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Random Arts :P


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I recently got a touch screen stylus, so here's some art I've made with free iPad software and my stylus (I'm definitely enjoying it more than a mouse). I know there's some software that will enable me to use my iPad as a separate monitor for my computer, so I'll probably get that soon enough.



Note that there's no layering or anything, so it's just a flat image. I also don't have a blur tool, but smudge served well enough for my initial attempt (no opacity or anything as well... As I said, I'm using free software :P) I also forgot to crop the bottom out... :derp:

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I'm an amateur artist and only just started digital painting, but here's some pointers anyways. It looks incredibly smudged. When I paint, I never use blurred brushes or smudging. I would recommend getting a real tablet and watching some tutorials on http://ctrlpaint.com/. To get good you need lots of practice, but the practicing is fun. :)

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Proof that free software isn't the best right here. :D

This was more of an experiment to get used to the fact that I'm not using paper/canvas or a mouse. I really don't understand why the software has smudging but no blurring... o.O Quality product for sure :P

Working with layers, selections, and opacities also helps me significantly (I can't do a lot besides sketching without it), so even just using my iPad as a "graphics tablet" with GIMP is better than free software with a minimal amount of options. I can't afford a legit graphics tablet currently, so until that happens I'm stuck with the solution I've found (which is not what you see above :P). Actually, sketching using this method would be good... I can design stuff here and then color it and add details on my computer...

I've also never been the best artist (my sister got those genes) but I adapt quickly, so my art should improve over time... I'll take a look at those tutorials and use less smudging next time :)

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Since art is perception, the only obstacle to its quality is self-perception. Consider this: the majority of people do not attempt what you've done, simply because they are too afraid to put lines down on a piece of paper. If your goal is to get other people to like your work however, well, that depends a lot on the crowd. We all agree that a painting of a bowl of fruit is good when everyone sees it. However, when someone sprays a paint enema onto a canvas from a swing; well, only a select crowd gathers to bid on that 'masterpiece'.

That being said; of course a proper tablet, better software and training helps. When you start a fire, no one cares whether you used tinder or matches once everyone is warm.

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