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[Min KSP 1.11] WIP: SunkWorks Maritime Technologies

Angelo Kerman

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19 hours ago, RedAl1en1 said:

Bro this requires ckan, because i have no idea how to download mods manually:D

Download Zip file, look in Zip file. Unzip any folders that have a GameData folder higher up the heirarchy than them in the Kerbal Space Programs "GameData" folder. If the Zip file does not have a GameData folder in it, then just put the highest in the heirarchy folders in the KSP GameData folder.

If the mod has dependencies, download those mods Zip files and do the same.

It is literally just putting folders, or in the case of things like Module Manager, the .dll file, inside the GameData folder. The game does the rest.

Just look inside your own GameData folder at the mods you already have. Unless CKAN has started hiding things, you should see the folders and their contents in there.

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14 hours ago, RedAl1en1 said:

k thanks

but how  move

Same way you would move any folder or file. Copy and paste. KSP uses a very simple system. Anything readable and configed correctly that is in the GameData folder gets loaded by the game. Unless steam does something to block adding folders, you should be ok. I will check with someone with programming experience to see if there are restrictions caused by Steam that I am unaware of.

@LisiasAny thoughts?

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32 minutes ago, RedAl1en1 said:

no like i have no idea how to move folders or files

Assuming you are on Windows 11, I found this pretty tutorial about:

WIndows 10 is the same, changing only the looks.


10 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Same way you would move any folder or file. Copy and paste. KSP uses a very simple system. Anything readable and configed correctly that is in the GameData folder gets loaded by the game. Unless steam does something to block adding folders, you should be ok. I will check with someone with programming experience to see if there are restrictions caused by Steam that I am unaware of.

@LisiasAny thoughts?

The only restriction I got on using Steam is that sometimes the pathname of an file ends up being bigger than 256 characters, and some native calls choke on it.

Other than that, Steam does absolutely no shenanigans on the game's files. Just install the game using the same user you are going to use to play it, and you will be fine.

At least until Windows 10...

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1 hour ago, RedAl1en1 said:

no like i have no idea how to move folders or files

If you are that old, I would suggest using Total Commander, it allows to do all the copypaste thing by just hitting F5 how it was done in pre-windows era in Norton Commander. Selecting files and folders with RMB click is also more convenient than the windows rubber frame. And I'm using Total Commander on Android devices too because it's the only way to manage hundreds of files on the Android device without going nuts.

Edited by Manul
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, idunno if the mod is still being worked on, but can i make a feature request:

Currently, the auto-trim mode on the dive computer is disabled every time you try to steer the craft. Is there an way to make it automatically re-enable once you let go of the controls, kr at least make it ignore yaw inputs, kinda like how the "maintain current depth" mode is only shut down once you give a pitch input

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Looking for guru who know's most about how to build submarines with this mod. Does this mod is compatible with Bouyancy control?? Why my submarine always tilt to forward while center of mass is perfectly on center of submarine??

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