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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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17 hours ago, GregSeventy7 said:
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  there's anything else I can do to help, let me know.   Thanks again all.

Your log looks surprising clean...
You are showing an EXC from _BuildManager.dll... I dont now what that is, but I have been seeing it a *LOT* lately.

Further down, I would say this could be your main issue w/MechJeb. (IIRC, MJ checs other .dlls for issues. so even tho, its MJ giving you warnings, its not really MJ *causing* the issue... just telling you about it):

[ERR 07:44:55.888] MechJeb caught a ReflectionTypeLoadException. Those DLL are not built for this KSP version:

[ERR 07:44:55.889] [x] Science! 4.0.5409.41876 GameData\GameData\[x] Science!\[x] Science!.dll

SO, off the bat, I would chec [x] Science, as the current version, built for 1.9.+. v5.2.6, is probably what you should be using on 1.11.1

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On 2/4/2021 at 7:00 PM, Stone Blue said:

Your log looks surprising clean...
You are showing an EXC from _BuildManager.dll... I dont now what that is, but I have been seeing it a *LOT* lately.

Further down, I would say this could be your main issue w/MechJeb. (IIRC, MJ checs other .dlls for issues. so even tho, its MJ giving you warnings, its not really MJ *causing* the issue... just telling you about it):

[ERR 07:44:55.888] MechJeb caught a ReflectionTypeLoadException. Those DLL are not built for this KSP version:

[ERR 07:44:55.889] [x] Science! 4.0.5409.41876 GameData\GameData\[x] Science!\[x] Science!.dll

SO, off the bat, I would chec [x] Science, as the current version, built for 1.9.+. v5.2.6, is probably what you should be using on 1.11.1

Indeed since version 2.9.1 MJ reports the source of the exceptions:

On 1/11/2017 at 1:49 PM, sarbian said:


  • ReflectionTypeLoadException will now list the DLLs that are the actual source of the exception in the log. 

I'm pretty new to this, so take this with a grain of salt.

I agree, that [x] Science deserves attention and updating to current version.

But I think the culprit is in fact EVE, which _BuildManager.dll belongs to. As it is the last thing in his ( GregSeventy7 ) KSP.log, right after the Breaking Ground DLC is being loaded:


[LOG 07:44:35.068] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon '_BuildManager' from assembly '_BuildManager'
[EXC 07:44:35.079] NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
	System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	_BuildManager._BuildManager+<>c__DisplayClass2_0.<logVersion>b__0 (System.Reflection.Assembly x) (at <5329a27ec3b64178b009f7e4fdd9f215>:0)
	System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereSelectArrayIterator`2[TSource,TResult].ToList () (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0)
	System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) (at <fbb5ed17eb6e46c680000f8910ebb50c>:0)
	_BuildManager._BuildManager.logVersion () (at <5329a27ec3b64178b009f7e4fdd9f215>:0)
	_BuildManager._BuildManager.Awake () (at <5329a27ec3b64178b009f7e4fdd9f215>:0)
	AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
[LOG 07:45:25.487] Expansion serenity detected in path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\SquadExpansion\Serenity
[EXC 07:45:25.494] ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
	System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
	AssemblyLoader.GetTypesOfClassesImplementingInterface[T] () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0)
	Expansions.Missions.MissionsUtils.InitialiseAdjusterTypes () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0)
	Expansions.ExpansionsLoader+<LoadExpansions>d__21.MoveNext () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0)
	UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <5aeafee3fea24f37abd1315553f2cfa6>:0)

Notice the:

  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () [0x00006] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 

I would suggest updating EVE to new version:

EDIT: Removed link to version which is no longer being maintained to prevent confusion, as per @R-T-B's post below.

P.S.: Is it OK to post debugging like this in the MJ thread? The issue does not seem to be related to MJ. No wonder the thread is 140+ pages, but I guess it can't be helped?

Edited by ronillon
P.S.:, Removed link, info about MJ reporting other dll exceptions
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Seems the latest version doesn't work very well.
Manoeuvers to Kerbin moons often fail, they don't reach the target they are a little short in DeltaV. I guess the same for other planets and worse.
Launch to rendevous fails to launch on the right time, it should launch when the ship in orbit is above but instead it's on the other side of Kerbin.

