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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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@ Trigger Au:

sorry if I am querying about something already debated, but I can't read all 45 pages on this thread to find about it.

It makes me wonder why, of all the settings in KAC, there is none to set some audio file to play when an alarm goes off. I would consider such a feature much easier to implement than most of those already with KAC. Would like any simple answer, just one as "don't like/don't bother/don't want/will do next/shelved" will be enough.

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@ Trigger Au:

sorry if I am querying about something already debated, but I can't read all 45 pages on this thread to find about it.

It makes me wonder why, of all the settings in KAC, there is none to set some audio file to play when an alarm goes off. I would consider such a feature much easier to implement than most of those already with KAC. Would like any simple answer, just one as "don't like/don't bother/don't want/will do next/shelved" will be enough.

Yep has been asked about. How bout... Is on the list at a low priority and always seems to be something more people ask for, or I'm more interested in for it to get done. I think my biggest issue is finding some good sounds TBH.

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Hello Everyone, had two things to bring up.

First, I have started using the work item/issue lists on the codeplex source site - https://kerbalalarmclock.codeplex.com/workitem/list/basic instead of my personal spreadsheet so people can see whats there.

Secondly, I have been doing some work on integrating KAC with Blizzy's excellent new Common Toolbar - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-Toolbar-Plugin-1-1-0 . The integration can be seen in the video below.

What I would like some feedback on is whether people are concerned if the KAC download includes the toolbar dll as well, or whether I should continue pursuing late binding (the idea being if the toolbar is there then it can be used, but you need to get the toolbar separately). The first way is obviously easier, but dont want to cross off the second way if including the dll is an issue for people.


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I was looking at that common toolbar thingy, just never around to grabbing it yet, if it's included, that wouldn't bother me at all. Save me the trouble. Now if protractor and SCANSat get on board, not to mention MechJeb, that would be cool, all my mods in one place and not scattered all over.

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I have no issues if a future KAC download includes or not the toolbar plugin. I already have that plugin, and in case, I will actively search for updated versions of it. To me is however important that KAC integrates the button functionality provided by that toolbar.

As for the Codeplex move, fine. I like a lot the possibility to see what is going on, think that is a very nice touch to the interested users.

Only thing is, I have to register with codeplex myself to vote or discuss changes. You may be amused about that, but codeplex is the 4th code repository site I will have an account with, and I am beginning to get confused about where I put my own things...

BTW, thanks about the alarm sound. If I find any good sounds, I will certainly let you know.

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I have no issues if a future KAC download includes or not the toolbar plugin. I already have that plugin, and in case, I will actively search for updated versions of it. To me is however important that KAC integrates the button functionality provided by that toolbar.

As for the Codeplex move, fine. I like a lot the possibility to see what is going on, think that is a very nice touch to the interested users.

Only thing is, I have to register with codeplex myself to vote or discuss changes. You may be amused about that, but codeplex is the 4th code repository site I will have an account with, and I am beginning to get confused about where I put my own things...

BTW, thanks about the alarm sound. If I find any good sounds, I will certainly let you know.

Is the video showing the integration - button to toggle/icon changes as per usual - not all thats needed?

I wouldnt stress too much about the voting/registration stuff, as long as you can see the list I'd prefer discussions to occur here so everyone can see it

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Is the video showing the integration - button to toggle/icon changes as per usual - not all thats needed?

I wouldnt stress too much about the voting/registration stuff, as long as you can see the list I'd prefer discussions to occur here so everyone can see it

That video shows the functionality with KAC, and it is fine with me. Now, I really want to have that functionality in game, therefore I can't wait to find where to download a version of KAC that includes that.

If it takes too long to have that new version, I see a first practical use of Codeplex as I will download the dev source and try a compile. I like those opportunities from Codeplex, but I'm OK with keeping here all discussions.

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Late binding is clearly the better solution. I don't mind if the dll is included in the meantime, however. This strikes me as a similar problem to what MM just worked through, though. It'd be nice to have a common approach to these service plug-ins. There will be more of them.

I'll note that since sarbian is looking to add it into MJ, once that happens then the floodgates are open. Whatever MJ does will probably define the standard.

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What I would like some feedback on is whether people are concerned if the KAC download includes the toolbar dll as well, or whether I should continue pursuing late binding (the idea being if the toolbar is there then it can be used, but you need to get the toolbar separately). The first way is obviously easier, but dont want to cross off the second way if including the dll is an issue for people.

Hands down, late binding. But for my money, I'm not fond of mods that require other mods.

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Hands down, late binding. But for my money, I'm not fond of mods that require other mods.

I'm not sure it's avoidable in this case. Same with MM. These are the kinds of things that ought to be stock plugin APIs, but aren't. They only make sense as dependencies.

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How difficult would it be to just maintain one version of the mod that uses the toolbar, and another that has an independent button? Or perhaps make it switchable in a config file? Not the most elegant solution, but if the late binding thing causes it's own problems then this might be one way around it. Personally, I have no problem with mods that require other mods, so long as they're bundled or come with clear instructions.

Edited by XanderTek
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I have no problem with a hard dependency on the toolbar, because that gets us faster to the point where everyone has the toolbar, so mods can use it without worrying about these problems, like it's currently with MM.

