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[1.12.x] AFBW Revived (Joystick & controller mod)

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Is the mod deprecated? Am only getting a window, with no options. Can't even move the window. Shift+L also does nothing except change my stage light from flashing green to purple.
Linux RSS RO RP-1 (express, no flair)
All listed dependencies installed, unless there's something new that I missed.Screenshot_from_2024-01-06_04-46-57.png?


[EXC 04:54:09.795] DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.InitializeSDL () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.SDLUpdateState () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.AdvancedFlyByWire.Update () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[EXC 04:54:09.820] DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.InitializeSDL () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.SDLController.EnumerateControllers () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.IController.EnumerateAllControllers () (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	KSPAdvancedFlyByWire.AdvancedFlyByWire.DoMainWindow (System.Int32 index) (at <97996bf3d2eb4703b5059344158b71d1>:0)
	UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.GUI+WindowFunction func, System.Int32 id, System.Int32 instanceID, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, System.Int32 forceRect, System.Single width, System.Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) (at <e617217aa15744b7b9ef96dc4ee58c67>:0)
	UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
	UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

I have libSDL2-2.0 installed via apt; when trying for *2-2.14, says

E: Unable to locate package libSDL2-2.14
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libSDL2-2.14'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libSDL2-2.14'


Edited by camaeleontis
log, version
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've made a nice set of navball icons that are intended for use with external display-keypads, and relies on this mod as a dependency for mapping those functions to keybindings that are not available in stock. More information available here:


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I'm not understanding what I'm supposed to install. I followed the three different guides available, I went through the forums and found out that I'm supposed to have DLL files moved somewhere, yet they aren't already anywhere to move from. I found AdvancedFlyByWire.dll and XInputDotNetPure.dll, but no SDL2 or XInputInterface. I don't see anywhere in the guides even mentioning needing to manually install anything else other than the two listed dependency mods. I found joystick, input-utils, and jstest which are supposed to have one or both of those somewhere, but how do I make them available to use for the program?

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3 hours ago, camaeleontis said:

I'm not understanding what I'm supposed to install. I followed the three different guides available, I went through the forums and found out that I'm supposed to have DLL files moved somewhere, yet they aren't already anywhere to move from. I found AdvancedFlyByWire.dll and XInputDotNetPure.dll, but no SDL2 or XInputInterface. I don't see anywhere in the guides even mentioning needing to manually install anything else other than the two listed dependency mods. I found joystick, input-utils, and jstest which are supposed to have one or both of those somewhere, but how do I make them available to use for the program?

Use CKAN  to install it.  CKAN will install necessary dependencies

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On 1/19/2024 at 6:53 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Use CKAN  to install it.  CKAN will install necessary dependencies

So, I decided to switch to Arch from PopOS!, because Linux Hardware suggested improved compatibility with my FCS. After installing SDL2, installing a fresh copy of the game, installing CKAN, installing Express Rp-1 & the FBW mod, and launching the game, I saw no change:

I tried tinkering with the UI scaling to see if that would do anything, but no help. The window is pinned to that location and I cannot manipulate it in any way.
After looking through KSP.log, I found that still:

DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14

The SDL version that was installed automatically by pacman was sdl2-2.28.5-1, so I found:

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/repos/2020/12/22/extra/os/x86_64/sdl2-2.0.14-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

which is hopefully the correct version. After trying to test again, I got the same result as the above image, so no change. It is supposedly the correct version, but I guess the name of it is what's causing issues. Looking for libSDL2-2.so, I found libSDL2-2.0.so.0, as a link to libSDL2-2.0.so.0.2800.5. They already existed in ~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime/usr/lib. I'm guessing I can just copy the files over somewhere? Or where do I go from here?

While looking for where to potentially copy the files, I found additional copies in /lib/libSDL2-2.0.so, as a link to libSDL2-2.0.so.0.14.0. I found a CMAKE file, if that helps, somehow.

I decided to make a copy of the file libSDL2-2.0.so and rename the copy as libSDL 2-2.so to fully conform with the guide. After testing, I still get the same result; a pinned window and an error saying DLLNotFound. My guess is there's either a pathing issue somewhere or it's still the incorrect version.