The upgrade text for Ascension Guidance and Landing in Tech Tree is wrong.

Edited by alphaprior
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I have an issue where the landing guidance, maneuver node editor & maneuver planner gets deactivated when switching crafts. I have unlocked all of it in the techtree.

In the pictures i launch a rocket, with everything unlocked. To reproduce the bug, i switched to another craft and that worked fine. Then i went to the space center, and from there into the tracking station and selected a mun satellite .As you can see those 3 modules gets deactivated.



Any idea what's causing this?


Running the latest Mechjeb from ckan on 1.11.1

Link to logs:


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The reason why it tells you you're already around Eve is because it says "create a new maneuver node ... after the last maneuver node". When calculating, Mechjeb will consider the orbit obtained after all maneuver are executed, which in your case will be an orbit around eve once your two burns are executed. Mechjeb is just thinking about the future :)

As for the delta-V difference, I have no idea, but this is why you should always have a fuel margin. Maybe it has to do with unaccounted for inclination, or a lack of precision due to the ASAP requirement 

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Having an issue that linuxgurugamer said should be reported here. I have the "Delta-V Stats" window unlocked (as shown on the right of the image), but its not available as an option for blizzy's toolbar). Also, Vessel View is missing its icon. I don't think any of the other "?" icons had icons before.


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I'm not at all sure the problem I'm about to describe has anything to do with MechJeb. That's a bit of a shot in the dark on my part. KAC also occurs to me, or it could be in the stock game. I've seen this on multiple versions of KSP, usually when I'm right in the middle of something that has me too preoccupied to do even a half-(um, I better avoid the second part of that word lest the forum filter decide to bowdlerize it :-)) job of a bug report. Anyway, I just now hit again and quit the game pretty promptly afterwards, so it might be easier to find the relevant stuff in the logs. This time I'm running KSP 1.11.1 and MecJeb (yep, just updated today), but as I noted, I've seen this on many versions. Installed with CKAN, so all the dependencies should be fine.

Symptom is that I change to a craft in flight, usually using KAC to do the change. Craft ought to be doing nothing much interesting. In today's case, it was in an orbit of Kerbol between Kerbin and Duna, far from anything else. There's a maneuver scheduled for, I think it was about 30 days out - not particularly close anyway. Things ought to be pretty boring. But I notice that the delta-V of the planned maneuver is changing; then I notice that's probably because my orbit is changing as though I were under thrust (I'm not). If I just stare it it in a daze wondering what is happening (which is what I certainly did the early times that this hit me), the pseudo-thrust just keeps up and I end up pretty badly off of my planned orbit. What "fixes" it is to jump to any other scene, preferably quickly before things have gone too awry. Then jump back and things are stable. In today's case the problem craft was "duna return". I jumped to at at 7:43 PM, noticed the problem happening, jumped to the KSC center, and then jumped back to "duna return". Seeing things were now stable, I quit the program, so all this stuff is pretty near the end of the logs. I'd been playing a while, so the logs are pretty big, but the "interesting" stuff is around that 7:43 PM switch to "duna return". I find the logs really hard to interpret. Even when things are going well, there are always scads of things in the logs that look bad. I notice a lot of nasty-looking stuff about temperatures in these logs, I'd guess from the "dynamic battery storage" mod, which I just discovered and installed a day or two ago. But I'm confident my mysterious pseudo-thrust isn't from that mod because of all the times I observed it before I had even heard of that mod. Logs (I forget which is most useful, so here are both)




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7 hours ago, rmaine said:

Your links arent active.

recopy each link, then clic the 2nd icon (the chain linkk) from the left in the bottom row in the toolbar above.
Then paste your copied link in the *top* URL field... Then clic "Insert into post".... you dont need to put anything in the bottom text field

EDIT: huh... the forum software seems to have activated them, when I quoted them... vOv
I didnt know the forum could do that :P

Edited by Stone Blue
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On 2/21/2021 at 8:41 PM, samuelchevalier said:


On Ascent Guidance, i want an orbit altitude to 150 km.

On Ascent Path Editor, i see the "turn end altitude" can't be more than 119 km ? How can i change this 119 km and why is it a limit ?

Thank you

The orbit altitude is set in the "Orbit altitude" field of the Ascent Guidance window. The "turn end altitude" is when the vessel stops the turn. The limit is there because there is no point of still turning when in space. The default (60, or the auto checkbox) is perfectly fine.