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Just from the few responses here I think I will probably deploy a version that has the toolbar in it, and then continue to work on the late binding with some more space over the Christmas period. With regards to a release, as KSP testing is in Experimentals and Kerbalkon is only a few days away I am making the assumption (that no-one will confirm or deny, but everyone is thinking :) ) that we may see a new version soon. So I will hold off deploying the mod with toolbar till the end of the week, if no new KSP I'll still go ahead, but that will save having to do two releases if Kerbalkon does indeed bring us 0.23.

If late binding is a bust I will figure a way to have two versions so people can choose, although I do want to investigate the late biunding as a possible way to do interactions between KAC and the Alternate Resource Panel, so I hope to get that to work.

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I am experiencing bug. Alarms set to pery/apo activate 1 minute before actual apo/pery in orbit.

I can see it on map view, or in tools like engineer redux.

Anyone else experiencing this?

I believe the default is to alert 1 minute before. Go into settings and you can change it to any amount of time.

I leave peri/apo at 1 minute before (so I can align my ship if I need to), SOI changes at 0-hour, and maneuvers at 3 minutes before.

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When I run x86_64 KSP ( on Linux with Kerbal Alarm Clock (, I tell it to load my game (career mode) and it crashes. The console just says Aborted, and KSP.log looks innocuous (I can post it somewhere if you want). If I remove KAC (my only installed mod) it runs just fine. In fact, I can start a new game in sandbox mode and it seems to run just fine. Career mode is an insta-crash though. I don't see any core dumps or other debug logs sitting around. My system log doesn't show anything.

I'm also having problems with Kerbal Alarm Clock under Linux (64-bit).

I once could run KSP on career mode using KAC. But I also got corrupted images. After that ONE time, I was not able to run it again. I even tried downgrading do older versions. I downgraded until 2.5 and had no success...

What can I do?

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I'm also having problems with Kerbal Alarm Clock under Linux (64-bit).

I once could run KSP on career mode using KAC. But I also got corrupted images. After that ONE time, I was not able to run it again. I even tried downgrading do older versions. I downgraded until 2.5 and had no success...

What can I do?

Will do my best to help. With regards to your crash, is it the same as saskwach and does it show the same errors in the log as per http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24786-0-22-Kerbal-Alarm-Clock-v2-6-4-0-%28November-8%29?p=805356&viewfull=1#post805356

If so, can you do me a favor and see if the KSP Alternate Resource Panel works on your 64 bit linux (in my signature). I tweaked the texture loading in that one and it is a little different, just waiting for some test results for that to see if it too crashes or not. If not I'll change the KAC code to match - if it still crashes I need to dig further


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Thanks for you prompt answer, Trigger Au!

About your request, I have good and bad news... KSP went a little further: I could access my career mode game, even got to Space Center and VAB! I loaded a ship but when I clicked on LAUNCH, the game crashed again...

Does starting the game through Steam make any difference?

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Ok, so jlcarneiro, saskwahc and any other Linux 64-bit users who have been having a crash caused by texture loading here's some versions to try... https://kerbalalarmclock.codeplex.com/releases/view/115964

In this download there are 4 versions of the KAC using various different methods to load the textures - they all work on my windows test machines and would be great to hear some results on 64-bit linux. They are the same code as with a couple of small updates, and the specific versions have the following load methods: - KSP.IO - this is the current method and should fail - System.IO - still based on Byte arrays - Using Unity's WWW access method - using the KSP Gamedatabase

If you can let me know which ones work and which fail I can try and balance the issues that people have had with 2,3 and 4 in the past and see what the best result for all is.

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Share on other sites - KSP.IO - this is the current method and should fail - System.IO - still based on Byte arrays - Using Unity's WWW access method - using the KSP Gamedatabase - Crashed as expected... ;.; - Kind of worked... It had corrupted images! :rolleyes: - Also crashed (much like version :( - Worked JUST FINE! :cool:

Of course, I've never used KAC before, so I'll have to test it further... :wink:

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Share on other sites - Crashed as expected... ;.; - Kind of worked... It had corrupted images! :rolleyes: - Also crashed (much like version :( - Worked JUST FINE! :cool:

Of course, I've never used KAC before, so I'll have to test it further... :wink:

Well sort of nice, any chance you can screenshot me a pic of the two that didnt crash with the add window open, and drop a copy of both attempts debug logs in pastebin or something. I'd prefer to use's method if I can as I think the graphics blurred up some for me in, but would like to see some pother peoples screens. Then I can hopefully get it all good.

Thanks heaps for testing this.

Oh, and did you try the other Mod?

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If late binding is a bust I will figure a way to have two versions so people can choose, although I do want to investigate the late biunding as a possible way to do interactions between KAC and the Alternate Resource Panel, so I hope to get that to work.

I've got a solution to late binding; you're free to use it if you'd like.

I don't know if it's a particularly good or proper or conventional solution, but it does work. ;)

Edited by toadicus
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I've got a solution to late binding; you're free to use it if you'd like.

I don't know if it's a particularly good or proper or conventional solution, but it does work. ;)

This is awesome Toadicus, I've gotten about half way to where you are (even had almost the exact same code for the loaded assemblies part :) ), and was just considering turning out a full class with all the getvalue/setvalue stuff. The only thing I'd want to add is the /// code comments so all the help text shows in the IDE. I'll take a copy and feed that in.

IMO, this code looks right for how the latebinding of a loaded dll in KSP works, is great work. Have you given Blizzy78 a copy, he might want to include this on his forum thread as more people will use the toolbar if they dont have to include the dll in their download.

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