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Made my first successful aerobrake on Eve


Now to land the science probe.

Silly question but is aerobraking determined by weight to get your height or mass? All my attempts have been I slow down so much that I have to land, or crash.

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Silly question but is aerobraking determined by weight to get your height or mass? All my attempts have been I slow down so much that I have to land, or crash.

It's like Umlux said. You came in too low. My first attempt was at 45km and it crashed and burned. got in too fast and eve's gravity made me crash.

second attempt was at 55km aiming the ship prograde to circularize.

Landing was another problemm.

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Managed to land the probe but forgot the increased eve gravity. It did some damage but still managed to perform "science" even the surface sample test.


Unfortunately it only has 20 of fuel and Ox. It will be abandoned.

I'm glad i sent an unmanned probe.

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Had the ship that I had sent to laythe & tylo, minus its landers, sitting in orbit with nothing to do, so I gave it a new job. Detached the fuel & engine module from it, flew it to my "too many parts to finish building this" station (that's holding about 800 tons of fuel), and refueled it and flew it to eve. I now have 158 tons of fuel in eve orbit, waiting for the manned mission I'll send next.

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This is probably ridiculous for most of you guys but I managed to land on the mun for my very first time.

And im kinda proud. :D

So i took my surface probes, got the eva-report and planted my flag.

When trying to get back into the rocket, I jumped, grabbed the side of it with my kerbal ( who was my fellow jebediah by the way :c ) and it fell right over due to the kerbals weight..

So im now stranded on the mun with a rocket laying on its hatch.



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This is probably ridiculous for most of you guys but I managed to land on the mun for my very first time.

And im kinda proud. :D

So i took my surface probes, got the eva-report and planted my flag.

When trying to get back into the rocket, I jumped, grabbed the side of it with my kerbal ( who was my fellow jebediah by the way :c ) and it fell right over due to the kerbals weight..

So im now stranded on the mun with a rocket laying on its hatch.


You meant "f9", not "fml", right?



(Good job anyway!)

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This is probably ridiculous for most of you guys but I managed to land on the mun for my very first time.

And im kinda proud. :D

So i took my surface probes, got the eva-report and planted my flag.

When trying to get back into the rocket, I jumped, grabbed the side of it with my kerbal ( who was my fellow jebediah by the way :c ) and it fell right over due to the kerbals weight..

So im now stranded on the mun with a rocket laying on its hatch.


Did you try to roll the rocket around with the Kerbal? Sometimes you can get lucky and it will move enough if you run into it a few time with them. Also congrats on landing on Mun, it is fun no matter if it is your first time or with 22 Kerbals at once :wink: . One thing I would suggest is moving the legs a bit further up to make the rocket less likely to tip over, since your motor is so high up I reason the center of mass is also much higher than where the legs are located (I could be completely wrong just how I set up my landers). Now you have a fun mission of rescuing Jeb from the surface, those are what make the game fun for me hehe.

Edited by Liowen
spacebar being forgetful!
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This is probably ridiculous for most of you guys
Yes, it's ridiculous. -ly awesome! The first Mun landing is the most rewarding gaming experience many of us have ever had. Don't be sorry for being happy and proud over yours. By the way, where on Mun is that weird serrated ridgeline? Can you post the position of your ship on mapview?
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Haven't played for a few weeks (been too wrapped up in life, work and GTA V). But just last today started back trying to fill out the last couple nodes on my stock Career Mode tech tree (Advanced Motors - e.g., large rover wheels; and Hypersonic Flight - airplane/SSTO bits I never use anyway). So I'm trying to visit some places and do a few things I haven't done before, like land a crew on Ike. Maybe I'll land some "volunteers" on Eve next. :D

Descending to Ike, with Duna in the background:


On the surface of Ike:


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Today I finished the flight of my single person, 1.25m Duna lander. I was inspired by a thread here of somebody else working on a similar design. I wanted to combine an Apollo style lander where the descent stage engines are discarded before liftoff, plus I've only ever done cylindrical landers with a single engine and wanted to try something new. The idea was that the three outboard engines would be used to kill velocity in the final stage of the approach. On liftoff, the three pods detach and the central engine lifts the capsule back to space. In the end, I had so much fuel left in the landing engines that I used them for the beginning of the liftoff. The separation still looked cool though.

