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Cargo Bay Part WIP


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Hey guys, sorry I haven't responded to the thread much. Been busy working on a new project. -cough- it's an aircraft carrier. -cough cough-

To answer a couple questions posted:

Very good job! How did you implement a collider mesh for this part, if not secret? =)

Implementing the collider mesh for it was a bit tricky when I was testing it. Since KSP requires convex collider meshes, I realized I had to split the object into 6 pieces. 2 for the bottom, 2 for the sides, and 2 for the doors. That way you could actually place parts inside, as well as the outside working correctly with collisions and attaching parts.

Questions: How does the part collide with other objects? Can you close it without the parts flying away? What about working as a ladder? What happens when Kerbals try to climb on it? And wait a minute, you even added BUMP MAPPING on it?!

Since it has 6 collider meshes, parts on the inside will stay there until you open the doors, or they explode from wobbling around too much. I tested it as a ladder to play the animation, but it didn't work the way I was hoping. Luckily, Kreuzung is almost finished with a custom animation plugin which is working great so far.

And yes, I added bump mapping. =D

yup i meant the flipped mk3 to be a bomb bay// for the obvious bombs or rockets meant for the mun. and i second the double length idea, along with double length bomb bay~ im looking forward to this release :D

Making the bottom open up instead of the top wouldn't be too hard, although it would take me a bit of time to change the animated parts and everything. As far as double length, the inside is completely hollow, so you can just stack more of them together to get a longer area to work with.

If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me or post in this thread.


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Well we're in the final phases of bugtesting the plugin. We've got most of the bugs worked out.

I'll talk to Kreuzung to see if he's willing to release tonight.

Here are some screenshots of the aircraft carrier I'm working on to hold you over until then. Enjoy! =D




Elevators to hangar


The hangar is quite spacious. Those planes are ~20m long, 15m wide, and 12m tall.


Boat Bay with elevator leading to hangar

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Well we're in the final phases of bugtesting the plugin. We've got most of the bugs worked out.

I'll talk to Kreuzung to see if he's willing to release tonight.

Here are some screenshots of the aircraft carrier I'm working on to hold you over until then. Enjoy! =D




Elevators to hangar


The hangar is quite spacious. Those planes are ~20m long, 15m wide, and 12m tall.


Boat Bay with elevator leading to hangar

Mother. Of. God.

Just... the mother of all spaceships/rockets/boats...


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The only problem I've encountered so far with the aircraft carrier is its size.

It sticks out both ends of the SPH and it's a bit difficult to move it around to stick wheels and rockets on it to get it into the water.

It would be nice if Squad implemented a boat dock -wink wink nudge nudge- for launching boats, that would allow for larger vessels.

I also plan on making a submarine and some smaller boats, since there haven't been any released.

I haven't played around with making engines though, so I'm not sure if I could make an outboard motor that has the gimbal separate from the rotating propeller.

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Not wanting to be rude, and sorry about this annoyance in your thread, but could you try to focus more on one project? I am exited for both projects, but the aircraft project seems to take more time to finish.

No, I understand completely. The thing is that the cargo bay is completely modelled and textured. I'm just waiting on Kreuzung to give the all clear to release his animation plugin.

We're just making sure there aren't any bugs, and adding in any other functionality we need.

So in the downtime between his plugin versions, I've been working on the aircraft carrier.

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Hmm, I didn't notice this thread earlier.

I actually have a working shuttle bay that doesn't use a plugin, it uses the hlandingleg module. The drawback is that its keybound to the G key and thus toggles with all actual landing gear; the good side is that it also have the popup clickable context menu to open it manually.

I spoke to C7 quite a while back and he was considering cloning the landing gear's animation trigger into a simple AnimatedPart, allowing you to set a custom hotkey and animation trigger in the config file, and also have the ability to "reverse" the starting/ending points.

So, something to consider when deciding on features for your plugin, some of it may get replicated by stock modules (though likely not in this update)

If you get the plugin done, I might be interested using it in Toberdyne (or just include yours as the shuttlebay (with full credit to you of course) since I use the same stock Mk3 module for the model)

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Hmm, I didn't notice this thread earlier.

I actually have a working shuttle bay that doesn't use a plugin, it uses the hlandingleg module. The drawback is that its keybound to the G key and thus toggles with all actual landing gear; the good side is that it also have the popup clickable context menu to open it manually.

I spoke to C7 quite a while back and he was considering cloning the landing gear's animation trigger into a simple AnimatedPart, allowing you to set a custom hotkey and animation trigger in the config file, and also have the ability to "reverse" the starting/ending points.

So, something to consider when deciding on features for your plugin, some of it may get replicated by stock modules (though likely not in this update)

If you get the plugin done, I might be interested using it in Toberdyne (or just include yours as the shuttlebay (with full credit to you of course) since I use the same stock Mk3 module for the model)

You'll have to speak to Kreuzung about using the plugin, since he's the author.

It's currently capable of using custom animation names, setting custom names on the right-click menu, playing the animation in the VAB/SPH, playing the animation when the stage is activated, and allowing Kerbals on EVA to play the animation from a set distance outside the ship.

So as you can see, it's pretty jampacked with features at the moment, and we were planning on adding a couple more options to it. I think the only other major feature we are planning on implementing is a way to loop the animation.

But I'll see if he wants to release the project today, and we can add more functionality to the plugin in an update.

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The only thing I still have to wait for is my laptops Dropbox to finally give me the latest source code I wrote in a train today, then I'll also try to do a quick but working code for ion RCS, AFAIK someone is making models for that so I should bring it out with this release.

There will be a different part module for loop animations in the future.

Ah my source code just arrived on my new PC, gonna work on it now.

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I thought about that, but I didn't want to mess with just another thing in the source code, and what whould happen if you run out of energy while the animation is going?

A solution to that might be consuming the whole energy that's needed before playing the animation, might add that before releasing it.

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I suggest a module for things which can consume energy at constant rates, if you don't already have that. and a module for things which consume packets of energy all at once, when they are activated or toggled. Then it would be a matter of changing it in a cfg file.

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I thought about that, but I didn't want to mess with just another thing in the source code, and what whould happen if you run out of energy while the animation is going?

A solution to that might be consuming the whole energy that's needed before playing the animation, might add that before releasing it.

Maybe stop the animation?

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