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[stock] SSTO Rocket

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Backround Fluff

One day, Bob had bailed out from the Ares 4A-AGAIN-and realized that a rocket would be FAR safer. But, alas, John F. Kerman wants a Single Stage To Orbit. So, Bob comes up with a compromise: an SSTO... THAT IS ALSO A ROCKET! He runs to you, the head of your personal space program, with his plan...

The Challenge

Build a rocket that can take off, orbit a few times, and come back to Kerbin in one stage. MUST BE ALL STOCK, INCLUDING MECHJEB. This, of course might be ridonkulously big, but that's how it might have to be.


Bob Was Right: Complete the challenge. 10 points.

Orbit? You Said Bop...: Land on another celestial body (dosen't have to be Bop). +50 ponits.

We're In This Together: Use a three-man capsule. +10 points.

Jeb Gets His Way: Land without parachutes. +20 points.

Jeb Has Lawyers: Who ever said that it couldn't be a plane launched vertically? +10 points.

Jets Are For Planes: Don't use jets. +30 points.

WHAT THE HARV?!: SSTO rocket to Eve and back. Will require extraordinarily evidence. +150 points.

My attempt soon!

Edited by The Jedi Master
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Just to let you know there are quite a lot of rocket ssto challenges. But i don't really care, it's just in case.

Anyway during the "great crash" i managed to build a rocket only SSTO that can escape Kerbol yes thats right, the SUN.

i think once in orbit it could actually return from landing on Duna, if not one refueling session would pretty much guarantie it.

it could also land on lathe if timed correctly although this would defiantly need refueling if you want to come back. i will post pics soon along with craft file :)

I calculated it and it has around 3000m/s delta-V once in orbit.

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Just to let you know there are quite a lot of rocket ssto challenges. But i don't really care, it's just in case.

Anyway during the "great crash" i managed to build a rocket only SSTO that can escape Kerbol yes thats right, the SUN.

i think once in orbit it could actually return from landing on Duna, if not one refueling session would pretty much guarantie it.

it could also land on lathe if timed correctly although this would defiantly need refueling if you want to come back. i will post pics soon along with craft file :)

I calculated it and it has around 3000m/s delta-V once in orbit.

Screenies required.

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I have two questions:

1. Could we use mechjeb during the flight for instrumentation purposes only? i.e. delta-v readout, ap+pe etc, and not to control the ship?

2. Could you add an achievement to complete the challenge without jet engines? Its far harder to SSTO without jet engines :P

1.OK, but I'll need proof that you flew it manually.


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I made this for a now non-existent challenge and I guess I'll share it here now:



Dropping off the payload while in orbit.




Preparing to land.


Landed without chutes.


30 points. :)

Determined legit. With the addition of the no jets achivment, you now have 60 points.

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OK, i haven't got back from duna due to an iffy launch window buts it's entirely possible, the picture i managed to find in my screenshots have some shots of the one i intend to return to kerbin of its own steam and some of a payload i dropped into orbit before landing on ike with the rest off the ship,(i did have a screenie but it disapeared) anyway i will, do another payload drop and take a tonne of screenshots to prove myself, although they wont be here till Sunday probs because i'm going to a concert.

P.S. looked at the rules, TO EVE!!!!





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OK, i haven't got back from duna due to an iffy launch window buts it's entirely possible, the picture i managed to find in my screenshots have some shots of the one i intend to return to kerbin of its own steam and some of a payload i dropped into orbit before landing on ike with the rest off the ship,(i did have a screenie but it disapeared) anyway i will, do another payload drop and take a tonne of screenshots to prove myself, although they wont be here till Sunday probs because i'm going to a concert.

P.S. looked at the rules, TO EVE!!!!





Determined legit. 90 points, best so far!

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Gave it a go, SSTO with rockets only, however the powered landing went a little dodgy coz I forgot to put lights on to see how quickly the ground was approaching and hit at about 20m/s, destroying most of the craft. Pod was intact though, and you never said we had to re-use the ship afterwards ;) Anyway; 3 achievements, total 60 (40 if the landing doesn't count), screenies below:



Gravity Turn






The landing *ahem*


Nailed it.


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Main issue here is that my powered manned landings use lots of fuel,


This miner is SSTO on Kerbin even with all the mining stuff and a 1 ton rover.

Not tried to land it but taking off without the rover that should work nice.

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HEY, its me again, i've got a 114 Imgur album coming your way with Pics of me going to EVE, droping a probe on it and sending another in a Gilly like orbit, then i landed on Gilly and returned to Kerbin where i landed really quite near to the KSC.

when its ready i'll post highlights of the album as well as the link ;)

Edit: i think i got 240 pts

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OK here are the pictures,

my first probe that i landed on eve


This is the second one and is in a Gilly like orbit


Next i landed on Gilly


Back on Kerbin next to KSC


an album of much more pictures:


As i said 240 points

Edit: forgot to say, this has a docking port by one of the landing legs and because its so close to KSC i might send refueling rover and reuse it :D

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I made this for a now non-existent challenge and I guess I'll share it here now:



Dropping off the payload while in orbit.




Preparing to land.


Landed without chutes.


30 points. :)

What's going on here? That little engine shouldn't even be able to get that rocket off the ground :huh:

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Burned until it was light enough?

Here's my entry from the Grasshopper challenge.

On the pad:


In orbit:


Heating up:


Almost home!:


Powered landing, no chutes:


Anybody got a ladder?


60 Points!

Edited by GusTurbo
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