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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Any chance of the textures becoming TGA compressed?

No, not really, too much hassle with reexporting. Why would you want that?

Any plans for a crew tank in the HL sized fuselage?

Not anytime soon, unfortunately. You can use seats, panels and ladders with a cargo section to build a fancy crewtank yourself. )

Question from a B9-space-plane-always-failing-enthusiast:

Could you please tell me the proportions of fuel for sabre M and Sabre L to deliver the plane into orbit?

I actually run out of rocket fuel about halfway to orbit. Partially that is because i switch to rocket fuel too early. About 25 KM, 1100-1300 m/s

I heard that others managed to get their craft up to 40km high, but my crafts simply can't go fast enough at an altitude above 25 KM, because i have a paranoidal strong feeling of a flameout, and that's the very reason why i tune my engines down just a little bit and in about a minute my plane can't climb really well and tends to go a bit sideways and tip down untill it has enough lift and speed. That's about the time when i switch the engine mode, and end up at an apoapsis of 72-91 km, with the trajectory ark hugging about half of the kerbin AT BEST. Also i always have quite a lot of jet fuel to spare. I really need some help and advice about proportions of rocket/jet fuel per sabre, or any other advices. Maybe for such a rookies as me would be more effective using 2 engine types? Also, a little note: designing a cargo plane, the size is quite good. About as half as Strugatsky, maybe wings a bit shorter, and all in all a bit shorter. The goal is carry at least 1 jumbo tank into orbit. Quite successfully climbs throughout the atmosphere with a jumbo(36 tons) in it's belly untill 25-26 km, but getting into the orbit is the problem... It is armed with 4 Sabre-M's, and 2 additional jet engines which i added in my desperate quest for TEH SPESS. Also, it can't lift off earlier than the runway's end. Here's the screenie of the plane itself:

Nice spaceplane. I'm not sure what's wrong with it and I'd recommend to send a PM to Taverius on the subject of exact engine stats, but I see one thing you can change immidiately: you are using small subsonic pitot intakes that stop working efficiently at high speed and high altitute, being worthless drag on your plane.

Edited by bac9
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Love the pack, use it all the time! Thanks Bac9!

quick question: Can one use the HL reaction wheel as SAS for rockets? thinking about the behemoths I'm gonna build, and how to control them... :( I really need a 3.75 SAS...

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TGA textures would be a good idea because it lowers the load time.

Load times should be identical and are only longer for PNG right now because Unity developers have borked their PNG/JPEG loader in the latest version of the engine. There is no point in wasting tons of time for reexporting the parts when the underlying issue is completely unrelated to the mod and is guaranteed to be fixed in the future on Unity side.

Yeah, but TGA = more memory usage. I'll keep longer load times please, it's insignificant anyway.

Wrong, not a single texture file you see in the part folders ever gets used in the game. Your GPU knows nothing about file formats like PNG, TGA or MBM, hardware standard is DDS. What's happening on the loading screen is conversion of all textures into that format. The format of source file has zero influence on the final memory output of the mod, only potential effect is that you can ruin your textures with JPEG compression for no gain in memory.

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Love the pack, use it all the time! Thanks Bac9!

quick question: Can one use the HL reaction wheel as SAS for rockets? thinking about the behemoths I'm gonna build, and how to control them... :( I really need a 3.75 SAS...

You can, just don't leave autopilot on for longer periods when in orbit...

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The issue with TGA vs PNG is that KSP also loads that data into system memory and, as was discovered with the FusTek Station Parts Expansion Pack, the compression does matter there. Video cards seem to handle the texture data well enough regardless of size, but the 3.7gb RAM limit KSP has to work with is a bit more unforgiving if you're running a number of parts packs.

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Wrong, not a single texture file you see in the part folders ever gets used in the game. Your GPU knows nothing about file formats like PNG, TGA or MBM, hardware standard is DDS. What's happening on the loading screen is conversion of all textures into that format. The format of source file has zero influence on the final memory output of the mod, only potential effect is that you can ruin your textures with JPEG compression for no gain in memory.

Ah, ok. It seems I've been misinformed. Thanks for that. Love the pack by the way :)

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exuce me, i'd like to ask 3 questions.

1. does this mod work sied by side with the NovaPunch 2.01, the most recent one, 'cos it's just been released just a week ago.

2. i can't load my rocket. but when no problem loading a plane :huh: anyone know why?

3. well this one not relevant to this mod, but, is this game more CPU bound, or GPU Bound?, and does this game support dual graphics systems?

im running on a ASUS K43TK laptop

A6-3420m @1.5

HD6520G2 (IGP) + HD7670m

4Gb RAM. (i set it to only spare half a gig for the IGP)

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I don't know if this has been mentioned before, had a search for it and didn't seem to find anything in prior posts.

2 points.

1) Has anybody else noticed that the atlas low-profile engine doesn't have a shroud present when a decoupler is attached to the bottom?

2) Way way back on page 67 (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25241-0-20-2-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R3-2-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures/page67) the image of the airbrake appears to have some kind of bar for support but it doesn't appear in my game. Is this something that was dropped or is there something that I have to do to get that to appear?

Thanks in advance!

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Hey, I want to use this super mod with khetan, KAS and procedural dynamics and but evry time I want to lunch KSP crash. I test other mods and they work normal.

I saw on youtube someone use this mods together and they work.

