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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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So glad i asked what you'd been up too! Love the new rover parts. Inspiration from the "Last Days on Mars" rover is see? :P



Perhaps you could have a go at the cabin and/or wheels base of this?


P.S Personal life is more important that anything online so take time off if you want to. We'll still love the parts already made until you get back!

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I've been messing around with a few things (except wheels, had a go at those and they can go away and do unpleasant things to themselves. I like the stock 'ruggedised' ones anyway).

Here's some screenshots.






With the rover, mainly needs the textures finishing now, that and the eternal 'hatch is obstructed'. With the green-house, I'm having difficulty with getting the solarpanel part working, so it just looks pretty at the moment and won't be of any use for Ioncross,etc. Don't know when I'll get those finished up properly though, a good friend passed away a few days ago, so I've been spent a bit too much time messing around with KSP and let some of my actual work pile up, which will need doing. There's also a few things that I've been messing around with via the MODEL{} .cfg system, like those spherical tanks , they'll go in LLL-extra. Had a better look at the generator module too, it's more in-depth than I'd previously thought, so the windmill will now only work in an atmosphere and I can make things like an engine for that rover (can drive about 320km on a full tank).

oh dear lord and i thought that the last update was the best ever.........

....for the love of god I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS RELEASE!!!!!!!

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The Pride of Kerbiin. What a beautiful ship.

Also I would suggest a version of the rover without the axles(?) so that people who want to can also use the Rovemax M1 wheels.

Thanks. And that's no problem, got that sorted and made a 'mini-buggy'. I also fixed the issue with rovers flipping over from aggressive breaking. Simply made .cfg copy of the ruggerdised wheels with no breaks for use on the front axle, I do wish they had a 'disable break torque' option in the right-click menu for the wheels.

Excuse the docking ports, just used them to attach the MkI pod.

No axles:






Size comparison:




Thanks. We worked together as well, it's been a mind-f' as I'd been moved to her desk while she'd been ill.


The Last days of mars rover was a good call. I don't really care for that NASA rover though, but the shapes are simple enough so I'm sure it's something someone else can have a go with, if not yourself (and it is what Bobcat's DEMV is based off if I recall correctly).

More messing around:




Edited by Lack
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Lack, how do you balance the thrust with the weight so well with your VTOLs? Whenever i make a VTOL it's almost impossible for me to accurately place the engines because the rear thruster offsets the thrust vector of the vertical ones :C

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As you can see, the SAS is located near the center of mass :)

But this engines wth vertical thrust vector is no good for VTOL - the distance from the vector of thrust to the CoM is maximum, so you've got maximum overturning moment from thrust assymetry, and unstable vessel.

The small thruster re much better, because of its angle.

You can make you vessel more stable by creating one engine inclination and correcting distance from thrust vector to CoM (to minimum), and only then placing second engine in symmetry mode.

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In all honesty, I don't even bother with the thrust vector for VTOLs. I just have a central fuel tank (with any extra tanks attached radially and feeding into it so the CoM won't shift when you use fuel), then build the rest of the craft. After that I start tweaking the design and use the counter-weights to bring the CoM dead-centre through the fuel tanks, then attach the radial engines to the side of it.

Bish, bash, bosh, perfectly balanced VTOL (Engines are toggled by action group and it also helps if you put a docking port over the CoM as well). In the above design mono-prop could become a problem but I don't tend to use much of it anyway.

Some more rover shots:

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I should've had some good ones of a frankly ridiculous station (and the launch vehicle) I'm trying to build, but KSP did it's normal trick of not actually taking the screenshots.

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AArrgghh! You're doing it again, Lack! You're teasing us (and by that I mean ME) with screenshots of all kinds of goodies that aren't released yet! Grrr.... Lol, :D

On a (slightly) more serious note, I am definitely looking forward to having some more options when it comes to rover building. :) Hope these will be ready and released soon.

Later! :D

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AArrgghh! You're doing it again, Lack! You're teasing us (and by that I mean ME) with screenshots of all kinds of goodies that aren't released yet! Grrr.... Lol, :D

On a (slightly) more serious note, I am definitely looking forward to having some more options when it comes to rover building. :) Hope these will be ready and released soon.

Later! :D

Well, here's a testing version of 10.7 to play with: (has the rovers in and I've also put in a copy of LLL-extra, which, fair warning, is just where I dump things that I'm mucking around with). I've probably terribly broken a few things so best make a backup first.


