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Drag and drop handling in VAB far too sensitive for younger players


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i5 | GPU: AMD 6700XT | RAM16GB



I have a five-year old daughter who loves to play KSP1. But, she really struggles with KSP2.

Her small hands have very shaky mouse control. I have the mouse DPI turned way down, so she needs to move her hand a looong way physically to cross the screen, but even so, the VAB is basically unusable for her.

The problem is that it seems to click on a part, you have to do a mouse-down and mouse-up without moving the mouse at all. For some people (young children, maybe others) that isn't possible. If you mouse-down, move a millimeter, then mouse-up, it's treated as a failed drag-and-drop.

What's doubly-insulting is that it doesn't even pick the part up. She'll try ten times just to pick up a part from the menu on the left, but each time she tries to click, it's just treated as if she dropped the part back on the menu, and it doesn't get picked up as a result. So frustrating for her.

Similarly, placing parts on the center of the screen is near-impossible, due to the same issue.

Please fix it so that the VAB can be used by my children.

Edited by Anth12
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