Edited by camaeleontis
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9 hours ago, camaeleontis said:

So, I decided to switch to Arch from PopOS!, because Linux Hardware suggested improved compatibility with my FCS. After installing SDL2, installing a fresh copy of the game, installing CKAN, installing Express Rp-1 & the FBW mod, and launching the game, I saw no change:

I tried tinkering with the UI scaling to see if that would do anything, but no help. The window is pinned to that location and I cannot manipulate it in any way.
After looking through KSP.log, I found that still:

DllNotFoundException: libSDL2-2.14

The SDL version that was installed automatically by pacman was sdl2-2.28.5-1, so I found:

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/repos/2020/12/22/extra/os/x86_64/sdl2-2.0.14-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

which is hopefully the correct version. After trying to test again, I got the same result as the above image, so no change. It is supposedly the correct version, but I guess the name of it is what's causing issues. Looking for libSDL2-2.so, I found libSDL2-2.0.so.0, as a link to libSDL2-2.0.so.0.2800.5. They already existed in ~/.steam/bin32/steam-runtime/usr/lib. I'm guessing I can just copy the files over somewhere? Or where do I go from here?

While looking for where to potentially copy the files, I found additional copies in /lib/libSDL2-2.0.so, as a link to libSDL2-2.0.so.0.14.0. I found a CMAKE file, if that helps, somehow.

I decided to make a copy of the file libSDL2-2.0.so and rename the copy as libSDL 2-2.so to fully conform with the guide. After testing, I still get the same result; a pinned window and an error saying DLLNotFound. My guess is there's either a pathing issue somewhere or it's still the incorrect version.

It would have helped if you have done the following:

  1.  Provided a Player.log
  2. Mentioned that you were using Linux

I am not a mind reader.  99% of people play on Windows, how am I or anyone else supposed to know that you are using Linux?


Since I'm not using Linux with the game, at this point I can't really help at this time, maybe someone else can help

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5 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

It would have helped if you have done the following:

  1.  Provided a Player.log
  2. Mentioned that you were using Linux

I am not a mind reader.  99% of people play on Windows, how am I or anyone else supposed to know that you are using Linux?

I mentioned Linux in my first, second, and third posts and excerpted the important aspects of Player.log. Trying to copy the .log file into the forums spiked my RAM, so I gave you the important bits.


Linux RSS RO RP-1 (express, no flair)


joystick, input-utils, and jstest

explicitly mentioned along with the kernel modules I loaded.



Since I'm not using Linux with the game, at this point I can't really help at this time, maybe someone else can help

Reverting to fixed it, as mentioned by The-Grim-Sleeper. are using the incorrect file name for SDL2. Everything in is working as intended. I haven't encountered any issues with that version, so far.

Edited by camaeleontis
grammar, formatting
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At this point I feel the need to mention a few things.

First, mod authors are actually just people.  They have lives outside of making mods.  They are not paid, their work is a labor of love which they choose to share with the KSP community.  At no charge to anyone.

Second, new forum members may not always know how to properly request assistance.  That's ok!  

Third, not everyone is perfect like myself :rolleyes:, sometimes people have bad days.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re the libSDL issue:

I had the same issue as reported earlier in the thread on Debian Bullseye. Empty dialogues, no controller, KSP.log full of errors loading the libSDL2-2-14 library. (I'm using AFBW I determined that the correct SDL2 library is present in the Debian repos, but the AFBW package attempts to load it under a different name than is standard for Debian (and probably Ubuntu and all apt based systems, I would expect.).

So I got AFBW working as follows:

1) I installed the libSDL2 package using apt (this installs libSDL2-2.0.so.0.14.0 -- this is the correct version of the library, just named differently).

2) I created a symlink to the library using the name AFBW attempts to load (ln -s libSDL2-2.0.so.0.14.0 libSDL2-2.14 in in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu).

... thereafter, the plugin works fine.

... echoing others: AFBW is an excellent plugin. I appreciate the dev's work here. And it's a pretty easy fix.

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  • 4 months later...

I spent some time trying to get this mod working in NixOS. I had a similar problem to a lot of other Linux/OSX users where the window would not have any text.

