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Four Levels of Space Stations in KSP and their Designers. Which level have you reached?


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I would like to classify the space stations and their designers into 4 levels. 

LV1 Space station “Cell”. Their designers are beginner 

LV2 Space station “Gateway”. Their designers are veterans 

LV3 Space station “Atoll”. Their designers are geniuses 

LV4 Space station “Kingdom”. Their designers can be called as gods 

The classification criteria will be explained below.


The LV1 space stations can be called the "Cell" type.

They are single or tandem-linked space stations, usually with 1-2 main docking ports.They correspond to the first and second generation space stations in the real world. These stations can be launched with a single rocket or SSTO without the need for orbital assembly. Launching these space station is challenge for beginners. 



I need to explain the term, "main" docking ports, which are defined as ports directly facing away from the mass center of the station. These ports are special because they could reduce the degree of freedom during docking, making it possible for spacecrafts to dock when they are still rotating with each other. 




The LV2 space stations are the "Gateway" type.

These are XYZ three-axis modular (such as the Mir space station) or truss-type (such as the International Space Station) space stations with 3-6 main docking ports. They are generally launched in multiple segments by ordinary rockets or SSTOs and assembled in orbit. Designers of this type of space station can be called veterans. 





The LV3 space stations are called the "Atoll" type.

This is a type of ring-shaped or disk-shaped space station with a large artificial gravity device installed, such as the Deep Space Nine in <Star Trek> or ticonderoga in <starship troopers>. These stations are generally launched as a whole by a super-heavy monster rocket. They serves as a busy spacecraft hub with more (>6) main docking ports on the equatorial plane of their disk-shaped station body, making it possible for many spacecrafts to dock at the same time. Players who can independently design this type of space station can be called geniuses. 





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The LV4 space stations are called the “Kingdom“ type.

This is a huge holistic structure built around a comet or asteroid (such as the space academy). They are launched in multiple segments by monster rockets and assembled around a celestial body. Jamie Logan's comet ring station is one example of this level. Players who complete this type of space station can be called gods. 










For sure, there can be higher levels of space stations, such as Death Stars, orbital rings, or Dyson spheres. However they are not practical space station designs in KSP, so they are not discussed here. 


Do you agree with categorizing stations in this way?  Which level have you reached? You could post your stations.

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personally have tried to build two small LV3 space stations. They are “Kerbin Spaceport” and “Laythe Spaceport”.  They carry two middel-size contrarotating artifical gravity rings and 14 main docking sites. 




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I mostly design Level 2 stations, for example, I currently maintain a cozy station in LKO in my current save.



I couldn't forget my Minmus station, Service Station 1, seen here with my Nuclear/Lander tug and a Supremacy-class SSTO docked to it.

However, I have built larger ones in the past.





Starbase Kerbin (I planned to build a sister station in Laythe Orbit, but I never got around to it). It's best desribed as a LV2/LV3 hybrid. It could accomodate a crew of 2 dozen, and had a huge truss carrying enormous amounts of liquid fuel. The idea was that it would be refueled by the Nuclear tug with fuel mined from Minmus. I eventually gave up though after about halfway because my Minmus base was on the verge of a kraken strike and I was practically doing these missions all the time instead of actual launches.

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  • 2 months later...

Most of my stations are Level 2 although I tend to prefer a 2D backbone.

Here is my Kerbin Orbital Research and Development station, with a visiting vessel, attached to the truss, making use of the on orbit construction / engineering facilities that it provides.


Gilly station, which is mostly for supporting Eve research by providing fuel ISRU. Currently there is a mission in progress to replace the mining architecture that really isn't suite for Gilly with a more optimised set.


I do claim a couple of Level 2.22 stations. They are not exactly Atoll stations as they lack the disc or ring, but are used in much the same way with multiple ships docking on the equatorial plane and providing a place to manage crew between mission. Currently, I only have one (#3) of the Kerbal Experience busses docked, the other one is taking the kerbals that came up on the docked SSTO for a practice mission outside of Kerbin's SOI and will be back in 45ish days.