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Just put an SSTO spaceplane prototype into orbit :D - I'm really happy with myself. Going to keep tweaking it, then maybe work on one that has cargo capability, or science, ideally. I want something I can take to another planet and have return with samples and such.

But it feels really good to have taken that step, even though it's not a stock one (largely using FAR and B9 aerospace). Still its nice having a working prototype and having understood a few concepts of good SSTO design

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Well yestarday did a solo Mün mission instead of my 5 Kerbal CoM that lets me get all the samples in one go.. But, keep forgetting that I need to remember what docking port size I use on what craft. Having fun trying to reach all of the Müns biospheres. Today I'm thinking of doing a see how fast x craft flys in Kerbin's atmosphere comming in from deep spece before going boom. As well as planning on setting up my Eve colony With Jeb, Bill and Bob. Need a place to keep them safe. And Eve is certainly safe-ish.

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Build, launched and Mun-orbited a Kethane miner-refinery. Waiting for the Mun to rotate my landing site under my polar orbit - 90 degrees ... :P

Fiddled with my comm sats all over the Kerbin system - got a bit dizzy doing it. :D

3 LKO sats will stay in sight of each other a bit longer now hopefully.

Waiting for windows and arrivals while playing feels like ages - think I will time-acc to launch my Moho probe and land my Duna probe tomorrow instead.

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Well for what I did today in KSP it is a story:

While Jeb is sitting on Duna not wanting to come home from his "vacation" the other Kerbals decided to test a theory they had been thinking of for awhile. Tour bus to Mun, since taking a bus to see places is cheap on Kerbin why not do it on Moons as well. The science department went to work designing....it took them 10 minute to come up with something that "may" get them there and back in "one" piece. So the crews worked around the clock, stopping only for snacks, bathroom breaks, and their favorite T.V. show about the Undead Kerbals coming back to life. Once completed it was sent for testing, unfortunately that meant hand selecting "volunteers" to go to Mun and back in this heap....errr bus. The original goal of 30 was not met due to stability problems, both from the ship and the "volunteers", so the new number was 26. Loading up everyone into their seats, and yes the cheaper seats were "near" the engines, it was time for liftoff.


Once in orbit a series of maneuvers were preformed to correct the pilots errors, mostly the errors were from him dropping his snacks onto the floor during liftoff. Once all the corrections were made they set a course for Mun, taking note that this tour bus had no functioning bathrooms in some of the pods. The day long journey though was well worth the cramped conditions though as they landed on Mun's surface, in a deep canyon that was also narrow. Eveyone put on their helmet and took their eva from the "bus" to have a look around. While out there someone suggested a group photo, so setting the timer they threw a camera into the air and got their group shot on the surface.


Running low on snacks, and many in need of a bathroom stop, they loaded back up and headed back for Kerbin. Upon leaving however the "pilot" noted he had burned a lot of fuel trying to get his snacks....errr correcting errors in the flight plan, and had to shutdown 2 engines in hopes of having enough fuel to make it home. Using the last bit of fuel from the engines left running the ship crawled into an orbit, and on a path to Kerbin. Using the last remaining bits of fuel in the previously shutdown engines the crew made it home, nearly 31.1km from KSC.......with only one economy seat having a happy "accident" upon landing.


Next up for the science team is to see if the bus can make it to Minmus and back......they just need to convince those "volunteers" to go again :D .

Sorry for the long post but I thought it was funny hehehe. And yes I am thinking of using this to go to Minmus...I may even FRAPS the event and put it on Youtube for all to see.....we will see though.

Edited by Liowen
Missing letter or too many letters ><
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I discovered that on Laythe you need half as many intakes as on Kerbin to reach orbital velocity using jets.

Unrelated, I built a 35-part SSTO with about a jumbo's worth of payload assuming you don't mind pumping fuel around after reaching orbit, probably more if you don't fly like an idiot:


Edited by numerobis
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