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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The fuel situation in orbit of Kerbin is starting to look a bit dire:


Only 2 Class E roids left to mine, and one of those is barely even a proper E at 863 t (but it's glowy, so it's got that going for it). Unfortunately I haven't found any roids that are going to enter Kerbin's SOI for quite a while now, so I decided it's time to start developing some hardware to drag them into orbit from inter-planetary space.


This is mostly a variation on a theme as I already have some similar crafts meant to catch asteroids that enter Kerbin's SOI without coercion. This one has more fuel and less engines to operate on Kerbol orbit. Its only task will be to massage the orbits of roids to get an intersection with Kerbin's SOI (and eventually Duna and Eve) from where the more powerful catchers can take it over to circularize the orbit. On Kerbol orbit there will be plenty of time to take things slow, and it won't have to deal with fixing the orbital plane around the planet. Since I have control over the insertion path I can even make sure it enters Kerbin's SOI around the equatorial plane, which should save a lot of hassle in the end.

The Duna convoy I launched at the last window reached its halfway point course corrections. No less than 7 crafts with a MultiSkan probe and 2 Ant miners for both Duna and Ike, various station expansions to satisfy contracts, an upgraded lander and STO tanker for Ike and a NuKerBus full of tourists. They will all be arriving in 192 days, which will be a busy time with 6 orbital insertions in a single day with a 7th coming in a few hours later. Of course as expected when you have 7 ships arriving at Duna you'll have at least a few where Ike decides to run interference, but fortunately nothing I couldn't work around with a few m/s thrust and tricking the orbit lines with some empty manouver nodes.

Next up in about a month will be the arrival of the first manned Jool expedition in Jool's SOI, consisting of a Jool orbital station, a Pol surface mining and science installation and various landers and fuel tankers. Their trip down Jool's gravity well will take a full 2 months though, so actual manouvers are still 3 months away.

I need to stop launching stuff. I currently have over 100 Kerbals in transit on Kerbol orbit and I've ran out of available high level personel at KSC :s

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Rather unrealistic Landing of a Rover with electrical Rotors for flying (technically maybe realistic like a drone) on Duna.

But  decending sequence is more like KSP 1 than reality :D

Obviously i used a combination of the Buffalo II  and the Lynx (feline cats) mod, both are really great.


Just decoupled from the base ship



burning sequence for descending, decelaration to less than 550 m/s = i don´t need a heatshield :cool:



separation of the propulsion part



happy gliding



chutes out at about 2000 meters



time to cut the chutes an fly with the already started rotorengines



looking for a suitable landingspot



landed, ready for adventures






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I found out after 6000 hours that you can attach a part radially, remove it's parents part and in it's ghosted form reroot the radial part so I can attach it directly. That makes life soooo much easier

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CDN media


It reaches out, it reaches out. 

Result of me matryoshka dolling fairings in my restarted career save to land probes on Eve and not wanting to decouple the booster for the last probe. FAR probably got super confused, things started spinning and... It reaches out.

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, RunaDacino said:

CDN media


It reaches out, it reaches out. 

Result of me matryoshka dolling fairings in my restarted career save to land probes on Eve and not wanting to decouple the booster for the last probe. FAR probably got super confused, things started spinning and... It reaches out.

Looks like a modern art paintwork - i like this pic - really! :cool:

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16 hours ago, RunaDacino said:

It reaches out.

Great pic, even before I read this it immediately reminded me of that scene in The Expanse.


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I tested out a new shuttle design. it's capabilities could probably be stretched sightly (maybe extra tankage/nuclear engines) to make it SSTO on stock Kerbin. However, this is JNSQ so it launches with four side boosters. First test launch went great, until re-entry started. Unfortunately, the shuttle's tiny rudder couldn't keep it straight and it fell into a flat spin, which led it to land about 90 km from the KSC.


Luckily, control was regained and a landing course avoiding the trees was set up.


Another peculiarity of this craft is that it only really flies well when it is dumped of fuel. However, I neglected to do this so it stalled at 50 m/s and hit the ground rather hard.


Luckily the crew and most of the shuttle survived. Definitely needs a redesign...


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Posted (edited)

Today's KSP has been.... not playing KSP. It was a million ion rocket launches at 40% time for 15-20 minutes each done by Mechjeb.
But that's not the point of this post.


