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[1.9.1 - 1.10.x] Beyond Home 1.5.0 (Supports Parallax)


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Maybe it's the 3.5x rescale, but there seem to be two biomes missing from Lua- Oceanic Crater and Polar Highlands show up in the SCANsat biome key but I can't find either of them on the maps. I was also rather disappointed when I drove a rover into the lava on Ash and nothing happened...

I had the same issue as @Acim when I updated Parallax today, but going back to v1.0.1 fixed everything again.

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Ok, so this is an issue that's really making my head spin.

I tried playing BH - every time I start the game up, all loads fine, all planets look the way they should, KSC works fine... But after 10-15 minutes, the game just randomly crashes. It doesn't just crash to desktop, I get the whole Unity crash reported thing turn on, mull something and then the whole game promptly closes. I've been trying to replicate this with several KSP builds, finally made a fresh install with only BH + Parallax + Kopernicus and the thing keeps happening - so at least I hope it got narrowed down to these three mods.

So, first of all, the log (please let me know if that's the right file - it's been a while since I last had issues and back in those ancient 1.7.3 times the file was still named output_log ^^'):

Second, system specs:

  • Windows 10 64 bit
  • i5-4460 @ 3.20 GHz
  • 16 GB RAM
  • Radeon RX560 Series

Third, mod list:

  • KSP 1.10.1
  • Kopernicus Bleeding Edge Release 45
  • Beyond Home 1.5.2
  • Parallax 1.0.1

I initially suspected Discord (after every crash, Discord popped up a "New Audio Device Found" notification), but the crash appears regardless of me having Discord open or not. It usually happens when the game is tabbed away (I have two screens, so I often browse Reddit/chat/watch YT while playing), but it also happens when actually playing the game. I tried making a fresh KSP reinstall (as in, Uninstall on Steam + Ctrl-Del the game folder before reinstalling), updating GPU drivers and monitoring the PC during the crash (sadly I didn't use any specialist software, only Task Manager - but it didn't show any spike in GPU temperature / RAM usage around the moment the game crashes - temperature is stable at ~73 C, drops to 53 C one game crashes), so I excluded overheating or memory leak as potential reasons. One observation, possibly irrelevant but no harm in mentioning it - the game usually crashes when I'm scrolling or clicking on something, either in-game or when tabbed out.

I tried going through this thread and some other discussions, but I failed to find anyone having the same issue as I do, sadly...

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On 11/14/2020 at 9:42 AM, Acim said:

Hi i have this problem



I tried re-installing and everything but it didn't work

LOGS: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6inw3yvy5qds1so/Logs.zip?dl=0


I had a similar issue - see a few posts back. It was because I was using the latest parallax. Gameslinx advised me to roll back to parallax 1.0.1 until BH gets updated, and this fixed it for me.

edit- whoops saw folks answered this; my browser hadn’t updated the forum:s

Edited by Kerbocracy
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Im a bit confused, Beyond Home is compatible with Kerbal 1.10, but it needs Kopernicus which is not?
I installed the latest Kopernicus + hotfix,  latest version of Beyond Home and Parallax 1.0.1 but when I load the game its just the normal Kerbin system.

What am I doing wrong ?

Edited by Folkhoer
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2 hours ago, Folkhoer said:

Im a bit confused, Beyond Home is compatible with Kerbal 1.10, but it needs Kopernicus which is not?
I installed the latest Kopernicus + hotfix,  latest version of Beyond Home and Parallax 1.0.1 but when I load the game its just the normal Kerbin system.

What am I doing wrong ?

Install Bleeding Edge Kopernicus 

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Works near perfectly on 1.10. Near perfectly, of course, as there are some hiccups here and there that I've noticed.


  • Lua's biomes are all messed up. Oceans where there isn't even a drop of water, oceanic craters and polar highlands not existing despite them supposed to according to SCANsat. Haven't seen a single Lua terraformer either, though that might just be my luck
  • Armstrong's scatters don't load at all.
  • Haven't seen any of the mining equipment on Ash or the crazy basalt spikes, but I have seen the core vents so like Lua it might just be my luck.
  • Gateway has Laythe's biomes, and its EVE clouds aren't volumetric. It also has no ground other than the scatters, making landing on it a real pain (and also pretty terrifying as you sink into nothingness) Edit: A quick search-dive hints that the Laythe biomes and non-volumetric clouds are intentional. The missing ground, however...
  • Pretty sure this is just Kopernicus BE, but comets do not spawn.


