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stock Aircraft carrier [KSP Navy][Image Heavy ]

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Here is the stock carrier i have been working on today.It has a part count of 444 and weighs in at 73 kerbal mass units. it uses the new command modules to. Top speed of 25 and is easy to tern. Also like all my previous ships it has no loud splashes behind it (except if gear is stuck under it).Recommend going off side of runway instead of the end and when entering water go very slowly (its long and the angle from the ground and water make it bend go in to fast and it will snap (like 3 m/s or so).

Hope you like it i know you could land something on it but i am a terrible pilot (i couldn't even get a VTOL on it i just splashed down next to it). well here it is.



and my failed attempt :P


Here is the craft file : Limited time only :D

every thing below is an older post newer ones are featured in the title.

Here is a rescue ship to rescue falling kerbals who just want to go home. Its range is unknown but could probiably make it very far with about 30 can of liquid fuel and 2 jet engines (top speed around 50). It has room to rescue 24 kerbals. This boat gets into the water quite easily but i do recommend low speeds (when driving i recommend using docking port for better controls and it can go off the side of the runway)

Action groups

1-rescue ladders

2-cabin ladder (if your captain want to get out and have a swim)

Just got into water (the gear come off and split out from under neath when detached)




Craft file : Get it now :)

My first Destroyer that actually gets into the water

The Viking Class Destroyer is the first of my KSP Naval fleet (will be adding more:D)

Part count when in the water is around 294. Top speed is 50 m/s (dont recomend because engines overheat).Only uses 2 jet engines but somehow still hits high speed for a boat. Cuts through the water (now loud splashing :))

Armed with 4 dual barreled cannons (yes there just for looks ;.;).

Here is its launch stage don't worry it does come off and nothing visible is left on ship.

when leaving runway at the end i would recomend very slow speeds (got off at 3 m/s but could probiably go faster) and when entering water should go about same speed.


geting off runway


detaching wheels


out at sea


Hope you all like this and tell me if you have some ideas for my next ship

Craft file:http://www./?ty40506ar2a3lgf

Edited by brobel
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I would love to - small boat powered by jet engine power to give it a great efficiency... Packed with scientific stuff - I don´t think I want any Kerbals stranded at se just yet :) I think it is totaly doable, since it can be very light payload.

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I dont think we need a dropship for that - just make it part of the rocket, it will re-enter and then descent on parachutes. on water it will start the engine and of it goes.

No need for dropship, since I don´t feel a need for pin point accuracy.

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I agree, that or something very similar would be awesome on Laythe, tho I fear that jet power wouldn't work as well as we'd hope for it. I would say that to bring enough fuel to circumnavigate on jets at 0altitude would make the thing weigh a little too much. Thinking more along the lines of a dual fan powered electric boat, either solar or nuclear, just for the sake of long term usability. (Yes, mods, but I'm personally ok with that lol)

Ugh you just made me want to add more cargo to my already burdened cargo run lol. Maybe on the second trip :)

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been trying to make a boat for the project but small boats are a lot harder to make then small ones who would have thought. But with the new seats i should be able to make them smaller while still having crew capacity and make it compact :)

ill tell you when i have got the perfect one :)

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Has anyone deployed this in .20.?

I got it in the water, looked pretty good, but option to go to Space Center was greyed out. All I could do was end the mission, and the carrier didn't even become debris, though all the gear underneath did after being released.

What is it that makes the Space Center available? Maybe you can't be on the ground?

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you have to wait for the speed to slow down ( under .2 m/s ) and then you can and it was made in .20 so yes it was deployed in point 20 (notice the bridge is made with the new cupola module.)

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  • 2 years later...

Do you think you can add a docking port to where your aircraft can refuel? because I can land on the aircraft carrier its just when my aircraft come back form a few sorties they have no fuel and i have no way to refuel them... :(

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