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Breaking Apart


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35 minutes ago, Leszek said:

The parts are flying in formation with one attachment point to keep them together.  That attachment point has a certain strength.  When that strength is exceeded the attachment is broken.

What is the strength of a bond?

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17 hours ago, Wcmille said:

How does the game determine the conditions for two parts separating?

Does the area of contact matter? Are shear forces treated separately from tension forces?


So far as I know, I don't think area of contact matters.  I suspect the struts aren't even "actual things".  They're a visual indicator that there's a movement buffer between two things.  That "strut" will prevent the parts moving more independently of each other, up to a point.  There's no way I'm aware of, of putting some kind of number to that.  For us, anyway.  

Are you having an issue with parts breaking?  Because I'm the guy that can help there.  I made a career a while ago of building really really big stuff, and I managed to find ways to prevent all the usual shearing issues.  Specifically, the way you generally want to go, if parts and sections are shearing off, is the truss cage method.  Rather than going tank-strut-tank, go tank-truss-strut-truss-tank:


The struts have the rigidity and the end point connections of the trusses allow flexability.  Aeons ago, I had massive issues with whole chunks of large machines just shearing away.  This is what solved it.  

Oh, and it makes for nifty landing gear, too, for really big stuff:




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Here is a simple design that fails:

  1. Start with a large ore tank.
  2. Add a large ore tank on top.
  3. Add four large ore tanks, mirrored radially around the top tank.
  4. Add 4 LT-1 Landing struts mirrored radially around the bottom tank.
  5. Fill all the ore tanks full of ore.
  6. Launch the vehicle. The tanks fall off.

Now do the same thing, but remove the landing gear. The tanks will stay on the vehicle.

So here, we've designed a very fragile vehicle. Suppose the vehicle was fragile, but not extremely so. I might land at 10 m/s on Tylo and everything falls off. What a mess. I can over-engineer and strut everything to death, but how do I *know* that a connection is pushing the limit and needs a strut?

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"A good strut job is a thing of beauty and a joy till staging", Keats.

Whackjob, looking at those you must have been in the hpf range during flight and launch.

3 hours ago, Wcmille said:

Here is a simple design that fails:

  1. Start with a large ore tank.
  2. Add a large ore tank on top.
  3. Add four large ore tanks, mirrored radially around the top tank.
  4. Add 4 LT-1 Landing struts mirrored radially around the bottom tank.
  5. Fill all the ore tanks full of ore.
  6. Launch the vehicle. The tanks fall off.

Now do the same thing, but remove the landing gear. The tanks will stay on the vehicle.

Can you post your craft file for it? Since it is just a text file in the worst case you can even post it in the thread... but wrap it in a spoiler tag first. When I try it i can get them to stay on with the gears way up the base of the core ore tank, upping the number of LT-1 (I used six), or reducing the spring damper (I went with half), or any mix of the three. 

Try inverting the craft with the four radial mounted ore tanks at the bottom and see what you get.

It looks like the physics easing on "launch" is generating some minor kraken-field effects that are being introduced to the craft through the landing struts. It looks like they are just below the surface and the forces generated as "reality asserts itself with its usual certainty" It isn't that the craft is fragile. It is more of you've managed to generate an edge case in the physics engine that the kraken can stick its cthulhuoid tentacles through.