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I typically build LV1-2 stations, though I haven't built many in general. I'd consider my most common configuration LV1.5; two to three linearly docked modules, and another module or two docked orthogonal to the long axis. I rarely find the need to make them bigger, in favor of larger single vehicles. I've somewhat recently started playing with KCT and TACLS, though. Although slight, the higher mass requirements of LS and significantly longer build times for mammoth vehicles make it more viable to use these smaller stations. I also like the familiar aesthetic of relatively simple, utilitarian design. The largest "station" I've built was really an orbitally-constructed spacecraft. It was an explorative vessel for Duna, built linearly out of three modules: hab/control, science/utility, and fuel/propulsion; pictured below with an autonomous resupply vessel close by.


This is one of those LV1.5 stations, SRP-1 'Testament', a small research station from my most recent career save. It consists of four modules, the core/utility and hab modules comprise the linear section, and a lab is docked perpendicular to those. Docked to the lab is the Orbital Station Module Tug, a construction tug and control point for modules which lack one.


How do y'all go about the construction of your stations? Do you keep a dedicated construction tug like mine? Do you make your insertion stages capable of completing rendezvous/docking with no need for tugs? Those were my primary methods, but I'm curious to hear about other ways of doing it.

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  • 5 months later...

I'm not a fan of "interception and docking" as much as I should be... so as far as stations go this one is my most complex. Biggest challenge was docking without hitting the solar panels on some stages as some don't have retracting capabilities.

From another angle, more technical but less "cool looking".

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I've so far made a Level 1 station. Meet Space Station Roadhouse, Kerbalkind's first home in orbit. It was made for my career mode mission report.

After the unexpected and early cancellation of the crewed Mun and Minmus program, KASA used the technologies and hardware that were left to build Roadhouse Station. The earliest missions were crewed by Trinity-class CSMs.

Soon, I plan to evolve it into a Level 2 station before deorbiting it and replacing it with a more advanced, larger station.


Roadhouse-2 docked to the station.


Engineer Irene Kerman does an inspection EVA to make sure the external equipment is intact.


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On 11/30/2023 at 8:50 PM, TwoCalories said:

Soon, I plan to evolve it into a Level 2 station before deorbiting it and replacing it with a more advanced, larger station.

Expansion one: "Batt-Man" Battery + Node Module. This module was built out of necessity, as the station's batteries couldn't last the orbital night. It was derived from parts from a cancelled program for a 1.875m crew capsule's service module.


This still makes it a Level One station, but we're getting there!

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This is some of the space stations that I've made long time ago. Many have the capability to alter their orbit and even goes between celestial bodies to set it as the next celestial body they orbit, allowing flexible placements for interplanetary hub (although unlike spacecraft and regular rockets, the procedure for doing burn is much more complex due to many preparations needed. They can't land on planetary bodies and any resources needed for burns must be brought from external sources or generated in orbit. The burn itself should be done in several instances, as doing one long burn in a single instance could overstress the joint connections between modules)



This one has gigantic heat shield at the front for near-Kerbol orbit, is fully self-sustaining and also can relocate it's orbit (interplanetary travel is possible). This one is Cell design, although multiple cells are stacked with each other (the core cell has 4-5 modules stacked end-to-end, and it's surrounded with several cell stacks arranged around it)





This one is my attempt to build a general purpose space station on Kerbin orbit. Like before, it has engines, although it could only travel up to Munar because of limited fuel capacity. This one is more of the Gateway design, the engines are placed on truss and it's deliberately throttled down to reduce stress and flexing on the station's structure when doing burns





This one is specifically designed to be interplanetary-capable. It has engines, and is fully self-sustaining too. This is a combination of Cell and Gateway design (the "spine" of the station is a long stack of cell design, while the rest of it is attached around it like Gateway design)





This one is built on asteroid that I snatched and brought to Kerbin orbit. This has no engines (obviously) and primarily designed as orbital hub. This one is Kingdom design, although it's size is rather small





This one is just for lolz (although it does have full functionality as a station), this one is an Atoll design



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