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I was trying to make a KSP 1.10.1 build and it keeps stalling during loading.  I can post full logs later, but what I'm seeing in the player log is this over & over:

MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in OnDestroy: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0
  at AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembly.TypeOperation (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00006] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembyList.TypeOperation (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x0001c] in <c1858a3f77504bd1aaa946fdccf84670>:0
  at MuMech.ToolbarTypes.getType (System.String name) [0x00014] in <c18bbb22f7a540d68fe41116b34520db>:0
  at MuMech.ToolbarManager.get_Instance () [0x00023] in <c18bbb22f7a540d68fe41116b34520db>:0
  at MuMech.ToolbarManager.get_ToolbarAvailable () [0x0000c] in <c18bbb22f7a540d68fe41116b34520db>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.ClearButtons () [0x00034] in <c18bbb22f7a540d68fe41116b34520db>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.OnDestroy () [0x00000] in <c18bbb22f7a540d68fe41116b34520db>:0
  at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnDestroy () [0x000a1] in <c18bbb22f7a540d68fe41116b34520db>:0
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)


I saw a similar issue back around page 138 of this thread, but that was a conflict with another mod that I don't use.  KSP loads fine when MJ is deleted.   This is with MJ version 2.11.0 but I also tried 2.9.2 with no difference.  Any ideas?

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1 hour ago, Cavscout74 said:

I was trying to make a KSP 1.10.1 build and it keeps stalling during loading.  I can post full logs later, but what I'm seeing in the player log is this over & over:


I saw a similar issue back around page 138 of this thread, but that was a conflict with another mod that I don't use.  KSP loads fine when MJ is deleted.   This is with MJ version 2.11.0 but I also tried 2.9.2 with no difference.  Any ideas?

Do I understand it right that you are trying to build MJ yourself from the source?

Anyway I'm running similar configuration without issues. Not sure about changes between 1.10.0 and 1.10.1 but I wouldn't expect anything major.

Configuration: Windows 10 x64 | KSP | MJ 2.11.0

As always, have you tried MJ on clean KSP install so mod collision can be ruled out? In any case, full logs please.

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51 minutes ago, Cavscout74 said:

Player:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/ulkordhu3o5o7ik/Player.log?dl=0

KSP: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g61coa8zt1cdb9q/KSP.log?dl=0

@ronillon Also, the Clean + MJ install loaded right up, no issues.  Installed MJ from the same .zip as used in the JNSQ install

So, MJ itself is fine, JNSQ itself is fine (I doubt that considering the ammount of errors and warnings I see.) seems to me it is some kind of collision.

I'm not an expert and there is a lot in those logs, but it seems to me this might be related to issue we saw earlier, see my post about it:

I see the same errors:

at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () [0x00006] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
[AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon '_BuildManager' from assembly '_BuildManager'
 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)
Uploading Crash Report
NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.get_Location () [0x00006] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 

So I would start with checking EVE, there is a link to the most current version of it I know of in the post linked above. Sadly @GregSeventy7 did not report whether updating EVE solved the issue, but you can give it a try and tell us.

Other than that, B9 seems to be throwing a lot of stuff too, so you might want to check that as well.

Keep in mind that MJ reports issues of other mods/dlls, as mentioned in the linked post.

All in all, latest version of JNSQ is a year old and for 1.8.1+ so some issues might be expected when you try to run it on 1.10.1. You might want to consider either downgrading to 1.8.1 or updating individual mods contained in JNSQ, I highly suggest using CKAN for that.


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On 2/27/2021 at 1:40 AM, ronillon said:

So, MJ itself is fine, JNSQ itself is fine (I doubt that considering the ammount of errors and warnings I see.) seems to me it is some kind of collision.

I'm not an expert and there is a lot in those logs, but it seems to me this might be related to issue we saw earlier, see my post about it:


I see the same errors:


So I would start with checking EVE, there is a link to the most current version of it I know of in the post linked above. Sadly @GregSeventy7 did not report whether updating EVE solved the issue, but you can give it a try and tell us.

Other than that, B9 seems to be throwing a lot of stuff too, so you might want to check that as well.

Keep in mind that MJ reports issues of other mods/dlls, as mentioned in the linked post.

