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[AAR] The Grand Tour - Voyage To The Planets


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No... Jeb can't become a cold motherfraker. Just no. No no no no no no. NO! ):

There was nothing that could be done. Ned would just have died too.

That said, just once, I'd like to see a successful EVA rescue. And while we're at it, to find out what that abandoned station was all about, what happened on Duna, and what happened over Bop.

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I don't really understand why Jeb didn't get emotional this time, because here it would have made more sense than with the Duna crew, because just getting there will take quite some time, but well...

Czo, you are the master of plot twists (and probably cliffhangers too :D)

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Chapter 35, 10 October 2013:

NED: Do you know who is Jool, the mythological Jool?

SID: Err, I think so. He was the leader of the First Kods who rebelled against his father Ouranus, creator of the heavens.

NED: Go on.

SID: Why should I-

NED: Go on!

SID: Uhm. Than his – mother, I think – Kaia told him that he was destined to be overcome by his own sons, just like he had overthrown his father.

NED: Do you know how he tried to preempt the prophecy?

SID: Actually, I don't rememb-

NED: He ate them, Sid. He devoured his children. And that's what's going to happen to us, Sid. I know it. He's going to devour us all.

SID: For the love of Kod, what are you talking about?! It's just a stupid myth! Jool is no kod, it's just a gas giant.

NED: That's not what I see when I'm looking at it.

SID: Oh. That's why you were freaked out by this image?

NED: Tell me I'm wrong, Sid. Just take a good look at it, than look me in the eyes and tell that this isn't something primordial, something eerie. Something eldritch.

SID: Ned, you're talking-

NED: Crazy, huh? That's what you wanted to say? Hell, maybe I do; but please, do as I asked. Look at him.

SID: …

NED: Look closely, Sid – and don't blink.

You were right, Ned. You were right.

Edited by Commander Zoom
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Good heavens; with the death of Neilgas, that's the entirety of Bravo team wiped out! :0.0:

Sid's situation is still questionable but leaning towards the worst... I guess we'll have to see about that one.

Keep up the slaughtering good work!

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I'm not actually sure why Jeb wouldn't let Neil be rescued. Ned could have got out, grabbed Neil, and even given Reactor A a quick kick in a few minutes, no where near any serious dose. True, even small amounts of radiation at that level could be nasty, but doubtful life threatening.

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Wow! That was intense!

Thank you :)

...I think Jool deserves a planetkiller about now.


Hrm, did Jeb get a bit heartless? :) He was a bit irrational trying to save Bill, so it's interesting that he didn't do it again. Ah, the complexities of ethics and logic. Neil was dead the second he stepped out, and I think he knew it. He was expendable, and the other two were not.

But at least he made the decision, unlike Sid.

Good chapter as always, but it just makes me want to read the next one!

Who knows? Only time will tell :) Thanks but I'm afraid the next chapter won't show up during this week.

THat is -22.000ºF

D: i feel so bad for u!

Yeah, I hate winter :(

No... Jeb can't become a cold motherfraker. Just no. No no no no no no. NO! ):
I am horrified by this chapter.

Where is danny2462 when you need him!

Sorry to horrify you! And hey, danny2462 released new video recently from Asassin's Creed and it's hilarious - I advise you to watch it to overcome the trauma :P

I'm starting to get an impression that writing my story about my grand tour that chronologically comes after this one is probably going to be harder than the grand tour itself.

It depends on what exactly you want to write :>

I think this will come down to only Jeb returning at this point.
I figure that, by the end of all this, Jeb will get back alone, tell the world's assembled press everything and commit suicide. I can't honestly see it ending any other way. Czokletmuss, you are a heartless fiend.
*Sigh* How many Kerbals have been lost since the start of this mission? 5? 10? 15?

I think only Jeb and Rozer will make it back...

umm... i have no idea what to say this time.....

Wow Director Smith, now that was dark. Recurring theme in this story (which I hope is showed good enough) is that space exploration may be done but for a price. I don't think however that going full grimdark like in your version would be a good idea :)

It's official: You are recommended on TV Tropes! (yes, it was me who recommended you :) )

AWESOME! Thank you very much, Jedi Master! Now I only need my own page on TV Tropes and than - the world! :cool:

There was nothing that could be done. Ned would just have died too.

That said, just once, I'd like to see a successful EVA rescue. And while we're at it, to find out what that abandoned station was all about, what happened on Duna, and what happened over Bop.

There was a successful EVA rescue actually, in chapter 3:


And while we're at it, to find out what that abandoned station was all about, what happened on Duna, and what happened over Bop.

:dun dun dun: :)

I don't really understand why Jeb didn't get emotional this time, because here it would have made more sense than with the Duna crew, because just getting there will take quite some time, but well...

Czo, you are the master of plot twists (and probably cliffhangers too :D)

Oh, he did get emotional, probably even more than Ned. When you consider what he's been through lately his reaction should be understandable. BTW, if someone guesses which trope applies to this particular situation (Jeb's reaction to what happened to Neil) I'll post sneak-peak screenshot from the next chapter!

