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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Love the greenhouse and the buggies. They created the need for a new Duna colony.

Also I have been messing around with LLL based SSTOs and i have a small request.

LLL components do have a radial Jet engine but no TurboJet. With just basic Jets high altitude flight at requried velocity is just not possible. Id appriciate a TurboJet LLL engine in some future release if you have time for it. Maybe even an LLL SABER?

In the meantime I have turned the LLL Jet engine into a FAR Turbo Jet (a bit weaker then stock).

In case someone else has similar needs here is an MM conf:

@heatProduction = 400
@useEngineResponseTime = True
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0.2
@engineDecelerationSpeed = 0.35
@maxThrust = 200
@key = 0 1200
@key = 0.3 2500
@key = 1 800
@key,0 = 0 0.7 0 -0.00098
@key,1 = 140 0.63 0 0
@key,2 = 400 0.7 0.00049 0.00049
@key,3 = 900 1 0 0
@key,4 = 1800 0 -0.00098 0

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Well, here's a testing version of 10.7 to play with: (has the rovers in and I've also put in a copy of LLL-extra, which, fair warning, is just where I dump things that I'm mucking around with). I've probably terribly broken a few things so best make a backup first.


Vrana did some work with that, which I was going to finish but never got round to, it's still missing the probes I believe. http://pastebin.com/jE6Bf0Kd

Amazing work! thanks for all the greatness . Love the new parts , and the eagle pod made me smile :), more stuff for my eagle.

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i instaled your mod and my game started to crash randomly after a few minutes and since i removed it the game stoped to crash

i don't think it's my ram i have 16gb

would you like to see the logs?

please read up before you point fingers at people mods

KSP is run on unity's game engine

unity's game engine is a 32 bit program (the 64 bit hasnt been developed yet)

32bit programs can only use up to 4gb (actually 3.8ish) of a system's ram

you cant put too many mods in KSP or it will crash because the game will exceed that

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after consulting with MechJeb's GitHub about the issue. A new Dev version of mechJeb has been made to fix the problem. I can confirm this works with your awesome delayed thrust engines. :)

download able on MechJeb's dev builds here: http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/changes

Also I keep forgetting to say keep up the good work

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please read up before you point fingers at people mods

KSP is run on unity's game engine

unity's game engine is a 32 bit program (the 64 bit hasnt been developed yet)

32bit programs can only use up to 4gb (actually 3.8ish) of a system's ram

you cant put too many mods in KSP or it will crash because the game will exceed that

how was i supposed to know that

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Also I have been messing around with LLL based SSTOs and i have a small request.

LLL components do have a radial Jet engine but no TurboJet. With just basic Jets high altitude flight at requried velocity is just not possible. Id appriciate a TurboJet LLL engine in some future release if you have time for it. Maybe even an LLL SABER?

In the meantime I have turned the LLL Jet engine into a FAR Turbo Jet (a bit weaker then stock).

That'd be because I've always just used the stock turbo-jets, perhaps in the engine shroud if I felt the need. Always thought they fit the style pretty well anyway. I made the radial as I needed some VTOLs capable of extended operation in an atmosphere. I suppose I can give it a go at some point.


Glad to know it fixed.


Just a case of forgetting that not everyone knows about the 3.5GB (ish) memory limit, I think. LLL is just a parts mod so any crashes related to it should be due to memory usage.


Yeah, pretty sure I did. It just uses the stock crew-compartment IVA though. (At least in the test version of 10.7)

Anyway, screenshots (oh yeah, if other people have their own they'd like to share, go ahead. I always like seeing other people's.)

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Lack, I have to say I love this pack but two things irk me about it;

1) The NERVAs. I loved the nervas before, but now its just annoying with the heat up and cool-down times, because I think I have my intercepts perfect, then the engine keeps going before cooldown and I end up missing the mark by millions of metres...