I fixed it by (1) adding a new flake input with a specific pinned version of nixpkgs containing SDL 2.0.14, (2)  overriding the package to add an extra symlink (libSDL2-2.0.so.0 -> libSDL2-2.14.so), and (3) overriding steam to include that version of SDL2

1. Flake input

In my system flake.nix:

inputs.nixpkgs-sdl2.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/62ace066c510b2d63b40a06919b6bb3d0ad765c0";

2. and 3. Override SDL2 and steam (in my nixos configuration)

{ config, lib, pkgs, nixpkgs-sdl2, ... }:
  pkgs-sdl2 = import nixpkgs-sdl2 { system = "x86_64-linux"; };
    SDL2-patched = pkgs-sdl2.SDL2.overrideAttrs (prevAttrs: {
      postInstall = prevAttrs.postInstall + ''
        ln -s $out/lib/libSDL2-2.0.so.0 $out/lib/libSDL2-2.14.so
    programs.steam = {
      enable = true;
      extraPackages = [ SDL2-patched ];

Now it works when I launch the game via

$ steam-run ./KSP.x86_64

which starts the game inside of a FHS-compatible chroot environment with all the libraries in the paths the game expects them, including the old version of SDL2 and the symlink.

Edited by mabster314
slight mistakes in the code inserts
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  • 1 month later...

I've been trying to get this running on Ubuntu 22.04 and ran into a few problems.  The main issue is that 22.04 includes version 2.0.18, not 14.  I tried linking to it anyway, but that just causes KSP to freeze when opening the AFBW panel. I took a look at rebuilding AFBW, but couldn't figure out the build system, since I'm not familiar with C#.  I also took a look at building libSDL2-2.0.14, but also ran into issues with that due to wayland which have apparently been fixed in later versions.

In short, would it be possible to release a Linux version linked against 2.0.18 instead of 2.0.14, or to provide Linux build instructions so that we can all build our own versions?

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I'm having the exat same problem with the wrong library name. Maybe a bit of code update could help which does a short search for libSDL2 and not a hardcoded version?

There shouldn't be too many libSDL2-*.so results. (I did a quick check, three results for me, one the real library and two symlinks to it).

Edit: For Debian at least /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libSDL2.so exists, so no version number necessary.

Edited by Mat2ch
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If someone is in a position to fix this, the code part that needs a bit of adjustment is in https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp-advanced-flybywire/blob/master/AFBW/SDL2.cs:43

I think it should be enough to change the nativeLibName string to libSDL2, which should be rather future-proof, but I have no way of testing this.

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Just installed the Mod through CKAN and the game becomes unresponsive as soon as i open the configuration window either through the toolbar or by hotkey. I'm on Steam/Windows 11.


KSP.log: https://pastebin.com/jNemvYgb

Player.log: https://pastebin.com/NyvZUezD (1/2) https://pastebin.com/tmKEa5qy (2/2)

Thanks in advance if someone is able to help me!

EDIT: Nevermind, solved it. Not sure why, i disabled kRPC, then the AFBW configuration could be opened and now it works even with kRPC enabled, so not sure if this was the issue.

Edited by nikeh
fixed it
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New release,

  • Thanks to github user @archiecarrot123 for this:
    • On Linux, changes the libSDL2 version to a generic version (fixes compatibility with different versions of libSDL2)
  • Updated KSP versions in the version file, and URL for mod reference 
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...


This mod breaks how using Action Main Throttle works:


Have a vessel where you have KAL controllers 'Play Speed' binded to action 'Main Throttle'.


What i expect:

Normally when throttle is at 0% KAL controllers play speed position will be at 0%. 


What happens:

This mod makes when main throttle is at 0% then KAL controller play speed position is 50%.

Edited by Jeq
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  • 1 month later...

@linuxgurugamer I am using the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro, which has axis #3 as a slider for the throttle.  AFBW is recognizing it correctly and can be configured, but is classifying the axis as a -1 to 1 input, instead of 0 to 1.  This is causing an issue with the throttle input, where half of the range of the slider is being lost (-1 to 0 makes no change to throttle input).  With this range, -1 should be 0% output, 0 should be 50%, and 1 would be 100%.  

On the screenshot below with Axis #3 at -0.197 the slider value is just slightly negative, so should be at ~40% throttle output, but is actually at 0. 


Here Axis #3 is at 0.448, which is approximately 75%, but throttle is displaying in-game at 50%.


Here is the axis configuration I am using:


I apologize if I'm missing a setting that would fix this, but I haven't been able to find it.  The joystick inputs and mod seem to be working fine otherwise, it just seems to be misinterpreting the range of the axis.  I did try adjusting both the positive and negative dead zones to see if that would cut off the bottom half of the axis, but it did not change the behavior.

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  I don't have logs to upload, as the mod seems to be working correctly, but if you do require them, I can pull them and upload.

Thank you!

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