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Vessel "Situation" bugging from 'sub-orbital' / 'orbital' to 'Landed' - Possible way to re-create the bug/glitch


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To possibly re-crate this bug/glitch:

  1. Land a vessel on the Mun or Minmus then launch off
  2. While in a sub-orbital or orbital trajectory: create a maneuver and try to change it (even slightly)
    - observe that the maneuver node doesn't move no matter the change, but the "Required Delta-V" is displaying tiny requirements on Dela-V with decimals (an extremely small Delta-V required)
  3. The vessel's "Situation" in JSON save file now changes from 'Orbital' to 'Landed'
  4. Write a topic about the bug on the forums

This bug can somehow affect the previous save files of the same quick saved lander vessel but doesn't change their "Situation" but somehow "infects" or "inherits" this bug.

A way to fix this bug for the player:

  1. Re-load the save when you were still landed
  2. Do not leave the game until you are done from that forsaken vessel. You are a prisoner of the Kraken until you leave this to it.
Edited by VecTorr
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