2) This isn't so much something I dislike as a request. I think LLL needs some more parts like the greenhouse. Like maybe one of the 2x1 greenhouses, but without the plants, so that is has transparent windows, as well as areas, like bays of all sizes that have see through windows and don't actually open into space through a door on the top.

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Hey there,

I cant seem to find out how to use hatches or eva doors, i've tried installing the vanguard plugin, and crew manifest, but to no avail.

i have placed the hatches all over, on the capsule, on the hull, on everything! I also have tried to use crew manifest to move Kerbals to the hatch, but when i EVA and try to get back in, it says "Module Full" can someone please provide explicit instructions on how to fix this?


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Heres another...

Many complained the Seekers were nothing but glorified satellites, overdesigned lifeboats and LKO tugs. They prance around Kerbin SOI looking fancy but what have they done for science, asked shortsighted observers.

Thus the Seeker IV was built. Weighing in at 140 tonnes, 9 of which are counterweights, and 200 parts, all not counting the launch vehicle. Unlike its predecessors the new ship comes equiped with a full science bay and hydrophonic gardens for long term missions.

The lastest Seeker set out to explore orbit around Eeloo and, having done that, prance around looking fancy.

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Its the Kerbal Engineer Redux flight computer. It gives various information on your craft (such as remaining dV) and trajectory(orbital inclination for example). It is information you should have but isnt implemented in stock KSP (yet).

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Its the Kerbal Engineer Redux flight computer. It gives various information on your craft (such as remaining dV) and trajectory(orbital inclination for example). It is information you should have but isnt implemented in stock KSP (yet).

IMO this part, the ER-7500 Computer Flight Unit, is one of the most interesting objects objects in the game. It even has the ability to have the various animations controlled via plug-in.

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hey i was using the devbuild/ LLL extras and i think you can fix the windmill problem by simply removing the genrator module and setting the intake resource to electric charge

What problem? Did you manage to find a way to get it to fill batteries when using just the intake-resource (resourceName = ElectricCharge), rather than just the windmill (which is why I was using the generator module and intake-air. Although using the generator module to use electricity and generate the same amount of electricity back out might work).

As for the modular fuels:


That's the main tanks, if you find anything missing it'd be great if you could post the correxions.


Well, technically they're not NERVAs (but they do use the same ISP and balance factors, so fair enough). Graduating the throttle is an important part of nuclear engines from what I've read, especially with dealing with heat (which I'll be changing to make it slightly more forgiving). It's a mechanic that I find interesting anyway and only takes a few seconds to remove from the config.

@put username,

Covered in Vanguard's documentation:


Here's a few images covering the usage: http://imgur.com/a/SDiS4

Essentially make sure you've right-clicked the hatch to set it as the active hatch. If that's still not working, remove Vanguard and just use crew-manifest (Vanguard set's the hatch crew capacity to 0) and make sure you've got the mods installed in the right places obviously (also, you're not running linux are you?)


Hot diggity, Vrana, you never fail to impress. Gristle, is that a hab-module I spy there?


Anyway, messed around with an actual kerbalised Open-core nuclear engine. It's certainly powerful, unfortunately I suspect I rendered a good portion of Kerbin a radio-active wasteland during launch, I'm sure nyrath would approve.

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And I quite liked this picture:


Part of this ship: http://imgur.com/a/hLYbY

Edited by Lack
Herbal tea
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Hot diggity, Vrana, you never fail to impress. Gristle, is that a hab-module I spy there?



It is indeed, enroute to the Mun, Some details parts from Lionhead, MSI IR, B9, KAS and AIES. The heavy cargo lander I've call Fatman Tri-motor-G. Its hull is LLL with a mix of stock parts and at least 11 other mods for various bits.

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Well lack, the file system needs work. I just spent an hour trying to remove the structural panels that you have in 10.7, and I cannot find them. In fact, nothing is logically labelled. In the future, could you make things easier/more logical to find?

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