All in all, latest version of JNSQ is a year old and for 1.8.1+ so some issues might be expected when you try to run it on 1.10.1. You might want to consider either downgrading to 1.8.1 or updating individual mods contained in JNSQ, I highly suggest using CKAN for that.


I saw that previous issue, and updated EVE with no change - I think it already was up to date, but I just deleted & installed newest to be sure. 

The strangest part is I'm running a 1.11.1 JNSQ with the same mod list (versions are updated if available) and it runs ok except for some other issues (invisible tethers between KV pods & their bases being the biggest I just encountered). 

I was trying to go back to 1.10 to see if it ran better, but I think I may just be better off sticking with 1.11 rather than chasing problems in an out of date install.   I'll probably tinker a little over the weekend if for no other reason than maybe I can come back & say,  "Hey, I found it, _________ mod was the problem" for other people

EDIT:  @ronillon That turned out to be easier than expected - B9 Proc Wings was the culprit.  And I feel kinda dumb because that was the one mod I had in 1.10 & not in 1.11 install, so I should have started there to begin with. 

And after the fact, found this in the B9PW thread:

On 12/14/2020 at 8:57 PM, Acvila said:

It conflicts with MJ, but it works with MJ +FAR. So, either no  MJ, or FAR+ MJ. pretty odd!

Edited by Cavscout74
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12 hours ago, Cavscout74 said:

I saw that previous issue, and updated EVE with no change - I think it already was up to date, but I just deleted & installed newest to be sure. 

The strangest part is I'm running a 1.11.1 JNSQ with the same mod list (versions are updated if available) and it runs ok except for some other issues (invisible tethers between KV pods & their bases being the biggest I just encountered). 

I was trying to go back to 1.10 to see if it ran better, but I think I may just be better off sticking with 1.11 rather than chasing problems in an out of date install.   I'll probably tinker a little over the weekend if for no other reason than maybe I can come back & say,  "Hey, I found it, _________ mod was the problem" for other people

You are right, it looks like your EVE version from that log was indeed  I missed that sorry. Likely because it was pretty late that night (early morning hh)

Keep in mind, that updating the mod will not help, if the issue persists in the newest version. Try to remove it to see if that helps.

I'm honestly out of solid ideas, but perhaps someone else will find a solution for you.

Just a hint for next time, always include full logs straight away, describe exactly what is happening, try the mod you suspect is causing issues on clean install and write it all in one post (Consider Edit if you are not replying to someone and just adding information.). This wastly increases your chances of getting help. Not everyone can/wants to read through many postst to gather relevant information. That being said, you might want to consider to repost all relevant information you got so far/after some more testing in new post so it is all easily accessible when someone more knowledgeable comes here.

If you want to tinker with it to find solution for others, that is great! I would suggest installing/removing the mods one by one (or rather try half, see if it breaks it, then try the other half to narrow it down, considering the amount of mods in JNSQ) use CKAN where possible so you do not have to hunt dependencies. Once you find a culprit, try it on clean install with MJ to rule out multiple mods collision. Good luck

Edited by ronillon
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It is not possible to add individual runways. i want to do this because i play with rss & rp-1 and only want to use the runways of the used locations.
Either the content of the landingsites.cfg is not loaded / adopted or it is always overwritten with the hardcoded runways from the MechJebModuleSpaceplaneAutopilot.cs.

I tested it by adding my own runway entries in front of or behind the existing ones in the landingsites.cfg.
currently i only provided my own  RSSlandingsites.cfg with 2 individual runways. (deleted original file landingsites.cfg)

each time it is KSP Runway 09, KSC Runway 27, Island Runway 09 & Island Runway 27 with Kerbin coordinates

Modulemanager Cache



	parentUrl = /RSSLandingSites.cfg
		id = MechJeb2DefaultLandingSites
				name = Runway Cape 09
				body = "Earth"
				touchdown = 80.0
					latitude = 28.612856
					longitude = -80.617419
					altitude = 79
					latitude = 28.612857
					longitude = -80.593487
					altitude = 79
				name = Runway Cape 27
				body = "Earth"
				touchdown = 80.0
					latitude = 28.612857
					longitude = -80.593487
					altitude = 79
					latitude = 28.612856
					longitude = -80.617419
					altitude = 79



Edited by kretze
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