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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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On 31/3/2016 at 11:25 PM, TriggerAu said:

Sorry guys, I'm flat out with KSPedia and the pre release right now. Havent even dug into the UI stuff so this will be a while at this point.

Doing my best, but cant promise anything as I have a day job as well as a Squad job

Would be fabulous to have any update for 1.1 but, even some like me don't have "really" a job (if working 60h per week to start your own business isn't a work; strictly to the sense you don't earn any money -YET-), I perfectly undesrtand you could not have the time to update this on your (scarse) spare time.

Anyway, your add-on is, as some people said, a MUST HAVE... As well as Transfer Windows Planner and your fabulous alternate resource panel as well.So keep the great job and 1.1 will be a NO GO to me until you have the time to update ;)

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16 minutes ago, FrancoisH said:

Anyway, your add-on is, as some people said, a MUST HAVE... As well as Transfer Windows Planner and your fabulous alternate resource panel as well.So keep the great job and 1.1 will be a NO GO to me until you have the time to update ;)

I agree!

I have so many scheduled burns in my career mode game that if I'm unable to use KAC, I'll surely miss them and ruin my entire space program!

If I update to 1.1 without KAC, it would make my career game unplayable!


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13 hours ago, rrlevy said:

If I update to 1.1 without KAC, it would make my career game unplayable!


In fact, career mode without alarm clock is hardly playable. I dont know about others, but the game is clock around KAC. This mod must become stock, it is almost a blocker for career mode.

Edited by boborene
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22 hours ago, MalfunctionM1Ke said:

Here is an old-school tool to fill the gap (for now):




MechJeb's latest dev branch versions work in 1.1 and have a pretty advanced transfer window planner complete with pork chop plots - unfortunately, as we all know who've used KAC for years, it's darn near impossible to run a "parallel" program with multiple missions in progress at once without something like the in-game alarms KAC provides. *sad trombone*

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I second, third and fourth everything people are saying that this Mod is indispensable.  I just spend 45 minutes warping to a planet years away and having to pay attention and not do other missions because I would have missed maneuvers.  Hopefully this mods continues to be updated and updated soon.  Hope beyond hope that it becomes stock! 

While I LOVE that some of the best modders are becoming members of the Staff, personally I think they should then be paid by Squad to update their mods as well.  But for the great work they did on the mods they would not have grabbed them up.  And because they are such great mods, so many of us rely upon them. 

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I'm a software engineer by day, so I figured I'd take a crack at updating KAC for 1.1, if I get to it before TriggerAu does. My fork is here. If I get it figured out first, I'll submit a pull request.

I had a quick skim over the addon forum, but I couldn't find a post talking about exactly what changed from 1.0.x to 1.1, besides Unity 4 -> Unity 5. Is there a list of changes to the KSP plugin API somewhere?

Edit: found it.


Edited by Fishbreath
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22 hours ago, Fishbreath said:

I'm a software engineer by day, so I figured I'd take a crack at updating KAC for 1.1, if I get to it before TriggerAu does. My fork is here. If I get it figured out first, I'll submit a pull request.

I had a quick skim over the addon forum, but I couldn't find a post talking about exactly what changed from 1.0.x to 1.1, besides Unity 4 -> Unity 5. Is there a list of changes to the KSP plugin API somewhere?

Edit: found it.


I'm eagerly awaiting for one of you to finish the conversion.



Is it done yet? No? How about now?.... still no?  Dang.......  ok.... um....  doo da doo dee..... what about now? :(

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It's entirely selfish. KAC is probably the single most critical plugin in my toolbox nowadays. :P

I plan on starting after work tonight. If we're extremely lucky, I might be done tonight. If the code gods choose not to smile upon me quite that much, it'll probably be more like the end of the week.

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I was just about to do a bit on my career save, but realized I don't have an updated KAC, and I have about 8 missions out there right now.  So I'm off KSP for the moment

Thanks for your work, Fishbreath--KAC makes KSP a lot easier to enjoy!

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On 4/6/2016 at 3:54 AM, Fishbreath said:

Surprisingly, it seems to be working already. Here's the link at my Github fork. I submitted a pull request, but I should probably go back and revert my changes to the build scripts before TriggerAu accepts it.



testing and no issues until now.

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Thank you @TriggerAu for an awesomely, amazingly, stupendously, blindingly, superlatively wonderful mod.  Now, this post is not a request for a 1.1 version (which is awfully rude), but just something I've really noticed whilst playing KSP without this mod in 1.1.

