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Asteroids 2.4 Now Open Source


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This is an open source non-commercial license now. You are free to do anything you like with the assets or source as long as you don't try and use them directly for your own commercial gain without my permission.

FASA presents Asteroids with gravity, save file for KSP, and four sizes of asteroids. 300m 200m, 100m, 50m and a 20m one located under science tab. Gravity on asteroids is a hack and will not function during time warp. If you want ships to stick to them during time warp you must dock with them.

Asteroids 2.41

Source Files

Unity package do anything you want with it, except you know re-sell the assets

Install instructions -

Delete the old version of FASA Asteroids first.

Unzip the folder

Copy GameData and saves to your main KSP directory

Save game file "FASA_Asteroids" has asteroids already in orbit.

Or use Hyperedit http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hyperedit/ or some other mod to launch your own.

Also, , http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-23-Hangar-Extender-v1

Gives you more room to build

If you want to remove it. Open up the .cfg with at text editor.

Delete the section at the end of the .cfg that looks like this



name = ARGravitatingPart

radius = 20

geesAtRadius = 0.01

deployedMass = 5000

gravitateWhileCommandable = true

gForceMulti = 0.775

atmDragMulti = 0.3 //25


You must zoom out or you will not see the asteroid. the 200 m one is huge and does not even remotely fit in the vab. I suggest using hyper edit for getting them into orbit and Hanger Extender for building on them. It is possible to get the 20 m one up with rockets though.

KAS is another mod that is helpful since you can attach things to them.


Added asteroid belt to save file as well

Want to help me out, Donate!

Donating is not an obligation, it's a gift of appreciation for me and all the hard work that I put into this mod. So if you would like to help me out I would appreciate it greatly.


Legal - Donating does not entitle you to any goods or services from me or this mod and all funds go directly to me through paypal to be used at my discretion.

A challenge!

1. Build a base on one of the main belt asteroids (Between Jool and Duna) located in the save file. They all have a docking ports attached except one.

2. Move the asteroid into orbit around another planet or moon. Jool may be easier since its SOI is huge, and aerobraking would be useful.

3. Points awarded for size of asteroid moved, size of the base attached to it, and the stored Kerbal capacity of the asteroid (can't just have them hanging out on ladders).

Bonus points for attaching multiple asteroids together.


License- Open Source non-commercial- You are free to do anything you like with these asteroids it is open source and I am giving them to the community as long as you don't try and re-sell the assets..

Gravity plugin originally created by The Duck


Gravity plugin originally created by The Duck, and used with their permission[url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/9808-Plugin-0-14-4-Part-gravity-v1-0[/url]

I try extremely hard to make this mod as compatible and bug free as possible but I can not guarantee that it will work flawlessly in every situation and on every system.
This just releases my liability in those situations.

By downloading FASA or any piece of software you understand that you are taking a risk of permanent damage to the system or device it is downloaded to, or installed on. Installing or downloading any software may have unintended or undesirable effects to the system or device it is downloaded to or installed on, and I Frizzank, the developer of this software can in no way guarantee that something will not go horribly wrong when using or downloading the FASA mod.
You, the user of the mod FASA takes full responsibility for any damage, real or simulated that may happen to any system, software or device it is downloaded to or installed on. Also by using this software you release anyone else from any liability for any damages, forever.

FASA is created and maintained by “Frizzank†@ KSP Forums, and is the author of the FASA mod.
You must get written permission from Frizzank to sell anything from this mod






Edited by Deddly
Updated links at frizzank's request
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So what's the collision mesh like? I remember the only thing that bugged me about the old asteroids that came with the Part Gravity plugin was that landing on them was confusing because the 'surface' was way above the actual asteroid.

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So what's the collision mesh like? I remember the only thing that bugged me about the old asteroids that came with the Part Gravity plugin was that landing on them was confusing because the 'surface' was way above the actual asteroid.

The collision is for the most part below the surface. Its really simplified but its a trade off so there can be more surface detail.

Edited by frizzank
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oh my im laughing so hard right now...those pictures amuse me =P

ROCKET-ROID!!! filmed at 11!

these look wonderful! I was so disappointed with the old asteroid pack (something with a D ya...) all I ever wanted was an asteroid space colony, but not possible....

Now I can have an awesome asteroid colony!!

thank you so much

also, I wasn't aware there was update for hyper edit...usualy one I stay away from, but ill get it for this

EDIT: I can only find the version of HyperEdit I was using in 0.19...does it still function right in 0.20.2??

Edited by KhaosCorp
im kinda dumb lol
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The collision is for the most part below the surface. Its really simplified but its a trade off so there can be more surface detail.

Oh well... Now if only someone updated the Part Gravity plugin... ;)

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No gravity. At all. Is there supposed to be?


Someone directed me here in the hope for a "part gravity" plugin that would allow me to add gravity to parts, sadly I see I was misdirected :(

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Does anyone know if spaceport version of HyperEdit works for 0.20.2...

also seen some pics id like to know how it was possible, or if can still be done....guy was building in VAB, but no building was around the area...seems it would be helpful with these

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Do you think it could be possible for someone to make a plugin or an external executable that can edit your persist file to place these asteroids in random parts in the kerbol system? Another question, Is there a way to alter the parts so that they hold kethane instead of fuel?

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Do you think it could be possible for someone to make a plugin or an external executable that can edit your persist file to place these asteroids in random parts in the kerbol system? Another question, Is there a way to alter the parts so that they hold kethane instead of fuel?

if you make a folder for it to go in gamedata the hyperedit on spaceport works in 0.20.2, I put the included asteroid base in orbit with it to test

not totally sure on this, but you should be able to change resource from fuel to kethane

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if you make a folder for it to go in gamedata the hyperedit on spaceport works in 0.20.2, I put the included asteroid base in orbit with it to test

It's cool that that still works, but i was looking for something a little more autonomous to place my asteroids.

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It's cool that that still works, but i was looking for something a little more autonomous to place my asteroids.

im not to fond of hyperedit or other stuff that's to far out the realm of probability, but for this...

its just the .dll so pop it in, put yer roids up and then get rid of it, and limit how much ya pre-build on em if any

think of it like this....there are asteroids in space in the real world...and I don't recall anyone one shooting em off up there with rockets =P

if you can get the roids to hold still long enough you could do quicksave edit too

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im not to fond of hyperedit or other stuff that's to far out the realm of probability, but for this...

its just the .dll so pop it in, put yer roids up and then get rid of it, and limit how much ya pre-build on em if any

think of it like this....there are asteroids in space in the real world...and I don't recall anyone one shooting em off up there with rockets =P

if you can get the roids to hold still long enough you could do quicksave edit too

I was just saying that I don't like putting them up manually, I was curious if it was possible to have a program generate a semi sporadic "Asteroid belt" by editing the saves's persist file and using an algorithm for orbital adjustments..

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Hyper edit does work for the latest version of kerbal its what I used to get them in orbit

The save file I included in the download has asteroids in orbit already, also a few random ones.

Found this on spaceport lets you edit save files and other stuff. Kerbal Edit


If I add kethane to the parts but someone doesnt have it installed will the part still function?

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Hyper edit does work for the latest version of kerbal its what I used to get them in orbit

The save file I included in the download has asteroids in orbit already, also a few random ones.

Found this on spaceport lets you edit save files and other stuff. Kerbal Edit


If I add kethane to the parts but someone doesnt have it installed will the part still function?

I'm not sure that program is up to date with 0.20

As for the kethane question. I'm sure it would work for those who don't have kethane, but there is only one way to find out and that is to try it.

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