messing with the carrier. This is really making me want to do a carrier ops video of sorts. Built a folding E-2 specifically because I need more carrier based ships now :)

I do have a question though. I am currently using this in 1.0.5 (with the proper FS installed) as everything I have is currently built for it. Once ALG is updated I'll probably succum to the dark side and begine rebuilding.... Well everything.... Again.

But do the screws pull away from the bottom of the carrier on 1.1.3 when fully engaged? And do the rudders suddenly make the ship jump several meters to one side and them promptly tear everything appart just goin in a straight line? I built a 4 screw 4 rudder (rudders slightly behind and to the sides of screws) setup mirroring the CVN type configuration in real life.


I wound up strutting the screws to the hull and using B9 Proc wing for rudders. But it won't steer for nothing. Not even reversing opposing sides of thrust.

Edited by V8jester
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1 hour ago, V8jester said:

@Eskandare you did an outstanding job on everything! Working ordinance lifts and all. I was grinning from ear to ear last night messing with the carrier. This is really making me want to do a carrier ops video of sorts. Built a folding E-2 specifically because I need more carrier based ships now :)

I do have a question though. I am currently using this in 1.0.5 (with the proper FS installed) as everything I have is currently built for it. Once ALG is updated I'll probably succum to the dark side and begine rebuilding.... Well everything.... Again.

But do the screws pull away from the bottom of the carrier on 1.1.3 when fully engaged? And do the rudders suddenly make the ship jump several meters to one side and them promptly tear everything appart just goin in a straight line? I built a 4 screw 4 rudder (rudders slightly behind and to the sides of screws) setup mirroring the CVN type configuration in real life.


I wound up strutting the screws to the hull and using B9 Proc wing for rudders. But it won't steer for nothing. Not even reversing opposing sides of thrust.

I have a 4 screw carrier using this and haven't seen this behavior. 


Edit: Just realized I wasn't using the rudders. Checked to see if I could replicate this and with 4 screws and 4 rudders at full power, as soon as I tried to steer the ship jumped violently, blew up everything attached to the hull, and launched itself 16000 meters into the air, and landed 80 some KM away. (1.13 btw)

Edited by XOC2008
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47 minutes ago, XOC2008 said:

I have a 4 screw carrier using this and haven't seen this behavior. 


Edit: Just realized I wasn't using the rudders. Checked to see if I could replicate this and with 4 screws and 4 rudders at full power, as soon as I tried to steer the ship jumped violently, blew up everything attached to the hull, and launched itself 16000 meters into the air, and landed 80 some KM away. (1.13 btw)

Cool I'm not crazy at least.

As a suggestion. What about adding ludicrously powerful bow thruster parts? Similar to the thrusters @SpannerMonkey(smce) Added to the medium bow in LBP?

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5 hours ago, V8jester said:

@Eskandare you did an outstanding job on everything! Working ordinance lifts and all. I was grinning from ear to ear last night messing with the carrier. This is really making me want to do a carrier ops video of sorts. Built a folding E-2 specifically because I need more carrier based ships now :)

I do have a question though. I am currently using this in 1.0.5 (with the proper FS installed) as everything I have is currently built for it. Once ALG is updated I'll probably succum to the dark side and begine rebuilding.... Well everything.... Again.

But do the screws pull away from the bottom of the carrier on 1.1.3 when fully engaged? And do the rudders suddenly make the ship jump several meters to one side and them promptly tear everything appart just goin in a straight line? I built a 4 screw 4 rudder (rudders slightly behind and to the sides of screws) setup mirroring the CVN type configuration in real life.


I wound up strutting the screws to the hull and using B9 Proc wing for rudders. But it won't steer for nothing. Not even reversing opposing sides of thrust.

That may be a behavior in 1.05, I was working with the physics of 1.1.3. You can adjust the thrust force and rudder area to fix it for 1.05

41 minutes ago, Asteroid.K said:

The ship cannot move in the water when I activated the engines. However, if I use hy to adjust the amount of the fuel to make it "move" vertically, the engine suddenly works again...

That is odd, are you using 1.1.3, so far I've been working on trying to find a middle ground for the 'engines', but that is unusual behavior.

3 hours ago, V8jester said:

Cool I'm not crazy at least.

As a suggestion. What about adding ludicrously powerful bow thruster parts? Similar to the thrusters @SpannerMonkey(smce) Added to the medium bow in LBP?

I'm certainly considering that.


I'll try to repeat the conditions you guys describe, mostly my problem was turning arc. I'll see what I can make it do.  

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17 minutes ago, Eskandare said:


WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 107,000 ton lifting body, YEAH!  Sorry, I screwed up on a setting in the rudder. I'll have it fixed soon!

LOL! Hey what is the anchor icon in your quick launch bar? Is that a new feature of Airpark?

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Just now, Eskandare said:

Yes, that is AirPark.

Yeah I really want to make the jump to 1.1.3 - 1.2. I have a fully modded install. Just between KF and ALG a lot of my builds would be broken. Also IR seems to have a lot of new issues like misalignment creeping in. Still 1.2 looks very promising. Hopefully it fixes more than it breaks..... Or at least fixes enough to make up for what it will most definitely break :)

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3 minutes ago, V8jester said:

Yeah I really want to make the jump to 1.1.3 - 1.2. I have a fully modded install. Just between KF and ALG a lot of my builds would be broken. Also IR seems to have a lot of new issues like misalignment creeping in. Still 1.2 looks very promising. Hopefully it fixes more than it breaks..... Or at least fixes enough to make up for what it will most definitely break :)

I haven't seen any trouble with IR, then again I don't put stops in my rotations.

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Sooo... Anyone else having a problem where the engines fling around their joints when activated? 




After leaving them on too long, this started happening. 



And this




Unless this ship is kraken-branded, I assume this isn't supposed to happen. 

Edited by Rainbowd4sh
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