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Color presets

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Updates the default KSP 2 Color Manager with extra preset options.

Source code: https://github.com/VChristof/ColorPresets MIT License

Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3317/Color presets


How it works

After installation the Color Manager in the VAB will be updated with the "Extra Colors" option. Use the "+" sign to save presets. The presets can be scrolled by dragging them. The presets are stored independently of save files under: "%user%\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\ColorPresets.json" Deleting a preset in one save will delete it everywhere

Installation instructions

  1. Install Space Warp (https://github.com/SpaceWarpDev/SpaceWarp) mod loader.
  2. Place color_presets folder in the directory under your game install at Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins.


Edited by FreeSpaceIndustry
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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

This is frigging amazing, Thank you for filling this much needed QOL element!

I wish that this was part of the core game. I believe this mod is responsible for crashing the game when i enter into the VAB. It ONLY occurs when going into the VAB, will resolve itself if i select the option 'wait for application to respond' a few times .. VS the 'close' now option.
I am not fully certain that this mod is responsible, but the problem is resolved when all associated files are scrubbed. This development is only with the MOST current version of BEPinEx / SpaceWarp. If i do a full roll back of the dependencies related to the mod, it seems to return to functionality.
I do not fully understand most of what appears in the Log. That is why i am not 100% certain what the issue.


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17 minutes ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

This is frigging amazing, Thank you for filling this much needed QOL element!

I wish that this was part of the core game. I believe this mod is responsible for crashing the game when i enter into the VAB. It ONLY occurs when going into the VAB, will resolve itself if i select the option 'wait for application to respond' a few times .. VS the 'close' now option.
I am not fully certain that this mod is responsible, but the problem is resolved when all associated files are scrubbed. This development is only with the MOST current version of BEPinEx / SpaceWarp. If i do a full roll back of the dependencies related to the mod, it seems to return to functionality.
I do not fully understand most of what appears in the Log. That is why i am not 100% certain what the issue.


The file is not publicly accessible, but I can recommend uploading to https://pastebin.com/, you don't need to sign up or anything.

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Thank you. I am new to this part of the game and seem to forget that part. 
The site that you led me to will have a ton of uses in the future, but this instance is says I need to be premium. The past size exceeds the 512KB text limit of free tier users. But, I did go back and change the file from restricted to public.


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37 minutes ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

The site that you led me to will have a ton of uses in the future, but this instance is says I need to be premium. The past size exceeds the 512KB text limit of free tier users.

Ahhh good to know that about pastebin!

And from looking into the log, I didn't find any mention of Color Presets whatsoever, could you also post your BepInEx/LogOutput.log file?

Edited by munix
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So the problem is... a soft crash? My processes do not spool up but it fails to load all the parts in the VAB. Then the window will appear to tell me the game is not responding. If i wait a little while it will eventually respond. It responds piecemmeal, loading chunks at a time with a couple iterations of the 'not responding' .. But it will eventually load.

The only reason i think it is this particular mod is because this issue does not present without the mod. Thought it might have something to do with the patch manager changers to the new SW / BEP.
Not really something i have encountered before with mod troubleshooting. Usually i can use the 'find next' feature in an editor and use the mod name to find some strings that give my Google-Fu a chance. I really don't know what is going on though. 
I was messing around and had a ton of presets made /  deleting them wholesale.. the first time it happened. Im going to try a fresh load of the mod and see if the issue persists.

Sorry Im rambling . .. Good Luck & Happy Hunting.


[Tested it on a fresh install of the mod and still get the endless circle while it takes 5-7 minutes to load the VAB.]

Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
Tested Fresh Install
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Would it be possible to have specific color presets per part? So for example when I use large size tanks they will be orange, small size tanks metallic and white, the 1 Kerbal crew capsule black etc? I don't like it that my craft basically end up in one color, unless I invest a lot of time recoloring each part. Where this mod already helps a lot... So thank you for this.

A way to do this would be a regexp assigned per preset. When a part matches the regular expession, it will be applied.

Edited by AndyMt
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(Deleted) - Spoke too Soon

Thought it was working. I don't know if this log is significantly different than the previous. 
It seems to be failing to load a shader 
[WRN 18:26:35.104] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old)
[LOG 18:26:35.189] [System] Trip Planner completed in 0.0754s.
[LOG 18:26:35.254] [System] DeltaVTool completed in 0.0632s.
[WRN 18:26:35.273] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old)
[WRN 18:26:35.276] [Debug] (SetMaterialFresnelValueByColor) failed to find fresnel parameter named _FresnelScale in shader named KSP2/Standard Character (old


I don't know what half this stuff is before I started down the Reddit / ChatGPT rabbit holes. I am going to link the nex log [hopefully public] and apologize for spamming the thread. 


Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
Prevent Bloat
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've found my KSP2 install becoming unbearably laggy in the VAB lately. I then noticed that the ColorPresets.json file had ballooned to over 8,000 lines. Hundreds of copies of the same presets. I've only clicked the + to add a handful, but they are repeated over and over again. The bigger the file gets, the more laggy the VAB gets. I'm not actively investigating why it happens, I just prune the file manually now.


But I love the mod. I'm ham-handed when it comes to creating colors, so when I find combinations I like, I want to be able to save them. The ability to name presets would be very handy, since the displayed color indicators don't give much of a clue as to what the colors actually are. Without a text label it is hard to tell which is which.

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7 minutes ago, CyberDroog said:

I've found my KSP2 install becoming unbearably laggy in the VAB lately. I then noticed that the ColorPresets.json file had ballooned to over 8,000 lines. Hundreds of copies of the same presets. I've only clicked the + to add a handful, but they are repeated over and over again. The bigger the file gets, the more laggy the VAB gets. I'm not actively investigating why it happens, I just prune the file manually now.


But I love the mod. I'm ham-handed when it comes to creating colors, so when I find combinations I like, I want to be able to save them. The ability to name presets would be very handy, since the displayed color indicators don't give much of a clue as to what the colors actually are. Without a text label it is hard to tell which is which.

Thank you for articulating so well the issue i was having. I couldnt really explain what was happening very well.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, sorry for the late response I do not play the game nowadays, I'm waiting for it to get a bit more content.

I have checked, but I cannot find the cause of the issue. There are no relevant exceptions logged for me.

Please let me know if you find a way to reproduce the issue of the ColorPresets.json ballooning. (Till that please prune the file here: \AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\ColorPresets.json )

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