Here are error logs:


Please, say me what I can do to fix this.

If you could use pastebin, it would be cool. That way, we wouldn't need to download a file to check what's happening. Anyway, you're most likely running out of memory - the only fixes for this is to reduce part resolution, which can be done in the graphics submenu of the settings menu. If that doesn't help, the only possible fix is to uninstall some mods/parts of mods that you don't use.

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b9 pack will kill ksp, if you computer is marginal. Otherwise it is a very nice pack.

To freedom, surface mounted docking ports. On the floor work well. I used the flat one with a sliding door. The dock part extends out and can dock with the underside of a rover parked over it.

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Hey everybody, and bac9. Love the mod, and I've been having a lot of fun working on my first fully functional SSTO! However, I just ran across a perculiar bug/event/something during one of my flights. I'm running 6 SABRE M engines (in three sets) off of a HL cargo bay and fuel tank chassis, with an S2 cockpit and the required adapters. Everything was working fine, until the last few test flights when, immediately upon starting the engines, 2 of the three sets of SABRE M shock cone intakes close up on their own and remain closed, despite all attempts to toggle them, either through action groups or manually opening their windows. In addition, I've tested out my action groups before activating my engines, and they work fine then. It may be that the fuselage breaks a bit on ignition and locks the controls for the engines, though I don't think this is it, due to the position of the engines and which ones lock up (I've got 2 on the wings, 2 towards the back of the plane, about halfway up the fuselage, and the last two engines above my horizontal stabilizers on a raised, HL tail at the very end.) The intakes that freak out are the ones on the stabilizers and on the wings, but not the 2 fuselage engines in the middle, so I don't think structure failure is the cause. Plus, on some of the flights, I haven't seen any damage reports after ending the flight.

I tried to reconfigure the action groups, reset the toggle intake action, and even put new intakes on, but no luck. I'm going to try again, after a reboot, and with the debugging window open to see if I catch anything this way. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this problem?

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I am having the 83 part problem. I have version 20.2.186, is that compatible? I also noticed that when I go to download the pack it is 61.5 MB, where this page says it should be 73 MB; is that wrong? Also, when I get the unzipped files it only has 83 parts in it, I checked and they are all different. So, got any tips on what I can do to get the missing parts?

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I am having the 83 part problem. I have version 20.2.186, is that compatible? I also noticed that when I go to download the pack it is 61.5 MB, where this page says it should be 73 MB; is that wrong? Also, when I get the unzipped files it only has 83 parts in it, I checked and they are all different. So, got any tips on what I can do to get the missing parts?

Just making sure, are you counting part folders? because that's not a valid method anymore, as since .20 multiple parts can share one texture. Instead, you need to count the part configs.

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Hey everybody, and bac9. Love the mod, and I've been having a lot of fun working on my first fully functional SSTO! However, I just ran across a perculiar bug/event/something during one of my flights. I'm running 6 SABRE M engines (in three sets) off of a HL cargo bay and fuel tank chassis, with an S2 cockpit and the required adapters. Everything was working fine, until the last few test flights when, immediately upon starting the engines, 2 of the three sets of SABRE M shock cone intakes close up on their own and remain closed, despite all attempts to toggle them, either through action groups or manually opening their windows. In addition, I've tested out my action groups before activating my engines, and they work fine then. It may be that the fuselage breaks a bit on ignition and locks the controls for the engines, though I don't think this is it, due to the position of the engines and which ones lock up (I've got 2 on the wings, 2 towards the back of the plane, about halfway up the fuselage, and the last two engines above my horizontal stabilizers on a raised, HL tail at the very end.) The intakes that freak out are the ones on the stabilizers and on the wings, but not the 2 fuselage engines in the middle, so I don't think structure failure is the cause. Plus, on some of the flights, I haven't seen any damage reports after ending the flight.

I tried to reconfigure the action groups, reset the toggle intake action, and even put new intakes on, but no luck. I'm going to try again, after a reboot, and with the debugging window open to see if I catch anything this way. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this problem?

I was seeing something like that but I was running Mechjeb with the "manage air intakes" on in the Throttle/Utilities section.

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Great mod! I have some questions though, are there any smaller engine mounts that I'm not seeing? I'm trying to make a minimalistic space shuttle (I know, very creative, right?) but the engine mount choices seem lacking, I could use a large bicoupler/tricoupler, but instead I only find complicated two-piece engine mounts that are about twice as long as the rest of my craft and very unwieldy.

Also, are there any plans to add some more S2 parts? The heat tiles are absolutely gorgeous but they don't go too well with the other parts which have a plain gray underside.

And perhaps some other landing gear, let's face it, on huge ships the tiny stock ones look a bit pathetic :P

Other than that those parts are great, looking forward to more :)

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Great mod! I have some questions though, are there any smaller engine mounts that I'm not seeing? I'm trying to make a minimalistic space shuttle (I know, very creative, right?) but the engine mount choices seem lacking, I could use a large bicoupler/tricoupler, but instead I only find complicated two-piece engine mounts that are about twice as long as the rest of my craft and very unwieldy.

Also, are there any plans to add some more S2 parts? The heat tiles are absolutely gorgeous but they don't go too well with the other parts which have a plain gray underside.

And perhaps some other landing gear, let's face it, on huge ships the tiny stock ones look a bit pathetic :P

Other than that those parts are great, looking forward to more :)

Haha, sad but very true about landing gear.

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