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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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In my grand career reboot (using tougher settings and KCT), sent probes to the Mun and Minmus, and made my first orbital rescue (in this campaign).  Tough when having to make a rendezvous 'manually' (using just the navball, stock nodes and information in the Map screen) and no RCS control-- but not impossible.  [Achievement unlocked! :D ]

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Got this probe into Duna orbit.


The mission/design of it was originally based off the Mars 2 Orbiter and Lander. This Duna orbiter here had a lander attached to the top, but since I'm new to interplanetary travel and the characteristics of Duna, I didnt account for the weak atmosphere of Duna and the lander crashed :(

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Yesterday I was about to toss the Gilly Orbiter mission manual in the bin.  The transfer stage had burned out 650m/s short of Eve capture, & we had only 72 units of fuel with the probe's maneuvering Ant thruster.  However we'd spent $160,000 to get it there, we may as well try until we fail.

Step 1, 650 m/s burn to get capture- check, and hey there's fuel left.

Step 2, 450 m/s plane change to match Gilly- check.

Step 3, ...well holy crap; what luck. Only a 47 m/s burn gets me an encounter!

Step 4, 400 m/s to capture-- and 12 units of fuel left!?!  We did it!!

I will never again look down on the lowly Ant.

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Probably I am  of the few that think that KSP is making an improvement on planetary atmospheres. When I send the firs ship (an automatic probe) to a planet with atmosphere I try to make a plane to check several locations for the future crewed missions.

So I wanted to make a plane for Duna, In the past electric engines, or Karbonite engines, were able to fly in Duna. But in this new version al these engines don't have enough power for a practical plane... But this is more realistic behavior... Duna only have the 5% of the atmospheric pressure of Kerbin. At that altitude, when the pressure is only 5%, in Kerbin the jet engines don't have power, and the propeller blades don't have enough air to impulse the plane... I was thinking on make a rocket plane with enough fuel for a 15min autonomy... At this moment I saw the ION engine, high ISP low power... But  the pressure in Duna is almost like don´t have atmophere, so the power and the ISP are reduced only about 5% in the worse conditions...      


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17 minutes ago, obi_juan said:

Probably I am  of the few that think that KSP is making an improvement on planetary atmospheres. When I send the firs ship (an automatic probe) to a planet with atmosphere I try to make a plane to check several locations for the future crewed missions.

I'm the same way.  I'd much rather fly if possible than drive around a planet :)  I haven't tried flying on Duna yet in 1.0.5 (been too busy messing with Tekto in OPM).  Thanks for the heads-up on the new conditions there.

Awesome ion plane, BTW.

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Still some details to add, but I have a Saturn S-1C flyable. Yes, that's a 1.25m probe core attached to the fuel tank. :)  It's also using the Rhino's flame effects for now. But it needs something bigger, so I'll make that too at some point.



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Spent some more time working on my old rocket plane, the Fermion. It's part of my ongoing vendetta against side-mounted shuttle orbiters, and it performs better than I could have hoped. Right now I'm throwing a little station together to put it through its paces, and then I'm gonna integrate it into my career fleet.




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I had some technical difficulties with the fireworks display... Anyways Happy 2016 everyone!



I didn't even know such a big explosion was possible...





Judging by this last picture I estimate only about 30% of the fireworks went off. Shame.

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Just as the new year rolled in, I sent my Duna mothership on its way out of Kerbin's SOI:


The "Dunaginata" is a much more modest craft than Kidonia, weighing in at a comparatively light 511 parts and 215 tons, but is nevertheless a weighty beast. Inside its main cargo bay is a lander for Ike and an advanced portable station that includes a survey probe, scientific probe, and ISRU mining bot; attached to the tail are the portable station expansion kit (which upgrades the station to include an artificial gravity ring) and a lander/ISRU refinery for a contract. Since Duna only has one moon, far fewer components are needed for this mission than for Kidonia's, which is the primary reason for the smaller size, mass, and part count.

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6 hours ago, Red Dwarf said:

Spent some more time working on my old rocket plane, the Fermion. It's part of my ongoing vendetta against side-mounted shuttle orbiters, and it performs better than I could have hoped. Right now I'm throwing a little station together to put it through its paces, and then I'm gonna integrate it into my career fleet.





Now that's a nice looking shuttle.  Do you have a thread on this one?  Alternatively can you give any more information.  I'm interested in alternatives to my Buran and other's shuttles also!


I went wing-suit flying on Kerbin today:



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Few weeks back I build an X-Wing. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27292-what-did-you-do-in-ksp-today/&do=findComment&comment=2326720). Today I tried my luck at building a B-Wing.


Like its movie counterpart it's very manoeuvrable. Just don't expect it to fly in the direction you want. Admiral Ackbar was right: "It's a trap!" It's a flying death trap! 100% stock and 100% deadly ... for the unfortunate pilot.

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59 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

Few weeks back I build an X-Wing. (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/27292-what-did-you-do-in-ksp-today/&do=findComment&comment=2326720). Today I tried my luck at building a B-Wing.


Like its movie counterpart it's very manoeuvrable. Just don't expect it to fly in the direction you want. Admiral Ackbar was right: "It's a trap!" It's a flying death trap! 100% stock and 100% deadly ... for the unfortunate pilot.

Nice work. Fits very nice with the Star Wars O.D. I've been having this vacation :D

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