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That's 'cause it's a beautiful module.

it adds a different look to a base, it make it seem that someone actually lives there, breaks up the greys ,blacks and whites.

I just wish the devs would put in proper parts for bases, and maybe a way to anchor them to the ground. I painstakenly built a Minmus base only t have the whole thing "pop" up into the air, turn over and explode.

and of course, I forgot to hit the quick save, ya know, a TRUE auto save feature would be great, something I could set to auto save every 15 minutes or something just so I don't lose ALL my work.


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I just wish the devs would put in proper parts for bases, and maybe a way to anchor them to the ground. I painstakenly built a Minmus base only t have the whole thing "pop" up into the air, turn over and explode.


So that happens to everyone.

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But how did they land in such a tiny spaceship?!?!

Silly, it's just a toy Jeb had in his pocket. The real "ship" is on the right, sort of an interplanetary horse. It's exhausted from the long trip.

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i'm surprised this thing actually made it in one piece considering how little i tested it and also that it's 30 tons (and also that the ascent stage did a 360 above the launch pad and still made orbit)




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Well, I sent my shuttle thing to my station with a little docking port hub and a space bike.


The space bike is absolute garbage and needs to be scrapped and re-made. But Jeb likes it.


Though the stupid thing has this nasty habit of rolling during landing. Not takeoff though.


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IPEV Excursion committed its first testing launch, carrying the rover component of an experimental exploration vehicle delivery system.

The initial launch and orbital insertion were fraught with issues, however, prompting Mission Kontrol to direct the crew to begin a post-launch damage assessment of the flight.

Danbry drew the short straw, and began the assessment in the rover bay, checking the lightning system.


With the rover and its support systems checked clear, Danbry moved on to the crew pods. The only faults to report there were a few missing snacks that "obviously" had not been loaded prior to launch, per the supplies manifest.

Last stop on this portion of the assessment was the Mosquito bay, where Danbry verified the berthing port's integrity, as well as the other various support systems connections.


Two days later, IPEV Fearless approached, on its way to Duna, transferring a Mosquito drop-ship to Excursion as it passed by. Johnoly brought the tiny ship into its berth with a smooth and experienced hand, and immediately retired to a crew pod for some well-earned rest. Danbry couldn't resist going out for a closer look at the brand new ship, fresh out of assembly only one week prior.


30 minutes after Danbry left on EVA, Bill -on watch duty in Excursion's cockpit- was startled to see a sudden and unexpected drain on Excursion's power systems, which were already at capacity while the fuel converters were online. Because he hadn't been on duty when Mosquito arrived, it took him a few more minutes to isolate the power draw and switch to one of the Mosquito bay cameras. Suddenly the power drain -as well as the odd sounds coming over the comm- had an explanation.

"Danbry," Bill keyed up, "I know it's cool and all, but for the love of Bob, could you turn the nav systems back off? And quick making whooshing sounds on the mic!"


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Having fun with Mission Controller, and managed to build a small lander that doesn't look butt-ugly (for once)...


Dropped the injection stage.




Landed with enough fuel to bring it back to Kerbin and recycle the lander.

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Went to eeloo using scott manley's design, didn't have enough fuel for returning though... apparently scott either got a better launch window or is smarter than mechjeb.

But since that handsome guy in the middle was Jeb, I just couldn't leave them stranded out there and ended the flight.

Getting there took me like 2 years and a 55 minute burn to encounter it.

Edited by TheThing345
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What mod were you using to give the Kerbals greenhouses??
It was made for Ioncross Crew Support plugin. It isn't part of the main mod but was a custom part made by one of the users. Here's one of the first mentions:


Near the bottom of the page.

Reposting the answer I got for this module. Great addon.

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Today I learned that ordering sub-standard space suits as a way of funding the 'If We Can't Reach Eeloo, We'll Bring Eeloo To Us!' project results in extremely minor... uhm... suit leaks. Still, nothing to worry about! I'm sending another crew on EVA to recover the suits for re-use! :cool:


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