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kopernicus planet not showing up


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i hope this is the right place to post this, i got it to load, but its not showing up, i set the referencebody to be kerbin and i just cant find it, its as if its loading into the game but not showing up in the game when i get there, this is the log



//=====  Kopernicus 1.2.2-5 - (BuildDate: 15.03.2017 08:02:21; AssemblyHash: 79o50ixNl1VygacnCpqctQIrEm4=)  =====//
[LOG 04:17:12]: Logger "Tacheon.Body" was created
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removePQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removeAtmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removeOcean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removePQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.StringCollectionParser)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removeAllPQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removeProgressTree in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target removeCoronas in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template "Laythe"
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target description in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target radius in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target geeASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target mass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target gravParameter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target rotates in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target rotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target tidallyLocked in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target initialRotation in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target inverseRotThresholdAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target albedo in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target emissivity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target coreTemperatureOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target isHomeWorld in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target timewarpAltitudeLimits in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target sphereOfInfluence in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target hillSphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target solarRotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMult in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMultLow in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target ScienceValues in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target landedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target splashedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target flyingLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target flyingHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target inSpaceLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target inSpaceHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target recoveryValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target flyingAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target spaceAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target biomeMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_RGB`1[CBAttributeMapSO])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target nonExactThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target exactSearch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target useTheInName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target selectable in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target RDVisibility in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader+RDVisibility])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target maxZoom in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Via surface G, set gravParam to 42364728000000, mass to 6.34765061251888E+23
[LOG 04:17:12]: --------- Science Values ------------
[LOG 04:17:12]: LandedDataValue = 7
[LOG 04:17:12]: SplashedDataValue = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: FlyingLowDataValue = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: FlyingHighDataValue = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: InSpaceLowDataValue = 6
[LOG 04:17:12]: InSpaceHighDataValue = 5.25
[LOG 04:17:12]: RecoveryValue = 6
[LOG 04:17:12]: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000
[LOG 04:17:12]: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1000000
[LOG 04:17:12]: --------------------------------------
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Poles : RGBA(0.725, 0.835, 0.890, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Shores : RGBA(1.000, 0.925, 0.647, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Dunes : RGBA(0.839, 0.745, 0.384, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Crescent Bay : RGBA(0.369, 0.439, 0.800, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: The Sagen Sea : RGBA(0.149, 0.384, 0.686, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Crater Island : RGBA(0.678, 0.580, 0.196, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Shallows : RGBA(0.443, 0.620, 0.843, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Crater Bay : RGBA(0.282, 0.490, 0.761, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: DeGrasse Sea : RGBA(0.047, 0.267, 0.549, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Found Biome: Peaks : RGBA(1.000, 0.965, 0.835, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: Added Progress Tree
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target Atmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target PQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target Ocean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OceanLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target SpaceCenter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.SpaceCenterLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target Debug in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.DebugLoader)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target PostSpawnOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (ConfigNode)
[LOG 04:17:12]: Parsing Target barycenter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 04:17:12]: Tacheon is using custom cache file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/../GameData\Tacheon/Cache/Tacheon.bin' in 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/../GameData\Tacheon/Cache'
[LOG 04:17:12]: Body.PostApply(ConfigNode): Loading cached scaled space mesh: Tacheon
[LOG 04:17:12]: --------- Celestial Body ------------
[LOG 04:17:12]: bodyName = Tacheon
[LOG 04:17:12]: bodyDescription = A very large rocky world over 3 times the size of kerbin, it hosts an impressive amount of moons for being a rocky planet, it also has a very fast spin
[LOG 04:17:12]: GeeASL = 3
[LOG 04:17:12]: Radius = 1200000
[LOG 04:17:12]: Mass = 6.34765061251888E+23
[LOG 04:17:12]: Density = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: SurfaceArea = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: gravParameter = 42364728000000
[LOG 04:17:12]: sphereOfInfluence = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: hillSphere = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: gMagnitudeAtCenter = 42364728000000
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmDensityASL = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: scaledEllipsoid = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: scaledElipRadMult = [1, 1, 1]
[LOG 04:17:12]: scaledRadiusHorizonMultiplier = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: navballSwitchRadiusMult = 0.06
[LOG 04:17:12]: navballSwitchRadiusMultLow = 0.055
[LOG 04:17:12]: use_The_InName = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: isHomeWorld = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: ocean = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanUseFog = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogPQSDepth = 1000
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogPQSDepthRecip = 0.001
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogDensityStart = 0.005
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogDensityEnd = 0.025
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogDensityPQSMult = 0.02
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogDensityAltScalar = -0.0008
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogDensityExponent = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogColorStart = RGBA(0.000, 0.340, 0.490, 1.000)
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogColorEnd = RGBA(0.000, 0.085, 0.123, 1.000)
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanFogDawnFactor = 10
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanSkyColorMult = 1.1
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanSkyColorOpacityBase = 0.25
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanSkyColorOpacityAltMult = 15
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanDensity = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanAFGBase = 0.6
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanAFGAltMult = 0.05
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanAFGMin = 0.05
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanSunBase = 0.5
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanSunAltMult = 0.01
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanSunMin = 0.05
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanAFGLerp = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanMinAlphaFogDistance = 200
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanMaxAlbedoFog = 0.95
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanMaxAlphaFog = 0.9
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanAlbedoDistanceScalar = 0.01
[LOG 04:17:12]: oceanAlphaDistanceScalar = 0.01
[LOG 04:17:12]: minOrbitalDistance = 100000
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphere = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereContainsOxygen = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereDepth = 50000
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereTemperatureSeaLevel = 282
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmospherePressureSeaLevel = 60.795
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereMolarMass = 0.0289644002914429
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereAdiabaticIndex = 1.39999997615814
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereTemperatureLapseRate = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereGasMassLapseRate = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereUseTemperatureCurve = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereTemperatureCurveIsNormalized = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereTemperatureCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: latitudeTemperatureBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: latitudeTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: axialTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: axialTemperatureSunBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereTemperatureSunMultCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: maxAxialDot = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: eccentricityTemperatureBiasCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: albedo = 0.3
[LOG 04:17:12]: emissivity = 0.7
[LOG 04:17:12]: coreTemperatureOffset = 80
[LOG 04:17:12]: convectionMultiplier = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: shockTemperatureMultiplier = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphereUsePressureCurve = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmospherePressureCurveIsNormalized = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmospherePressureCurve = FloatCurve
[LOG 04:17:12]: radiusAtmoFactor = 1
[LOG 04:17:12]: hasSolidSurface = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: rotation = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 04:17:12]: orbitDriver = Tacheon (OrbitDriver)
[LOG 04:17:12]: pqsController = 
[LOG 04:17:12]: pqsSurfaceObjects = PQSSurfaceObject[]
[LOG 04:17:12]: scaledBody = 
[LOG 04:17:12]: afg = 
[LOG 04:17:12]: rotates = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: rotationPeriod = 10800
[LOG 04:17:12]: rotPeriodRecip = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: solarDayLength = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: solarRotationPeriod = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: initialRotation = 90
[LOG 04:17:12]: rotationAngle = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: directRotAngle = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: angularVelocity = [0, 0, 0]
[LOG 04:17:12]: zUpAngularVelocity = [0, 0, 0]
[LOG 04:17:12]: tidallyLocked = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: clampInverseRotThreshold = True
[LOG 04:17:12]: inverseRotation = False
[LOG 04:17:12]: inverseRotThresholdAltitude = 100000
[LOG 04:17:12]: angularV = 0
[LOG 04:17:12]: timeWarpAltitudeLimits = System.Single[]
[LOG 04:17:12]: atmosphericAmbientColor = RGBA(0.187, 0.239, 0.306, 1.000)
[LOG 04:17:12]: orbitingBodies = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[CelestialBody]
[LOG 04:17:12]: BodyFrame = Planetarium+CelestialFrame
[LOG 04:17:12]: progressTree = KSPAchievements.CelestialBodySubtree
[LOG 04:17:12]: bodyType = Generic
[LOG 04:17:12]: scienceValues = CelestialBodyScienceParams
[LOG 04:17:12]: BiomeMap = laythe_biome (CBAttributeMapSO)
[LOG 04:17:12]: bodyTransform = Tacheon (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 04:17:12]: --------------------------------------