Vrana did some work with that, which I was going to finish but never got round to, it's still missing the probes I believe. http://pastebin.com/jE6Bf0Kd

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Question, I'm having issues with the larger nuclear engine and MechJeb. it seems under most circumstances that the engine's thrust cannot be controlled by mechjeb unless an engine of a different sort also accompanies it... is this a bug with LLL or Mechjeb?

Thanks, also do you have a github for bugs?

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Well, here's a testing version of 10.7 to play with: (has the rovers in and I've also put in a copy of LLL-extra, which, fair warning, is just where I dump things that I'm mucking around with). I've probably terribly broken a few things so best make a backup first.

Oh, hey, cool, thank you! I hope you understand that I wasn't actually upset, I was just messing around. :) But I sure appreciate the chance to play with some new stuff, as I'm sure many others do as well.

Again, thanks. Now time to go play! :D

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Vrana did some work with that, which I was going to finish but never got round to, it's still missing the probes I believe. http://pastebin.com/jE6Bf0Kd

It is missing some probes indeed.

Here is a module manager cfg which i THINK contanis everything:

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 5000000
MaxQ = 3000
EnergyCost = 1.05

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 5000000
MaxQ = 3000
EnergyCost = 0.38

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 3000000
MaxQ = 6000
EnergyCost = 0.38

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 6000000
MaxQ = 3000
EnergyCost = 0.7

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0DishRange = 0
Mode1DishRange = 60000000000
EnergyCost = 1.86
DishAngle = 0.04

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0DishRange = 0
Mode1DishRange = 50000000
EnergyCost = 1.64
MaxQ = 6000
DishAngle = 45.0

DeployFxModules = 0
ProgressFxModules = 1

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0DishRange = 0
Mode1DishRange = 60000000000
EnergyCost = 1.86
DishAngle = 0.04

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}
name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0DishRange = 0
Mode1DishRange = 350000000000
EnergyCost = 5.70
DishAngle = 0.006

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

name = ModuleSPU

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = unmannedTech
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

allowManualControl = false

name = ModuleRTAntenna
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 6000000
MaxQ = 3000
EnergyCost = 0.7

DeployFxModules = 0

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPUPassive

name = ModuleSPU

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = unmannedTech
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPU

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = unmannedTech
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPU

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = unmannedTech
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

Tbh i have yet to use LLL probe cores so they havent been tested but they SHOULD work. Comms equipment is fine assuming you like the values i used. Values are mostly a copy paste from various RT2 parts with the exception of making the radars into 6Mm omnis (this makes them the longest rng omnis out there).

Edited by Vrana
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Don't know when I'll get those finished up properly though, a good friend passed away a few days ago, so I've been spent a bit too much time messing around with KSP and let some of my actual work pile up, which will need doing.

Best wishes to you. Losing someone dear to you is never easy. I think creating beautiful things - like these new models - when you are distracting yourself is a nice way of paying tribute to your friend.

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Oh, hey, cool, thank you! I hope you understand that I wasn't actually upset, I was just messing around. :) But I sure appreciate the chance to play with some new stuff, as I'm sure many others do as well.

Again, thanks. Now time to go play! :D

Ah don't worry about it, I got that. Emoticons are good for that sort of thing. No problem, enjoy.


I don't use them that much myself, I actually added a 'microchip' in LLL-extras (name = LLLMicrochip). Although if that's going to have an antenna it should only be veryshort range. I mainly use it when I need to stop things being counted as debris.


Thank you for the kind words.


That's MJ's inability to handle things with a delayed throttle setting properly. You may want to try knocking

engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.5
engineDecelerationSpeed = 1.0
useEngineResponseTime = true

out of the config.

Like the over-heating, I added it to make the nuclear engines a bit more interesting, I figured just dumping a tonne of propellant into it all at once couldn't be good for the thing anyway. I should actually decrease the weight of the 2x1 engine a bit, since I increased the weight of the optional cooling grills.

As for github, I think I've set something up. Don't have a clue how it works really.


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That's MJ's inability to handle things with a delayed throttle setting properly. You may want to try knocking


engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.5

engineDecelerationSpeed = 1.0

useEngineResponseTime = true

out of the config.

Like the over-heating, I added it to make the nuclear engines a bit more interesting, I figured just dumping a tonne of propellant into it all at once couldn't be good for the thing anyway. I should actually decrease the weight of the 2x1 engine a bit, since I increased the weight of the optional cooling grills.

As for github, I think I've set something up. Don't have a clue how it works really.


Thanks, I hadn't realized the engine did acted that way. I will try it out.

I pointed the issue out on MechJeb's github and they'll get to it eventually: https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/issues/242

and yes, the over heating is quite the humbling feature, I wasn't aware that adding grills could cool anything however.

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