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Guest Flixxbeatz

That looks perfectly close to the launch tower man! Well done! Love it totally!

haha thanks :D I\'ve scrapped it already due to bad handling.


. First spaceplane to escape Kerbol?
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This tiny craft is built for agility and speed. It has complete RCS controls and is capable of flight using only RCS thrust - but liftoff must be achieved with the standard engines or catastrophe will strike.



Gliding characteristics aren\'t awful, but neither are they sufficient to complete a horizontal landing. VTOL, however, can be accomplished. Two test landings were made without landing gear: one was a total loss of crew and ship, the other sacrificed only one Neutron engine and had an otherwise safe landing.


I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike, I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like

Horizontal takeoffs are out of the question as well; the wheels simply can\'t bear the thrust, even with RCS assistance to get the nose up.

Speed demonstration:


The Bumblebee was actually able to reach 489 m/s at 6,000m, but due to faulty camera equipment no such image is available.


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haha thanks :D I\'ve scrapped it already due to bad handling.


. First spaceplane to escape Kerbol?

Nope! Chuck Testa

I\'ve done it before. Multiple times. Under it\'s own power as well.

Just got no evidence to show you.

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Introducing the Flying Squirrel class of space plane. This reusable vehicle is perfect for short LKO hops and precise landings. It even includes VSTOL capabilities on kerbin. Perfect for the Kerbal on the go. (Warning: Excessive use of the VSTOL system will result in running out of fuel)



Currently I have released 3 variants of the Flying Squirrel.

The Flying Squirrel Sport, which contains only the flying squirrel itself. Enough power for low to mid kerbin orbit.

The Flying Squirrel Touring adds a large liquid fuel booster to the base of the flying squirrel to assist in atmospheric escape. This version is ideal for satellite deployment.


Finally there is the Flying Squirrel GT4. In addition to the liquid fuel booster, Our engineers have strapped 4 enormous solid boosters to the vehicle. This makes the flying squirrel capable of munar missions. The VSTOL systems on kerbin are powerful enough on the mun to allow for munar VTOL landings.


For a peek at a trip to the mun in a Flying Squirrel GT4, check this link.http://imgur.com/a/FreZU/

Craft files are attached. These rockets require Nova Punch 0.8, C7 flight pack 2.16, and the touring requires LanderLeg1.2

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The first in what should hopefully be numerous 'officially' classed aircraft, the MA-01:




And, to my knowledge (and that of the few who were on IRC at the time of asking), the first effective taildragger. The gear configuration gives it quite nice landing, and very nice takeoff characteristics, though it is quite touchy coming down. (With two-plate gear, the wings will not forgive any bank. With actual gear instead, the rear mounting tanks explode quite dramatically.) I\'ll probably download the water skids to test their effectiveness.

While it means sacrificing the lower wings, and possibly an elevator or two, that much gear supporting it results in quite nice water characteristics. Sits neatly with pod clear out of the water, and -would- be able to takeoff again ...

Not to rain on your parade, Isk, but:

You\'re a few months late. :P

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Fair enough, it was mostly a personal experiment into how taildragger configuration affected ground movement/landing/takeoff, which seems to be 'quite well'. I added that point after I asked and no-one knew of an example; so it\'s at least one of the earliest in the class, at least. Interesting design you have there, too.

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Guest Flixxbeatz

Now that\'s a spaceplane.

It\'s not a spaceplane - actually it\'s a huge orbital/suborbital payloader :D

A battlecruiser is on the way, but details are still classified. 8)

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Looks like something that has no business in the air.

Someone said that they have seen apartment blocks that look like they fly better than these. The three aircraft in the TA- series (I will put up the TA-5 latter. The TA-4 is under development) fly quite well. The only problem is landing, but that has been fixed on the TA-5. I like that TA-3 for its industrial look.

I love the way they turned out as they look different to most aircraft.

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