Edited by noobsrtoast
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16 hours ago, Solar Ranger said:

Can you post your cfg file please?

here is the cfg file i wrote for my planet, textures were exported from space engine and the paths are all correct, it even generated a cache file

edit: some new information has come to light, when i load the game the log tells me it "cannot find celestial body tacheon" its being created but its not showing up in the game


        name = Tacheon
        cacheFile = Tacheon/Cache/Tacheon.bin
            name = Ike
            description = A very large rocky world over 3 times the size of kerbin, it hosts an impressive amount of moons for being a rocky planet, it also has a very fast spin
            radius = 1200000
            geeASL = 3.0
            isHomeWorld = false 
            tidallyLocked = false
            rotationPeriod = 10800
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 5000 10000 17500 30000 50000 70000
                landedDataValue = 7
                splashedDataValue = 1
                flyingLowDataValue = 1
                flyingHighDataValue = 1
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 6
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 5.25
                recoveryValue = 6
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 25000
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 1000000 
        type = Vacuum
           texture = Tacheon/PluginData/Tacheon_color.dds
           normals = Tacheon/PluginData/Tacheon_normal.dds 
            referenceBody = Sun
            semiMajorAxis = 400000000000
            inclination = 3
            eccentricity = 0.1
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 115
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 87
            meanAnomolyAtEpoch = 15
            epoch = 6
            color = 0.3,0.3,0.8,1.0
                    map = Tacheon/PluginData/Tacheon_height.dds
                    deformity = 4000
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    offset = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 10    
                    noiseType = RiggedMultifractal
                    deformity = 3000
                    frequency = 6 
                    persistence = 0.2
                    lacunarity = 2.5
                    octaves = 7
                    mode = Low
                    seed = 23690
                    enabled = true
                    order = 15
                    deformity = 500
                    octaves = 12
                    persistence =  0.3
                    frequency = 24
                    seed = 65382
                    enabled = true
                    order = 25


Edited by noobsrtoast
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