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ship = OrePod Failure
version = 1.3.1
description = No Description.
type = None
size = 7.45211506,4.73319626,7.45211554
 part = probeStackSmall_4282316062
 partName = Part
 pos = -1.68890083,14.7886314,2.15984273
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = -1.68890083,14.7886314,2.15984273
 rot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,0,0,1
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 0
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 link = LargeTank_4282329460
 attN = bottom,LargeTank_4282329460
  name = ModuleProbeControlPoint
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleCommand
  isEnabled = True
  hibernation = False
  hibernateOnWarp = False
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleReactionWheel
  isEnabled = True
  actuatorModeCycle = 0
  authorityLimiter = 100
  stateString = Active
  stagingEnabled = True
  WheelState = Active
    actionGroup = None
    actionGroup = None
    actionGroup = None
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleSAS
  isEnabled = True
  standaloneToggle = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleKerbNetAccess
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleDataTransmitter
  isEnabled = True
  xmitIncomplete = False
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
    active = False
  name = ModuleScienceContainer
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleTripLogger
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
   flight = 0
  name = ElectricCharge
  amount = 15
  maxAmount = 15
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = LargeTank_4282329460
 partName = Part
 pos = -1.68890083,13.7886314,2.15984273
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = 0,1.79999924,0
 rot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,0,0,1
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 0
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 link = LargeTank_4282328590
 link = LargeTank_4282327964
 link = LargeTank_4282327918
 link = LargeTank_4282327872
 link = LargeTank_4282330338
 attN = top,probeStackSmall_4282316062
 attN = bottom,LargeTank_4282330338
  name = ModuleFuelJettison
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = Ore
  amount = 1500
  maxAmount = 1500
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = LargeTank_4282328590
 partName = Part
 pos = -4.1308465,13.7090168,2.15984297
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = -2.44194579,-0.0796146393,2.17076902E-07
 rot = 0,0.707106829,0,0.707106709
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,0.707106829,0,0.707106709
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = LargeTank_4282327964
 sym = LargeTank_4282327918
 sym = LargeTank_4282327872
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282329460
  name = ModuleFuelJettison
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = Ore
  amount = 1500
  maxAmount = 1500
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = LargeTank_4282327964
 partName = Part
 pos = -1.68890071,13.7090168,4.60178852
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = 7.15255766E-08,-0.0796146393,2.44194555
 rot = 0,1,0,-8.42937027E-08
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,1,0,-8.42937027E-08
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = LargeTank_4282328590
 sym = LargeTank_4282327918
 sym = LargeTank_4282327872
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282329460
  name = ModuleFuelJettison
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = Ore
  amount = 1500
  maxAmount = 1500
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = LargeTank_4282327918
 partName = Part
 pos = 0.753044963,13.7090168,2.15984225
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = 2.44194579,-0.0796146393,-4.30558572E-07
 rot = 0,0.70710665,0,-0.707106888
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,0.70710665,0,-0.707106888
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = LargeTank_4282328590
 sym = LargeTank_4282327964
 sym = LargeTank_4282327872
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282329460
  name = ModuleFuelJettison
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = Ore
  amount = 1500
  maxAmount = 1500
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = LargeTank_4282327872
 partName = Part
 pos = -1.68890119,13.7090168,-0.282102823
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = -3.62628214E-07,-0.0796146393,-2.44194555
 rot = 0,-8.42937027E-08,0,-1
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,-8.42937027E-08,0,-1
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = LargeTank_4282328590
 sym = LargeTank_4282327964
 sym = LargeTank_4282327918
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282329460
  name = ModuleFuelJettison
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = Ore
  amount = 1500
  maxAmount = 1500
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = LargeTank_4282330338
 partName = Part
 pos = -1.68890083,11.9886322,2.15984273
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = 0,15,0
 rot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0,0,0,1
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = Off
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 0
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 link = landingLeg1_4282303904
 link = landingLeg1_4282302644
 link = landingLeg1_4282302516
 link = landingLeg1_4282302388
 attN = top,LargeTank_4282329460
  name = ModuleFuelJettison
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = Ore
  amount = 1500
  maxAmount = 1500
  flowState = True
  isTweakable = True
  hideFlow = False
  isVisible = True
  flowMode = Both
 part = landingLeg1_4282303904
 partName = Part
 pos = -2.54410648,11.8538446,1.30463719
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = -0.855205595,-0.13478756,-0.855205476
 rot = 0.0732365474,0.90680325,0.17680867,-0.375610203
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0.0732365474,0.90680325,0.17680867,-0.375610203
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = ForceHeaviest
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302644
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302516
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302388
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282330338
  name = ModuleWheelBase
  isEnabled = True
  wheelType = LEG
  isGrounded = False
  autoFriction = False
  frictionMultiplier = 1
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleWheelSuspension
  isEnabled = True
  springTweakable = 1
  damperTweakable = 1
  suspensionPos = (-1, -1, -1)
  autoBoost = 0
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDeployment
  isEnabled = True
  shieldedCanDeploy = False
  stateDisplayString = Deployed
  stateString = Deployed
  stagingEnabled = True
  position = 1
    actionGroup = Gear
  name = ModuleWheelLock
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelBogey
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDamage
  isEnabled = True
  isDamaged = False
  stagingEnabled = True
 part = landingLeg1_4282302644
 partName = Part
 pos = -2.54410625,11.8538446,3.01504827
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = -0.855205476,-0.13478756,0.855205476
 rot = 0.17680867,0.375610203,0.0732365474,-0.90680325
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0.17680867,0.375610203,0.0732365474,-0.90680325
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = ForceHeaviest
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = landingLeg1_4282303904
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302516
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302388
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282330338
  name = ModuleWheelBase
  isEnabled = True
  wheelType = LEG
  isGrounded = False
  autoFriction = False
  frictionMultiplier = 1
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleWheelSuspension
  isEnabled = True
  springTweakable = 1
  damperTweakable = 1
  suspensionPos = (-1, -1, -1)
  autoBoost = 0
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDeployment
  isEnabled = True
  shieldedCanDeploy = False
  stateDisplayString = Deployed
  stateString = Deployed
  stagingEnabled = True
  position = 1
    actionGroup = Gear
  name = ModuleWheelLock
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelBogey
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDamage
  isEnabled = True
  isDamaged = False
  stagingEnabled = True
 part = landingLeg1_4282302516
 partName = Part
 pos = -0.833695173,11.8538446,3.01504803
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = 0.855205655,-0.13478756,0.855205417
 rot = 0.17680867,-0.375610232,-0.0732365549,-0.90680325
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0.17680867,-0.375610232,-0.0732365549,-0.90680325
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = ForceHeaviest
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = landingLeg1_4282303904
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302644
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302388
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282330338
  name = ModuleWheelBase
  isEnabled = True
  wheelType = LEG
  isGrounded = False
  autoFriction = False
  frictionMultiplier = 1
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleWheelSuspension
  isEnabled = True
  springTweakable = 1
  damperTweakable = 1
  suspensionPos = (-1, -1, -1)
  autoBoost = 0
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDeployment
  isEnabled = True
  shieldedCanDeploy = False
  stateDisplayString = Deployed
  stateString = Deployed
  stagingEnabled = True
  position = 1
    actionGroup = Gear
  name = ModuleWheelLock
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelBogey
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDamage
  isEnabled = True
  isDamaged = False
  stagingEnabled = True
 part = landingLeg1_4282302388
 partName = Part
 pos = -0.833695471,11.8538446,1.30463719
 attPos = 0,0,0
 attPos0 = 0.855205357,-0.13478756,-0.855205595
 rot = 0.0732365474,-0.90680325,-0.17680867,-0.375610203
 attRot = 0,0,0,1
 attRot0 = 0.0732365474,-0.90680325,-0.17680867,-0.375610203
 mir = 1,1,1
 symMethod = Radial
 autostrutMode = ForceHeaviest
 rigidAttachment = False
 istg = 0
 resPri = 0
 dstg = 0
 sidx = -1
 sqor = -1
 sepI = -1
 attm = 1
 modCost = 0
 modMass = 0
 modSize = 0,0,0
 sym = landingLeg1_4282303904
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302644
 sym = landingLeg1_4282302516
 srfN = srfAttach,LargeTank_4282330338
  name = ModuleWheelBase
  isEnabled = True
  wheelType = LEG
  isGrounded = False
  autoFriction = False
  frictionMultiplier = 1
  stagingEnabled = True
    actionGroup = None
  name = ModuleWheelSuspension
  isEnabled = True
  springTweakable = 1
  damperTweakable = 1
  suspensionPos = (-1, -1, -1)
  autoBoost = 0
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDeployment
  isEnabled = True
  shieldedCanDeploy = False
  stateDisplayString = Deployed
  stateString = Deployed
  stagingEnabled = True
  position = 1
    actionGroup = Gear
  name = ModuleWheelLock
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelBogey
  isEnabled = True
  stagingEnabled = True
  name = ModuleWheelDamage
  isEnabled = True
  isDamaged = False
  stagingEnabled = True