Chapter 35, 10 October 2013:

You were right, Ned. You were right.

And that's what I call Foreshadowing!


...where is this going? Also, those fusion engines are gonna either be one helluva red herring, or one helluva Chekov's Gun.

I'm really glad that you don't know where the story is going. I really am - this means that I managed to escape from cliches and predictability, which is kinda a big thing for my first story :)

Good heavens; with the death of Neilgas, that's the entirety of Bravo team wiped out! :0.0:

Sid's situation is still questionable but leaning towards the worst... I guess we'll have to see about that one.

Keep up the slaughtering good work!

Yes, team Bravo run out of luck completely. And Sid's situation will be explored in the next chapter.

I'm not actually sure why Jeb wouldn't let Neil be rescued. Ned could have got out, grabbed Neil, and even given Reactor A a quick kick in a few minutes, no where near any serious dose. True, even small amounts of radiation at that level could be nasty, but doubtful life threatening.

Considering Neil head was inside the helmet after he threw up and that the helmet was filled with... not air, it was not the radiation which killed him. He just drowned. And unlike in vanilla KSP, in my story - which was stated few times I think - before you go EVA you actually have to depressurize the airlock and get into the suit, which takes time. So by the time Ned gets there... yeah.

Now that could be just me being cruel (I'm kidding - of course I'm not; I'm not, right?) but what's REALLY terrifying is that it ALMOST HAPPENED in real life:


OK, technical question... What aeroshield is Proteus using? I've been looking high and low, and can't seem to find it. :(
Check the link out, specifically the GE-1600 Heatshield. The Icarus Project :wink:
Thanks... I hope I can make them DRE compatible if they aren't already...

I think it isn't - this was a great mod however, so if you manage to make them DRE compatible let me know, I may find use for them in my secret project :)

Edited by czokletmuss
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Perhaps a What The Hell, Hero? From the rest of the crew?

Specifically to the situation;

Thousand Yard Stare from most of the remaining crew,

Angst Coma from one or more crew, and from Jeb we may get a Ten Minute Retirement.

'Scuse me, gonna go read dat website nao.

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Perhaps a What The Hell, Hero? From the rest of the crew?

Specifically to the situation;

Thousand Yard Stare from most of the remaining crew,

Angst Coma from one or more crew, and from Jeb we may get a Ten Minute Retirement.

'Scuse me, gonna go read dat website nao.

Be careful, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life (and Your Grammar too)!

Hell, maybe I should do some Troping Tropes Contest for the Grand Tour? And I even have a decent prize I think :)

Edit: Seriously, that's not a bad idea.

Would anyone be interested in something like this (The Grand Tour Troping Tropes Contest)? :)

Edited by czokletmuss
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That was quick :) Yes, it was BSOD however a very short one. Here's the promised screenshot:

Not sure about short, I'd argue he was showing some symptoms all the way to Jool.

Topes contest, What would that entail?

'Scuse me, gonna go read dat website nao.

As someone who's spend a lot of time there, I concur with, czokletmuss it's an awesome fly trap, not unlike this forum. Enter with caution.

Speaking of which, I'd better do those things I was intending to do before I sleep.

Edited by Tw1
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Be careful, TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life (and Your Grammar too)!

Hell, maybe I should do some Troping Tropes Contest for the Grand Tour? And I even have a decent prize I think :)

Edit: Seriously, that's not a bad idea.

Would anyone be interested in something like this (The Grand Tour Troping Tropes Contest)? :)

Just because that site is awesome (and it will suck your time into a black hole!) I'd say go for it!

Give me something to do while I wait for the next chapter to be crafted! :)

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Not sure about short, I'd argue he was showing some symptoms all the way to Jool.

Topes contest, What would that entail?

As someone who's spend a lot of time there, I concur with, czokletmuss it's an awesome fly trap, not unlike this forum. Enter with caution.

Speaking of which, I'd better do those things I was intending to do before I sleep.

By short I mean in this particular situation - you are correct of course, Jeb have serious psychological issues for a quite long time by now.

I have a general idea but I have to polish it (no pun intended) and ask moderators whether it would be okay (after all I would like to give a real prize to the winner), than I'll tell you. But basically the contest will be in finding tropes :)

Yes, be afraid, be very afraid and Kod forbid you from searching the TV Tropes for your favorite franchise - you will spend hours there. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Edited by czokletmuss
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I haven't taken the heatshield for a spin yet, but I DID make some .cfg edits to give those heatshields the ablative resource.

That wasn't the issue I had, its that the ray-casting used to determine where the re-entry effects hit allow the heat to go through the cracks in the shield. It has to do with the model and not the cfg file and the original author in the thread mentioned it over there.

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The reason I said that it would be challenging to write my story after this one is because I kind of wanted my story to have Bill and Bob, not, dead?

It was fun enough working around that in my story, so if Cambo or Jeb die in this one then I might start to have problems.

But hey, keep writing this, it's amazing already and I won't do anything to change it.

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