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New to KSP, would like some help...


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Hello. Just wondering if anyone has a handy list of things that would be helpful to know when just starting off playing KSP. As in, things that if you discovered later, you would slap yourself in the face for not knowing.

Also, anyone know any good, useful mods? Except for mechjeb. Can't survive without mechjeb.

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Hi Fweeba, welcome to the community :)

Handy stuff to know? Hmmmm....

WASD and QE will rotate parts in the VAB and SPH, Shift will let you rotate with more precision.

Shift+click in the VAB on any part to move the whole rocket, Alt+click to duplicate a section of your craft.

Alt+Z will Undo.

Hold middle mouse to move the camera in interesting ways.

Keeping your G meter in the green will help avoid your rockets breaking up, and reduce fuel use when ascending.

Capslock will give you finer flight control.

"C" EVA's your Kerbal, "V" changes camera mode.

Bigger is not always better, you can get to Duna with 7 parts.

You are a Curious George, you need 5 posts to become a Bottle Rocketeer and no longer have your posts moderated, plus you will then be able to edit your profile.

Land slowly, <5m/s is good.

L is for your Kerbals lights.

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On the map view, pressing the keypad decimal will cause the navball to pop up, and when it is, you can steer the ship from map view in every way, except changing stages.

It is ALWAYS more efficient to launch toward the east (90 on the compass), no matter where you're going, with the sole exception of a polar orbit.

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Welcome to the forums, Fweeba.

Make sure to throttle down if you want to disconnect an engine which still has fuel in.

Also, don't keep MechJeb forever, just watch it a few times and pick up a few tips and than you can do it yourself.

Have fun playing KSP and go blow up some rockets! :sticktongue:

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