It's my frustration of getting an encounter with the "Minor Planets."
(I restarted my career due to swapping from Global Construction to Extraplanetary launchpads, and decided I will only do science 3 times with probes and 3 times manned/body rather than farm biome science, except for KSC/Kerbin since planes. After all, OPM and MPM gave me so many bodies to land on... Well, a ridiculous amount of early-mid probes-before-crew techtree ion burns later...)
These missions are funded by Strategia/PBC milestones and... my concorde that I posted about in the FAR craft repository in Kerbinside GAP.:




Vant a success, but.. we forgot legs.


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Posted (edited)
On 5/23/2024 at 6:23 PM, kurgut said:

It has been a while, got out of a work rush, opened my modding projects and was "uh, wth was I working on in this" haha :D
 But anyway, I managed slooowly to make some bits of progress to my MAS Gemini-ish IVA, it's almost done...

(No, that chair is absolutly not clipping in the Kerbal's head ^^)


Today I advanced the overhead panel quite a bit, with some new MAS goodies, like like solar panel efficiency gauge, radiator utilization, etc


 Great! I wish I could use this for my Mars mission (with Gemini capsule).

Here is version 64 ready now. About 1000h of work for my whole Mars mission until today. But well worth the effort.


KSP1 + RP-1 mod (+ required additional mods) ONLY

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As you can see above, i´m working on a halfway realistic Duna/Mars-Mission.

And i see, you do maybe the same.

If you have something  already built,  what is your Mars-Staion looks alike?

I´m not very happy with the most mods, cause in my opinion, every landing operation needs in a realistic way some kind of heat-shield.

Any otherone with same thinking?


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Having a 1 month lull in launches and arrivals, which gave me some time to practice my mediocre witches broom aeroplane flying skills. I took out the SuK-Hai Mk-1P "KerBut" to fly a crew rotation to the Desert air strip. 2 pilots and a scientist, the engineer on duty will have to stay for another tour as I only have lowe level ones available at KSC at the moment, and I need a good one in the Desert to allow for efficient refueling.

Ready for take-off:


It's one of my fav winged designs, not necessarily made for transporting crew but I'm just dipping back in after a long break and didn't want to risk taking out the Koffer FU-134 while still getting used to the controls. Fortunately even in its passenger configuration the SuK-Hai can easily make it to the desert.


On approach to the Desert air strip I was able to confirm I still suck at nailing the landing. My first attempt wasn't all that bad but I skidded and flipped after landing. The second was an outright crash. Third's a charm.


A bit of taxiing later and the SuK-Hai was hooked up to the mobile refueler parked at the Desert air strip while the relief crew was being greeted and instructed by the mission leader.


While waiting for the refueling to finish, Bobler and Haloly inspected the grounds using the 3-seater DesertBuggy, a prototype of the DunaBuggy currently underway as part of a convoy to Duna. Thanks to the protective plating this buggy can survive a flip and even multiple rolls, as long as the g forces of the impacts aren't big enough to rip off the scanning arm it will at most lose one or two small solar panels.


The trip back to KSC went smoothly and this time I was able to nail the nightly landing on the first try, tarmac is so much easier to land on than dirt (also it helped that I severely reduced the steering range and disabled the brakes on the front wheel which made it a lot easier to stop without skidding). Still I decided to add some drogue braking chutes to the KerBut for future use after landing, something I actually had on some of the prototypes but neglected to add to the final models.



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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Tecorian said:


As you can see above, i´m working on a halfway realistic Duna/Mars-Mission.

And i see, you do maybe the same.

If you have something  already built,  what is your Mars-Staion looks alike?

I´m not very happy with the most mods, cause in my opinion, every landing operation needs in a realistic way some kind of heat-shield.

Any otherone with same thinking?


I'll be posting this on Kerbal X soon. I have to learn anyway, I've never done it there before.
So, this is a single mission in which I have attached great importance to high realism (as far as I can judge, and with KSP is also realistically realizable...).
The ideas are essentially: Assembling and fueling the mission ship in Earth orbit using a reasonably realistic launch vehicle (6600t, 5 times starting with ship and tankers), 2.5 year mission for optimally low delta-v, sufficient resources and recyclers, a highly risky airo-braking maneuver on Mars, landing a small habitat on Mars (mothership stays in orbit), stay on Mars for 7 weeks, then return to mothership, wait another 8 months, then back to Earth.... really tough mission for 2 astronauts. But doable...  maybe.