This mod or a feature the same as this should be in the base game! ;.; 

Seriously, playing KSP without the ability to bookmark a time to some type of event completely changes the way you have to play the game, and not in a good way.  For example, if I want to launch a ship to go to another planet I have to generally just launch from Kerbin into the orbit of the sun direct and then manoeuvre sometime after that.  Without the ability to bookmark a time you're pretty much unable to just launch a rocket into LKO and then warp to the best time to do a direct transfer as 50x warp over 125 days is just not feasible and I really don't want to start opening up the notepad to remember times for things and also risk that I might overshoot a time accidentally.  It also means you can't really run multiple active missions at once, it's a huge overhead to have a Duna transfer, a Minmus encounter and a Jool moon survey all going on at the same time.

So, this mod is probably in the top 2-3 mods of all time, for me, in this game along with KER and Mechjeb.  Thank you so so so much for making this mod, but I also wish squad would recognise it's importance and fully integrate it into the core game as a feature a player can enable (for those who don't want an alarm clock tool). 

Anyway, keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to using your amazing tool in 1.1 release! :-) :cool:

P.S. thank you @Fishbreath for the provisional update, you're my hero/heroine!


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12 hours ago, narvster said:

Thank you @TriggerAu for an awesomely, amazingly, stupendously, blindingly, superlatively wonderful mod.  Now, this post is not a request for a 1.1 version (which is awfully rude), but just something I've really noticed whilst playing KSP without this mod in 1.1.

Anyway, keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to using your amazing tool in 1.1 release! :-) :cool:

P.S. thank you @Fishbreath for the provisional update, you're my hero/heroine!



On 4/6/2016 at 8:54 PM, Fishbreath said:

Surprisingly, it seems to be working already. Here's the link at my Github fork. I submitted a pull request, but I should probably go back and revert my changes to the build scripts before TriggerAu accepts it.


I've been playing KSP for 3 years now (totally addicted to the point of becoming [even more] of a hermit), and I only recently started using KAC. Thanks so much for it!

@Fishbreath, can you provide a compiled DLL of your fork? I'm not a programmer and don't have an IDE (or know how to use one, really. I only tangentially delved into C and C++ over 16 years ago!) If it's there already, maybe you could be kind enough to provide a direct link? :)


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8 hours ago, capran said:


@Fishbreath, can you provide a compiled DLL of your fork? I'm not a programmer and don't have an IDE (or know how to use one, really. I only tangentially delved into C and C++ over 16 years ago!) If it's there already, maybe you could be kind enough to provide a direct link? :)


Just download " KerbalAlarmClock-3.6.0-v1.1-provisional.zip" on that page, it is the ready to run version. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks @Fishbreath; KAC is probably the single most important utility for me.  I can get by with a pure stock install almost entirely, but overlapping missions are a PITA without KAC to trigger alarms at the right time.

Even on single / non-overlapping missions, "warp to SOI/AN/DN/AP/PE/nearest encounter/etc" beats the pants off of the click->warp to here stock functionality (especially when that click isn't working at all).

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Hey @TriggerAu, first of all, i want to thank u for ur absolutely awesome mods. During pre-release fase I was forced to play without any mods, and that is exactly when I realised - that Kerbal Alarm Clock is mandatory, and has to be in stock.

So now I w8ng for an update of KAC and Transfer Window Planner as well, coz I don't even want to start the game without them.

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On 10.04.2016 at 5:36 AM, EatVacuum said:

Just download " KerbalAlarmClock-3.6.0-v1.1-provisional.zip" on that page, it is the ready to run version. :)

It seems to be [mostly] working (thank you!), but I have hit at least one problem. 

When I switched to the ship via KAC, and then back to KSC, game stuck in strange state.  I could rotate KSC scene, but I could not enter any of the buildings (both mouse buttons did not work), navigation buttons disappeared, and even ESC key was not working.  I had to close the game by WM "close window" button.

Messages in the log seem to imply that your KAC build is the culprit: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0g8fw79xbeh8xtz/AACezD-sQB_lmdPguDv1rhj6a?dl=0

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27 minutes ago, pargentum said:

It seems to be [mostly] working (thank you!), but I have hit at least one problem. 

When I switched to the ship via KAC, and then back to KSC, game stuck in strange state.  I could rotate KSC scene, but I could not enter any of the buildings (both mouse buttons did not work), navigation buttons disappeared, and even ESC key was not working.  I had to close the game by WM "close window" button.

Messages in the log seem to imply that your KAC build is the culprit: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0g8fw79xbeh8xtz/AACezD-sQB_lmdPguDv1rhj6a?dl=0

I have seen this happen also.  It *seems* to be related to using KAC to jump to a ship while in the mission control building.  Possibly while in other buildings.  Since I've started avoiding using KAC to jump to ships from KSC the problem has not occurred again.  Jumping to ships while in flight doesn't seem to cause the problem.

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