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B9 Part Switch popping up a serious warning after startup (KSP 1.12.5)

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Hi, I have a heavily modded version of Ksp 1.12.5. Once I boot up, I get no other warnings except for B9 Part Switch which gives me a serious warning (I have a pretty good knowledge about mods). This same Serious warning has popped up all three times that I have tried to reinstall ksp freshly. 

I have added an issue to B9 Part Switch's GitHub page but I have not received a reply after a few days.

Hoping anybody can help, I have provided a screenshot and the Player.log.

Some of the many mods I have installed are: Far Future Technologies, RO, RSS, RSSVE, Tundra Space Center, Technologies, and Exploration, and a bunch more.

Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wc5ui77m8xbmx3o2wjjoq/Player.log?rlkey=7jy07uj53floy9ymjdy1svtsk&dl=0

Serious Warning Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8vshsw5a21hzulnqnr15c/Screenshot-2023-08-07-102816.png?rlkey=64sta69oar818qdyr17aacrek&dl=0


Edited by RenZocFN
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  • 8 months later...

@RenZocFN Looking at the log, it looks like the part switch on some of the Far Future Technologies parts are not finding one of the modules they're trying to affect. It would help to see a copy of your ModuleManager.ConfigCache from GameData to see what your mix of mods is defining for those parts as a first step to diagnosing what is being changed and then start hunting for the other mod that's changing it.

Ignore me - just realised how old this thread is - should have checked that first

Edited by Aelfhe1m
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