Rest of the planets, so far, seem to be completely fine. I've only just gone interplanetary on my playthrough though. Though I remember scatters loading in at a much greater distance than they currently are.

Take your time doing whatever it is you're doing though. This is a planet pack in a league of its own and I'd hate to see things get rushed.

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Did a few more tests on Gateway to see if the missing ground was just a one-off or not.


Very strange, and something I've never seen before. Getting close to the semi-loaded ground unloads it, so there's never actually ground below you.

Falling into it eventually destroys the craft, much like landing on stock Jool.

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I was writing some grand tour missions based on Tux's old mission pack.

I was surprised that Destiny, Fate and Kerbol are defined as planets and that Kerbol's planets are defined as moons.  Right now I determine if a body is a sun by checking if one of the first four children have a moon.

Anyone have a good idea how to figure out more pragmatically if a planet is a gas giant since they have a surface in this pack?

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Bonjour, je voudrais savoir s'il est possible d'augmenter la distance pour afficher la disspersion (arbre, roche et mégastructure)

J'ai essayé beaucoup de changements dans les différents .cfg mais je ne trouve rien de vraiment fonctionnel


ton mod est super, une redécouverte de KSP merci !!!!!

Edited by Bloombastic
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12 hours ago, GrayTech said:

J'écrivais des missions de grand tour basées sur l'ancien pack de missions de Tux.

J'ai été surpris que Destiny, Fate et Kerbol soient définis comme des planètes et que les planètes de Kerbol soient définies comme des lunes. En ce moment, je détermine si un corps est un soleil en vérifiant si l'un des quatre premiers enfants a une lune.

Quelqu'un a-t-il une bonne idée de comment déterminer de manière plus pragmatique si une planète est une géante gazeuse puisqu'elle a une surface dans ce pack?

fr:La pression atmosphérique je pense


ENG google: Atmospheric pressure I think

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On 15/11/2020 at 03:48, Astraph said:

Ok, c'est donc un problème qui me fait vraiment tourner la tête.

J'ai essayé de jouer à BH - chaque fois que je démarre le jeu, tout va bien, toutes les planètes ont l'air comme elles le devraient, KSC fonctionne bien ... Mais après 10-15 minutes, le jeu plante au hasard. Il ne se bloque pas seulement sur le bureau, je fais allumer tout le problème signalé par Unity, je réfléchis à quelque chose, puis tout le jeu se ferme rapidement. J'ai essayé de reproduire cela avec plusieurs versions de KSP, j'ai finalement fait une nouvelle installation avec seulement BH + Parallax + Kopernicus et la chose continue à se produire - alors au moins j'espère que cela s'est réduit à ces trois mods.

Donc, tout d'abord, le journal (s'il vous plaît laissez-moi savoir si c'est le bon fichier - cela fait un moment que j'ai eu des problèmes pour la dernière fois et de retour dans ces anciennes 1.7.3 fois, le fichier s'appelait toujours output_log ^^ '):
https: //gofile.io/d/ndfitn

Deuxièmement, les spécifications du système:

  • Windows 10 64 bits
  • i5-4460 à 3,20 GHz
  • 16 Go de RAM
  • Série Radeon RX560

Troisièmement, liste des mods:

  • KSP 1.10.1
  • Kopernicus Bleeding Edge Release 45
  • Au-delà de la maison 1.5.2
  • Parallaxe 1.0.1

