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A mod to add Remote tech Ground stations to the save game?


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I know how to tweak the remote tech settings to add ground stations to a save game or even take that config and put it into the game data folder to have a preset, but, the problem is getting the kerbing coordinates and height to put into the config file, I was using kerbalmaps for this but recently that website went down, then I started using scan sat, but, don't we have a survey scanner? why not adding the ability to scan the surface and height map with it with low, medium, high and very high resolutions with it ?

the second part to this was when i was turning kerbin around in the space station, looking for the spots i wanted to add the stations on the ground, at the same time i had the scan sat open and was tracking the same place on the map, writing down coordinates and heights. then I had to close the game, add those to the config settings and reopen the game and go through another pass until I was satisfied with the result. That was when I thought about this idea, how about we could click on the kerbin in space station (or now in 1.2 the kerbnet) and we could set the station name, color, dish range and it would be added to the config in the game data folder automatically so that the next load of the game it would be there? (I assume there is no way to auto load that config back to game without closing and re opening it? if there is a way, much better)

I hope someone pick this idea and make this mod so that we all can have easier time developing our ground stations for remote tech.


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