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[1.8.x] B9 Aerospace | Release 6.6.0 (Feb 5 2020)


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Hello folks,

something I wanted to do and had no time yet.

Some of you wrote some words of encouragement in the Solar Warden threat that got deleted because it was viewed as a rule violation. Unfortunately I never got to read your words but I still want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

On that note we now have a free demo available to check out!


If you would enjoy a X-COM meets Freelancer meets descent please don't hesitate to do so. The download is only 624 MB.

Greetings to you all and Kerbal on!


Edited by Flashblade
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4 hours ago, Kdoge20 said:

MFD or the internal camera just flipped, maybe because of anti aliasing or something?
http://prntscr.com/jlbkcx but also noticing a navball and NavUtilities inverted, upside down external camera but when i turn, it wen't to wrong turning direction

That's a problem with rpm.  Add  -force-opengl to your KSP commandline to fix.

So does anyone still maintain the HX parts?  I've always thought that they need internal attachment points so I dont have to place one of those radial attachment things in them... and replaceable or closable hangar doors would be awesome.. 

Edited by ss8913
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1 hour ago, ss8913 said:

So does anyone still maintain the HX parts?  I've always thought that they need internal attachment points so I dont have to place one of those radial attachment things in them... and replaceable or closable hangar doors would be awesome.. 

Maintain, yes.  Make significant changes to, no.  Adding internal nodes would probably qualify, replaceable hangar doors is definitely outside the scope.

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, aaronsta1 said:

i really like the r12 rcs ports but the thrust animation is backwards.. is there any way to fix it?

im on version 6.5.0

It's a known issue, 1.4.x messed up a lot of RCS effects that were previously working.  It's pretty simple to fix in the configs, I just haven't had time lately.

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On 6/8/2018 at 11:08 AM, aaronsta1 said:

i really like the r12 rcs ports but the thrust animation is backwards.. is there any way to fix it?

im on version 6.5.0 

I have made a patch for the reverse thrusters and posted it some time ago . You can use it until blowfish has time to correct it.

Here is the link.


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24 minutes ago, Dragonwarp said:

does this work on 1.4.1? or do I have to go somewhere else?

B9 itself should.  For the dependencies though you should check if there's a version for 1.4.1 - for instance, for B9PartSwitch I know for a fact that it now uses code that's only in 1.4.2, but you should be able to find a 1.4.1/1.4.0 version that will work.

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4 minutes ago, blowfish said:

B9 itself should.  For the dependencies though you should check if there's a version for 1.4.1 - for instance, for B9PartSwitch I know for a fact that it now uses code that's only in 1.4.2, but you should be able to find a 1.4.1/1.4.0 version that will work.


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I recently tried to start my game up after a couple months and it said B9 part switch had a fatal error (I use mods). I did some searching and found that B9 can only work for the exact version. The latest version works for 1.4.3 and i was wondering if anyone will be update the mod any time soon. Thank you

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B9 Aerospace v6.5.1 for KSP 1.4.2+

  • Release for KSP 1.4.2+
  • Fix RCS effects being backward and too big
  • Update CryoTanks patch to be consistent with current CryoTanks

I've loosened the .version restrictions a bit so AVC/CKAN will accept this on any KSP version between 1.4.2 and 1.4.99

Note, bundled dependencies are for KSP 1.4.4

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3 hours ago, nonono said:

Is it possible to get USI integration for the B9 HX crew module?

There is no HX crew module :huh:

As far as patches for things like USI go, I will gladly accept pull requests and other submissions but will not be doing them myself.

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:57 PM, blowfish said:

There is no HX crew module :huh:

As far as patches for things like USI go, I will gladly accept pull requests and other submissions but will not be doing them myself.

:confused::confused: Doh... It's a part from Kerbodyne+, it looks very much like it fits with the HX pack though. :P

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