Here's the file. Please note -- this is just an example. Surely you've had situations in landing or at launch where parts separated. I'm trying to understand how the game decides when that happens, so I can engineer for it.

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Not sure what you mean by hpf range.  I don't think we need to invoke the Kraken on this one, either.  He's talking about heavy, full ore cans, held on with just one tenuous connection.  This isn't a glitch, it's standard shearing due to lack of reinforcement.  Truss cage fixes that every time.

Can you post screenshots of the craft?  I'm at the office, so I can't chuck it in KSP and see what pops out.

Edited by Whackjob
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I've never gotten to that level.  Longest launch I ever did was two hours twenty minutes from ground to orbit.  I had one that would have ended up at about four but the machine I was using at the time died from the strain of it.

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18 hours ago, Wcmille said:

What is the strength of a bond?

I have no idea.  In addition mods change it.  I use KJR (Kerbal Join Reinforcement) on my rockets and they are very durable.   After that I stopped paying attention.

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12 hours ago, Whackjob said:

I've never gotten to that level.  Longest launch I ever did was two hours twenty minutes from ground to orbit.  I had one that would have ended up at about four but the machine I was using at the time died from the strain of it.

And that, I think, is the most fitting quote to describe your legacy to this forum.

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21 hours ago, Wcmille said:

What is the strength of a bond?

If you find out, let me know. Please.

All I can say that it's somehow part-stat related. A few versions ago, M3 spaceplane parts tended to come apart at the slightest provocation, making landings quite difficult. To this day, I'm under the impression that surface-attached Mk3 parts break away more easily than rocket tanks of similar mass in the same setting.

I'm pretty certain that the LF booster also can take less strain than other parts. It used to be an excellent choice if you needed a very large landing gear (say, for Eve). But no more. While the part itself has insane impact tolerance, it's liable to just come off even if you touch down quite gently.

Cue Clark & Dawe, "the one where the front fell off".

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On 12/30/2017 at 11:10 PM, Wcmille said:

Does the area of contact matter? Are shear forces treated separately from tension forces?

Nope, but node size can, if you're using axial attachment nodes and not surface-attaching.  I do not know if shear forces are treated separately, but if I had to guess, probably not.  In fact, compression's likely treated the same as tension, so if a clipped part is compressed beyond the limits of its connection, it will break free into the part above it, no longer be counted as part of the same craft, and thus violently destroy itself and the part it's clipped to.

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