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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today I wrapped up my save file with a manned expedition to Duna and Ike.

MPSS "Adrestia"


IEM "Deimos" Crew:

Commander Ordun Kerman

Mission Specialist Joemy Kerman

Intern Bobble Kerman


DEM "Phobos" Crew:

Commander Jebediah Kerman

Pilot Bill Kerman

Mission Specialist Bob Kerman


Everyone at the Jacqueline B. Kerman Space Center is very proud of the bravery of these astronauts.

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While testing the booster for my space station core prototype, I discovered that this could be barely brought to a 75x75 km orbit :


Not wanting to waste a crude but perfectly functional fuel depot, I decided to keep this prototype (1st booster test :cool:).

Although my target orbit was just 125x125 km, I didn't want to finish the insertion on RCS because it's boring and a I'm lazy guy. Plus, I needed to fill the almost empty tanks, so I left it on its 75x75 km orbit to wait and returned to the VAB.

I quickly built a refueler and launched. I circularized a bit too high (78x78) for the maneuver I had in mind, so I first lowered my refueler orbit to 75 km, then used a maneuver node to see how high I had to rise my apogee to meet my thirsty station right at my perigee.

After small 150 m/s burn and a full orbit, I found my stranded station core :


A few RCS burns later and after a smooth docking, I could refuel, undock from the refueler and finally boost my station to its parking orbit!


(The strange "docking port-adapter-docking port sr" chain above the engine was a test to see how resistant this setup this)

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Sent Dudski on a return trip to Moho without enough fuel. Man you need a lot to get there. Now sending Dudski clone (WTF)to try to get the original back and/or watch the Kerbal universe implode when they meet?

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I found me a hole

Near the Mun's south pole

And Kerbol never shines there

If the Mun has a face

Then I know this place

Must be its derriere

There was no light

The only sight

Was the sheer cliffs all around

"Will the bottom be flat?"

"Will I go splat?"

I mused as I rumbled down

The rockets' gleam

Barely lit the scene

But I landed surprisingly well

Deep down in the hole

Near Mun's south pole

It looked like the arse-end of Hell

It was all rocks and dark

'Round the place where I'd parked

And it looked like I'd wasted the day

When I saw a faint gleam

Or a metallic sheen

A few hundred meters away

So I climbed outside

Took a jetpack ride

Why walk when you can fly?

And went toward that spark

Out there in the dark

That had barely caught my eye

When I got to the thing

I felt the sting

Of cosmic irony

Why go down the hole

Near Mun's south pole

When there's one at KSC?

Edited by Geschosskopf
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Felt like making a launch vehicle. So I did.

Made a double size version of one I made a while back. Was aiming for 100t LKO


After ironing out problems, I let MJ2 test how much it could actually lift. Would've got 125t into orbit, with 10m/s to spare, if MJ2 hadn't goofed the circularisation burn...

Came back from preparing my lunch to find it falling through the atmosphere.

I think I'll label it as 125t +, and use it to launch big stations and interplanetary craft in 0.21.

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Sent the second Atlas probe to Mun and realized a 25% fuel savings in more efficient piloting. Took my Vanguard 4 stage to Minimus, a difficult moon to get an encounter with due to its low gravity and inclination. Vanguard Explorer is sufficiently efficient that the second stage should be able to orbit Minimus as it has done so with Mun in the past with fuel to spare. Launch to encounter was way too early resulting in two chase burns to get a capture. Jeb is enjoying the view of that lumpy blue green moon.

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Got my rescue ships in orbit around Eve. However, I feel like the return transfer vessel is in the wrong orbit, so I may have to send a new one to get back to Kerbin. The most important bit though is getting the Kerbals off the surface and into space. Those parts arrived successfully.

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Shot up and docked my fuel generation module with my space station - only to realize after all the hassle with launching the big tank assembly and fiddleing to dock, that the fuel generators do not transfer the generated fuel into the big tank - wrong plumbing on my part, problem with the mod? Well, better always test everything on the launchpad ...

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I took my new lander to the surface of Minmus, then played with science gathering and analysing samples. When it was finished Commander Gregdun Kerman went EVA...and encountered problem with placement of ladders and RSC blocks. Luckily it's Minmus, so hopping around was viable solution. Then he used a jetpack to fly to the top of a cliff overlooking landing site. After placing a flag on top of Gregdun Cliffs and enjoying picturesque view came the time to return. In true kerbal way Gregdun did so by fearlessly taking a leap, and then tumbling all the way down like a rag-doll :D He boarded the capsule with night approaching and 3% of fuel left in the jetpack. All in all, it was a good test. Next target for Science Lander...Duna and Ike! :cool:

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Today is the first day in my KSP-History, that i managed to dock something in Orbit.

It was hard to figure out, how to get close in Orbit and what the exact RCS-Hotkeys are.

Also i finally managed out by brainstorming, that RCS-Thrusters have be put around the Center of mass equaly.

I am so proud of my self :D

But I couldnt have made it without Scott Manleys Tutorials on Youtube.

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