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Project Genesis (minmus base) was a success. Now its time to bring them home. To welcome them back I am building a new station. The largest one to date (that I've built).

Now it needs a name so Im asking y'all to help. Only rule is it must be Biblical.

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BEHOLD! The Tower of!...OF!....well, whatever. We lacked the paint for other words on the side of the station, anyway.



And here the super-modern escapepod for the tower. Jeb just wanted to take that first ride back home.


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Citadel Station on the dark side of Kerbal. This is the first stage of my colonization mission. Basically this will be a big ol' hub for my Kethane miners to bring back resources, but I'm also working on orbital construction techniques... and yes, those are docking ports connecting the 4 sides. And yes, I did have to dock them together manually.


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The Zephyr Mk. II on its first test flight. Hopefully this one won't get caught in Jool's atmosphere like the Mk. I. This one also has a nice upper deck for passengers, with deckchairs and railings!


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Please, please, please pardon the crappy quality. This was from a week or two ago, when I first discovered the game. I didn't know how to capture screenshots, so I did the only thing I knew how: I grabbed my cellphone and snapped a quickie.

Here is my first ever successful Mun landing. Hell, my first ever successful ANYTHING in KSP.


The learning curve is steep, but I'm addicted and have pick up quickly. In fact, what started as a failed project turned into the beginning of an orbital space station. The orbit is on a huge inclination, so it will eventually need to either scrapped and rebuild or maybe, just maybe, my little Kerbins will find a way to push it into a better orbital plane. Who knows? I'm learning just how crafty the Kerbin people can be. Here's a sneak peak of where my little project has taken me. I launched each of the arms seperately, so 3 docking procedures to get here. The first two were basically duplicates. The third, the long weird X-cross thingy is going to be my SCIENCE platform. The central can on the bottom segment was the failed Minmus lander. And now it serves a higher purpose:


I present the Science Orbital and Aeronautical Platoform, aka S.O.A.P.

Edited by mellojoe
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I decided to actually build the crane crawler that recovers my reusable launch stages. This is from the first stage that had to be recovered (landed 2.2km from KSP), holds 10-15ms over flat terrain no issues at all, can carry upto 75-85 tonnes (empty launch stages rarely weigh more than 25). Uses very very few mods and could be rebuilt entirely stock except for KAS which it relies on obviously. However I like B9 Aerospace and the more RTG's mod :)

There's some damage cause I'm awful at winching... well I'm getting better but that was my first go!

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Project Genesis (minmus base) was a success. Now its time to bring them home. To welcome them back I am building a new station. The largest one to date (that I've built).

Now it needs a name so Im asking y'all to help. Only rule is it must be Biblical.

So I have come up with 3 names

KSS Mt Sinai, KSS Masada or KSS Covenant

what do you guys think

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