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Bring KSP1 UI and Music into KSP2 as an option

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I have played KSP1 a lot and am familiar with its UI.

I also love its background music.

In order for KSP1 players to get familiar with KSP2 quickly, can we bring KSP1 UI (for flight and for VAB) and music into KSP2 as an option for players to choose ?

By doing so, more KSP1 players will be comfortable with KSP2 and more of them will buy KSP2.

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Some KSP1 UI windows are great (well, really just the maneuver node editor window), and some KSP1 UI designs are good (like the Navball increment readability and the compact part popouts). That isn't enough to justify the amount of dev-hours that would be needed to reimplement the entire KSP1 UI in KSP2 *and* maintain two options going forward. Instead, it would be more efficient for IG to tweak the existing UIs and add one or two new window types to KSP2.

I do think it would be nice for IG to create a "KSP\Music" folder structure in KSP2 for people to drop custom audio into. Then the game could automatically play their chosen songs in specific situations like orbit or launch.

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If you want the old music and UI then just play the old game. They're not gonna drag and drop anything directly from KSP 1 into 2, that'd be redundant for no reason. If you really want that then I think you'll have to count on mods.

Personally I think the new music is an improvement, it's contextual now and way more cinematic. I'm still torn on the UI but this is a sequel, the last thing I'd want is for it to be replaced 1:1 with the original.

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