J'ai d'abord suspecté Discord (après chaque crash, Discord a fait apparaître une notification "Nouveau périphérique audio détecté"), mais le crash apparaît indépendamment du fait que Discord soit ouvert ou non. Cela se produit généralement lorsque le jeu est tabulé (j'ai deux écrans, donc je navigue souvent sur Reddit / chat / regarde YT en jouant), mais cela se produit également lorsque vous jouez au jeu. J'ai essayé de faire une nouvelle réinstallation de KSP (comme dans, Désinstaller sur Steam + Ctrl-Suppr le dossier du jeu avant de réinstaller), mettre à jour les pilotes GPU et surveiller le PC pendant le crash (malheureusement, je n'ai utilisé aucun logiciel spécialisé, uniquement Gestionnaire de tâches - mais il n'a montré aucun pic de température du GPU / utilisation de la RAM au moment où le jeu plante - la température est stable à ~ 73 ° C, chute à 53 ° C un jeu plante), j'ai donc exclu la surchauffe ou la fuite de mémoire comme raisons potentielles. Une observation,

J'ai essayé de parcourir ce fil de discussion et d'autres discussions, mais je n'ai trouvé personne ayant le même problème que moi, malheureusement ...

bonjour,  pas de solution a apporter ... mais n écartez pas la surchauffe GPU, le message Nouveau périphérique audio détecté viens probablement d un "reboot " GPU.

J ai eu un souci similaire avec rocket ligue, pas de surchauffe visible sur les moniteur... mais crash répéter du .exe, frezze des la fenêtre (pas du system) ou même arrêt complet du pc.

après vérification dans l observateur d évènement, problème d accès mémoire a nivaux de la VRAM (ram GPU).

sans trouvé de solution sur google en rapport a l erreur, j ai décidé de changé les pates thermique CPU et GPU qui se faisais vielle .

en ouvrant la carte graphique, j ai découvert que la pate thermique du processeur GPU et de la VRAM était complètement sèche .

après avoir remplacé toute la pate et remonté, je nai plus jamais eu ce genre de souci ...

en espérant aidé ;)

ENG google: 

hello, no solution to bring ... but do not rule out the GPU overheating, the message New audio device detected probably comes from a GPU "reboot".

I had a similar problem with rocket league, no visible overheating on the monitors ... but crash repeating the .exe, frezze from the window (not the system) or even complete shutdown of the pc.

after checking in the event viewer, memory access problem at VRAM levels (GPU ram).

Without finding a solution on google in relation to the error, I decided to change the CPU and GPU thermal pastes which were old.

when opening the graphics card, I discovered that the thermal paste of the GPU processor and the VRAM was completely dry.

after replacing all the dough and reassembling, I never had this kind of problem again ...

hoping to help ;)

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57 minutes ago, uhhh, cheeseburger said:

Aidez-moi. lorsque je démarre ksp, je reçois un message de planètes corrompues ou il ne démarre pas. je ne vois pas de méthode et j'ai tout fait, même changer de version

quelle est votre version actuel de ksp ? ou du moins avec quelle version voulez vous jouer?

eng google: what is your current version of ksp? or at least which version do you want to play with?


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7 hours ago, Bloombastic said:


Bonjour, je voudrais savoir s'il est possible d'augmenter la distance pour afficher la disspersion (arbre, roche et mégastructure)

J'ai essayé beaucoup de changements dans les différents .cfg mais je ne trouve rien de vraiment fonctionnel


ton mod est super, une redécouverte de KSP merci !!!!!


Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to increase the distance to display the disspersion (tree, rock and megastructure)

I tried a lot of changes in the different .cfg but I can't find anything really working


your mod is great, a rediscovery of KSP thank you !!!!!

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On 11/30/2020 at 5:02 PM, Bryce1482 said:

it would be cool to see a version that doesnt use parallax because my computer isnt good enough to run paralax but i really want to play this mod



On 11/28/2020 at 4:47 PM, Drupegod02 said:

Is it possible to play this without parallax? My computer isn't strong enough to handle parallax and ckan isn't allowing me to remove it without removing Beyond home.

Just remove Parallax from your gamedata folder; Parallax is only special terrain textures AFAIK so removing it shouldn't cause issue. This is wrong. Backdate to a version before Parallax.

If it does, you can always use an older version of the mod from before Parallax was made.

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On 11/30/2020 at 11:08 PM, koimeiji said:


Just remove Parallax from your gamedata folder; Parallax is only special terrain textures AFAIK so removing it shouldn't cause issue. This is wrong. Backdate to a version before Parallax.

If it does, you can always use an older version of the mod from before Parallax was made.

ok thanks

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