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[POLL] Are you still using any parts from KPBS that are flagged as deprecated?


Are you still using any parts from KPBS that are flagged as deprecated?  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the deprecated parts are you still using?

    • None
    • Gangways
    • Landing Leg/Wheel combination
    • Small Garages
    • Not sure
  2. 2. Should the deprecated parts be removed?

    • Yes, they clutter the install
    • No, i still need them
    • Yes, but only remove the parts that are not or only rarely used

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So, there are still very old deprecated parts in Kerbal Planetary Base System that should not be used anymore for a very long time now.
I think it is time to declutter the mod a bit and remove most if not all of the deprecated parts.

To find out which parts should be removed i stated this poll.

You can choose multiple answers for the first question. But please only one when you select "not sure" and "none"

Thanks for voting :) 

PS: For the case that the deprecated parts are removed from the main mod, there will be a separate download containing them for those who still need the parts.


You can identify the deprecated parts by their name, all have the text "DEPRECATED" in their name.

Here is a list of the deprecated parts

1. The K&K Combined Landing Gear. Should be pretty obvious when you still have it, because it does not work since KSP v1.0


2. The gangway parts. They are pretty similar to the current corridor parts but do not change their visual appearence depending on where another part is attached to them. Except the airlock, the piece with the attachment points for landing legs and the end piece


3. The "small" garage parts. They are the newest. They look a lot like the current ones but are not high enough to hold the buffalo, malemute or similar rover:


Edited by Nils277
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@ISE The deprcated parts are:

1. The K&K Combined Landing Gear. Should be pretty obvious when you still have it, because it does not work since KSP v1.0


2. The gangway parts. They are pretty similar to the current corridor parts but do not change their visual appearence depending on where another part is attached to them:


3. The "small" garage parts. They are the newest. They look a lot like the current ones but are not high enough to hold the buffalo, caribou or similar rover:


Edited by Nils277
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I use the garage - tweakscaled to what i need or vehicles built to its dimensions and i use gangway, havent used combined landing legs.....yet.

i could lose gangway and legs, but garage was reason i DL'd.

just a new users perspective, sure ur regulars would like to thin things down a bit :)

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6 hours ago, Tr1gg3r said:

I use the garage - tweakscaled to what i need or vehicles built to its dimensions and i use gangway, havent used combined landing legs.....yet.

i could lose gangway and legs, but garage was reason i DL'd.

just a new users perspective, sure ur regulars would like to thin things down a bit :)

Note that all of these have replacements that fill the same roles and look fairly similar.  For instance, the gangway's appearance can be achieved with the current corridors - but the current parts will be sleeker if you don't have something attached to all four sides, as the empty ends are hidden.  If you're using the garage, the question is if you're using the *depreciated* garage - the current garage looks almost identical, but is sightly taller in proportion so that it fits most rover packs without modification.

I wouldn't necessarily care if things are removed or not - but there is a small performance hit for every added part, and 1.2 apparently has some issue if lots of parts are loaded.  Given that, I'd say remove them.  You could offer up a download of depreciate parts (with the note that you won't be maintaining them) for those who need them.

Edited by DStaal
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I use all the parts, the landing wheels landing gear combo, i built a base using docking ports, rather large one at the mun using the large docking port and it was easy with them, they should stay

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@Nud are you really sure you use the old wheel/log combination part? Because it is not working at all since KSP 1.0. and only very difficult to find in the VAB/SPH. They are completely absent from any Science or Career Play.

The some goes for @Tr1gg3r:wink: the new garages are very similar to the old one. The old garages can be only found in the Cross Section Profiel Filter in the VAB/SPH. The ones in payload etc are the new ones.

I updated the OP the clarify which parts stay and which parts are planned to be removed.

Can anyone who voted for a wrong part update their vode pls? I can't really believe that the leg/wheel combination part is still used. It is completely unfuctional since KPS 1.0

Edited by Nils277
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