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Procedural Wing Joint Smoothing

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When I'm building aircraft in KSP2, I often like to use more than one wing laid end-to-end, as a way to get a cooler, more complex shape, while also having multiple flaps that I can bind to different control axes.

However, It's currently extremely difficult to make the root of one wing match the tip of another in cross-section, and as a result, the combined wing has an ugly seam down the middle.

I propose that in the wing editor, two new buttons be added - one for the root, and one for the tip. This button would only be visible if another wing piece is connected to that end of the wing.

When you press the button, that end of the wing assumes the exact cross-section of the opposing end of the wing it's attached to. (i.e. pressing the "Flush Root" button of a wing that is attached to another wing will cause the root of the wing currently being edited to match the tip of the other wing.)

This way, smooth, multi-angle wings would be much easier to create.

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I'd like to add a closely related suggestion from an older thread to improve quality of life when editing procedural wings:

A way to resize the wing (or multiple attached/smoothed wing segments as suggested in this thread) in 2 dimensions while keeping the same aspect ratio and shape. Right now, when you're happy with a wing shape but you realize that you need more (or less) wing area, you have to do the following steps:

  • change wing span
  • change root length
  • change tip length
  • adjust wing angle to approximate what you had
  • Reposition everything that was already attached to the wing

It would make plane building so much smoother if this process could be condensed down to just a gizmo or slider to scale the wing. It doesn't need to scale it up in 3 dimensions, just dynamically calculate span, root, tip and angle to maintain the same shape. If any one of them would exceed a limit for the wing part, don't let the wing scale to that size.

Edited by Lyneira
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