This is a very early version. Ready to go ship in Earth orbit. Using only RP-1 mod (+required additional mods).

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This is the current version 64 (with the stabilisation torus ring for the Mars airobraking maneuver - that was my mission breakthtrough btw. - after zillions of spectacularly lost ships before)


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@Tom Kerbal:

You fly with regular fuel to duna?

I use ion engines, very slow accelaration but finally up to 50.000 m/s speed.

I use several spacecraft to reach duna, Crew vehicle, fuel transporter (for the landers), remote controlled ships with the landers onboard an finally ships with the base and the rovers

this is f. e. the crew vehicle:







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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Tecorian said:

@Tom Kerbal:

You fly with regular fuel to duna?

I use ion engines, very slow accelaration but finally up to 50.000 m/s speed.

I use several spacecraft to reach duna, Crew vehicle, fuel transporter (for the landers), remote controlled ships with the landers onboard an finally ships with the base and the rovers

this is f. e. the crew vehicle:







My missions goal is Mars, and I use the RP-1 mod, so their is no regular fuel and no ion engines for that masses but only historical accurate stuff.

In the initial phase of development, I tried out several types of fuel and engines for the Mars spaceship (the front part of the hole rocket, I call it "mother ship"). First hydrogen, then discarded because it is too volatile and takes up too much space (the ship has to be very compact for the Airo-Brake, center of gravity very far forward behind the shield). Then methane (famous Raptor of course). That's better. But Fluor was the best. The development of these engines was unfortunately completed in the 90s (?), as fluorine is extremely toxic and expensive. But by far the best solution I have found for the front part of the rocket. I call the front part the “mother ship”, the large rear part the “Earth drive” with hydrogen, which performs the initial maneuver to Mars (TMI?) and also flies to Mars and is then decoupled there.


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Oh, nice! 

Like that.

You play also with real solar system?

Unfortunatly this mod works not good on my pc.

So in the actual game  i use Kcalbeloh System as final goal.

i guess, cause i have too many other mods i "need" :)



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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Tecorian said:

Oh, nice! 

Like that.

You play also with real solar system?

Unfortunatly this mod works not good on my pc.

So in the actual game  i use Kcalbeloh System as final goal.

i guess, cause i have too many other mods i "need" :)



Yes, Real Solar System . And 77 other mods... Before RP-1 I tried many other mods, made my own tiny minimods (well, cheated, to be honest, like infinitive number of ignitions and so on), and after about 1000h of playing there was a mod update on CKAN and everything crashed... after hours of research I found out that the landing legs caused this crash. [snip]

So I decided to switch to RP-1 and build myself a stable mod environment. Being as realistic as possible is what I find most interesting anyway. I haven't done any mod updates for a few months and won't until my Mars mission is complete.

I have a lot of mods that you have as well. What I miss a bit is this Kerbol Attachment System mod, which is a lot of fun, but which is not part of the RP-1 mod family. Have fun! Tom


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It was a light week here at KSC. A science rover named the Mobile Recon and Research  Vehicle was launched to the Mun, along with the skycrane that would land it.



The lab landed at a predetermined location on the Mun. It will survey the closest biomes, and train the scientists for their upcoming missions to Duna. The lab can support the crew for over a year.



The skycrane then detached from the rover and ascended to low Munar orbit, awaiting refuelling.

The scientists landed on the Mun aboard an improved lunar lander with 7 days of habitation and food.




Bob managed to wreck one of the solar panels while EVA'ing over to the lab. Luckiily, we have a small nuclear reactor on board.

The trajectories of our Duna bound payloads were also adjusted.


(This is the Duna Hopper, a karbonite filled biome hopper)


(This is the Duna Complex, carrying with it three relay satellites and one Science satellite. I am puzzled as to how to build a relay network. All the calculators available online are for stock or well known planet mods, i am yet to find a calculator for a 2.5x Kerbin mod.)

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Hope, i don´t annoy you too much, but can you do me a favor please?

I´m very interested in playing with RSS too, so maybe you can post your gamedata folder for orientation, how it will work maybe also for me?

THX in advance



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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Tecorian said:


Hope, i don´t annoy you too much, but can you do me a favor please?

I´m very interested in playing with RSS too, so maybe you can post your gamedata folder for orientation, how it will work maybe also for me?

THX in advance





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