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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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This might seem really retarded, but what part to you use to generate "KIntakeAir" for Zero Bypass Turbines?

Zero bypass turbine. Problem is, it generates most of its 'airflow' from throttle, and actually gets LESS as your speed increases...so if you drop the throttle too low, it'll flameout...and then getting it restarted is...tricky.

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Ok so that failed dismally. Got an intake to make KIntakeAir but it doesn't send it to the engine :/

Anyone got a video or something of a Zero Bypass Turbine actually working? Mine seem to suck in _nothing_ _ever_ (and i've hyper editted them all over the place) and played with throttle settings until I was blue in the face :/

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Ok so that failed dismally. Got an intake to make KIntakeAir but it doesn't send it to the engine :/

name = KIntakeAir
density = 0.001
flowMode = NO_FLOW
transfer = NONE

I.e. KIntakeAir does not flow and cannot be transferred. You could always edit the resource.cfg for Kethane to make KIntakeAir have flowMode = ALL_VESSEL transfer = PUMP, but I suspect the right solution is to ask Majir if they even work at all.

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Ok so that failed dismally. Got an intake to make KIntakeAir but it doesn't send it to the engine :/

Anyone got a video or something of a Zero Bypass Turbine actually working? Mine seem to suck in _nothing_ _ever_ (and i've hyper editted them all over the place) and played with throttle settings until I was blue in the face :/

The zero bypass turbines only work in Jool and Eve atmosphere, at least that's the only place I've seen em work.

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Thanks for the responses, trying to get something working on Duna but yeah I guess I'm out of luck.

Firespitter electric propellers work very well for transportation on Duna itself, not so well for getting off it, obviously, but they can get you pretty high up.

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has anyone had trouble booting KSP after installing Kethane? It crashes at the title screen once the loading screen is done. You see the title back ground but the game menu never comes up.

After uninstalling Kethane it works fine. I saw one post about a possilbe conflict with module manager. Can anyone confirm this?

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Any chance for a smaller drill that weighs about 250kg tops and has suitably lowered drilling stats to match?

My rovers are all VERY tiny and weigh on the order of half a ton all up, and I'd like to use several of them as small, high speed, mobile drill rigs that would attach via KAS to a large tanker truck. But the smallest drill we have currently is too big, bulky and heavy for that to work. The rovers just flip over if I even sneeze at the steering.

Have you considered using a hinge from damned robotics to mount a drill horizontally that you would then flip up when you are drilling, doing so should drop the CoM of the drill while moving and fix your steering problems. I don't have KSP open right now but I think there is a flatish hinge that would be small enough for you.

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ok i feel like im missing something silly but, how do you get the Heavy converter to work? i flew a rover to the mun with Kethane tanks and drills, mined and got a full tank. then flew my refinery up which had a kethane tank and 2 fuel/oxidizer tanks, and a heavy converter. Docked the two together and transferred the Kethane, right clicked the converter and activated the fuel and oxidizer buttons and....nothing happened.. no power drain no decrease in kethane, nothin :( what am i missing?

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ok i feel like im missing something silly but, how do you get the Heavy converter to work? i flew a rover to the mun with Kethane tanks and drills, mined and got a full tank. then flew my refinery up which had a kethane tank and 2 fuel/oxidizer tanks, and a heavy converter. Docked the two together and transferred the Kethane, right clicked the converter and activated the fuel and oxidizer buttons and....nothing happened.. no power drain no decrease in kethane, nothin :( what am i missing?

Run a fuel line FROM a tank TO the convertor. If you don't have a tank of some sort (the tiniest tuna tanks etc) it bascially won't work.

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ok i feel like im missing something silly but, how do you get the Heavy converter to work? i flew a rover to the mun with Kethane tanks and drills, mined and got a full tank. then flew my refinery up which had a kethane tank and 2 fuel/oxidizer tanks, and a heavy converter. Docked the two together and transferred the Kethane, right clicked the converter and activated the fuel and oxidizer buttons and....nothing happened.. no power drain no decrease in kethane, nothin :( what am i missing?


@Majiir> Maybe throw that link in the first post, right after the banner, in big huge letters "Problems with converting fuel? See HERE"?

Edited by Pontiac
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Is there a way to keep the kethane detector running when you are not controling the satalite?

Cause every time I activate the thing, go back to manage some other craft and come back, it stopped.

So currently the only way for me to scan the entire Mun would be to watch my satalite actually cover the entire Mun. Which kinda sucks

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I think I heard about this happening to someone in an older version but couldn't find a post about it since the 0.5.1 update. Basically, a little while after I load my scanner craft, the text in the scanner display starts omitting characters. I upgraded to Kethane 0.5.1 at the same time I installed Romfarer's Robotic Arms pack, which is when the problem started. As soon as I removed the Romfarer stuff, the problem went away. So it looks like there is still some incompatibility between them.

This is what it looks like when the bug occurs:


Again, this only seems to happen when a module from the Lazor system is installed.

Edited by robot256
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I saw one post about a possilbe conflict with module manager. Can anyone confirm this?

Someone already did:

So there you have it. To anyone out there who gets to see space at launch, just reinstall the mod outside of the manager!
Well, looks like the zero-bypass has been changed. Works on Kerbin fine now, not sure about elsewhere yet.

The Zero-Bypass Turbine has always worked on any atmospheric body, including Kerbin, Eve, Laythe, Jool and Duna. One common issue is that the engine MUST be activated through staging, not the right-click menu or action groups. (After it's activated once, those menus are fine.) This is a KSP limitation, although there may be a hacky workaround.

@Majiir> Maybe throw that link in the first post, right after the banner, in big huge letters "Problems with converting fuel? See HERE"?

Done. To reiterate, please do not post questions about fuel routing in this thread. Kethane doesn't do anything with fuel routing. These are issues with the STOCK fuel routing system.

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Dang, I was hoping the issue with MM was a myth. I rather like MM. But I like kethane better :)

I think the phrase "reinstall the mod outside of the manager!" implies that it's a "mod manager" conflict, i.e. a faulty mod installer program, rather than the "module manager" plugin which patches part config files on the fly. I'm using Kethane with this one and have no issues.

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Hi guys. I had a little issue that made the Kethane mod unplayable, but got it taken care of. Let me share what happened and the fix in case anyone else faces this.

The problem was when I had the small survey scanner on a rocket and clicked launch, I would get a view of space with no rocket to control. Effectively I could not launch. Removing the scanner gave me the launch pad, so it came to the scanner.

What seems to have caused this is by using the Kerbal mod manager. It seems to have no installed correctly. Why do I conclude it was the mod manager? Because when I removed what the manager did and installed the mod manually (as if that's hard to do in the first place), everything now works just fine.

So there you have it. To anyone out there who gets to see space at launch, just reinstall the mod outside of the manager!

ive installed the mod manually. thats the only way i do it. (i didnt even know there was a manager)but i still get this screen whenever i go to launch something with either drill on it.

Edited by GonoSyphiHerpia
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