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PC hard crashes (shuts down) after installing graphics mods

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Just installed some graphical mods (stock visual enhancements, and scatterer) and now game restarts my pc after a few seconds when playing. It worked fine before the mods. I have a R9 290 x gpu, 16 gigs of ram an I-5-4440 CPU and a HIVE 80 plus Bronze 650 W PSU. Any suggestions? 

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On 10/9/2016 at 0:24 AM, Feral Guyute said:

Just installed some graphical mods (stock visual enhancements, and scatterer) and now game restarts my pc after a few seconds when playing. It worked fine before the mods. I have a R9 290 x gpu, 16 gigs of ram an I-5-4440 CPU and a HIVE 80 plus Bronze 650 W PSU. Any suggestions? 

Looks like a shader processor or a graphic driver issue. Do other games (graphic demanding) run well on your system?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I installed a different version of the graphical mod and the crashes stop. I don't know what went on with the old one. The way i installed them was to extract the files into the game data folder (I think this is the folder). Also My PC runs other games fine at high settings like the witcher 3 and and MGS V both work 100% fine with the graphics beefed up all the way. Also there is no way it is over heating as it crashed almost immediately and I have 4 really nice fans in my case. Ill have to try  dx-11 mode or open-gl. one of these and report back. Thanks guys KSP community is the best.

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