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Help need ideas.

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Hi all,

I did buy the game yesterday and i did play the demo, so im still a noob. I did have alot of ideas but right now im stuck, their are so many new parts, and things that i dont know, and many questions one of them is does satelits make sence is there something they can do? then my other questions are:

1. Are there mods that can help me as a noob?

2. what is important to make if you want to explore other planets? And how to make them?

well those are the first question i want to know.

Greetings me.

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Build a ship that can get you into orbit with a reasonable amount of fuel left over.

Achieve a stable orbit.

Understand what affects your Ap and Pe.

Understand what affects your inclination.

Understand what the numbers on the navball mean and how they relate to the above.

Fly to the moon and back.

Land on the moon.

Use RCS and get a feel for how it works.

Dock two ships in orbit.

Then think about mods.

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Build a ship that can get you into orbit with a reasonable amount of fuel left over.

Achieve a stable orbit.

Understand what affects your Ap and Pe.

Understand what affects your inclination.

Understand what the numbers on the navball mean and how they relate to the above.

Fly to the moon and back.

Land on the moon.

Use RCS and get a feel for how it works.

Dock two ships in orbit.

Then think about mods.

Well i did already land on the mun in the demo, so i know how to do that. only problem is that i dont know how to dock 2 ships and what kind of parts they need to dock. and then rest ;)

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1. That depends on the type of help you want. Mechjeb can give you information about practically everything and can even fly your ship for you if you want. If you are just struggling to find out what all the parts are for you should start by visiting the KSP wiki, you'll find all the information you need there.

2. Once again, that depends on the planet. If it has an atmosphere (Duna, Eve, Laythe) then you can use parachutes to help you land. If you want to move around after you land you should build a rover to land with your ship. There is honestly too much to say for such a general question though, this is something you need to look at yourself either through practice or by watching lets plays and tutorials on youtube.

has a few good tutorials for beginners.
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It depends on how new you actually are at the game. If you still have trouble making orbit, try using only demo parts for a while.

Some tips:

Values matter! Obviously thrust matters, but the "Isp" of an engine stands for its efficiency. If you want to go interplanetary, use engines with high Isp.

Maneuver nodes are important. They allow you to see the future position of a planet when you thrust for it, and are a good way to be accurate on thrusting burns.

Read wikis! They may or may not be well-written, but they always have something worthwhile.

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All of what rowns said, you have a lot of youtube tutorial for that (

, http://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg, and lot more).

I did buy the game yesterday and i did play the demo, so im still a noob. I did have alot of ideas but right now im stuck, their are so many new parts, and things that i dont know

The wiki can help with the parts (http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts). And trial and error which is more or less what the game is meant to be play.

one of them is does satelits make sence is there something they can do?

Unless you use some mods they are just for role play and fun. You can also use them learn mun/planet transfer without having to send a kerbal.

1. Are there mods that can help me as a noob?

Back to rowns, play the game vanilla first because it is important to know the basic flying. Then few mods can help you send bigger stuff to orbit (Mechjeb/Kerbal engineer, as they do and display the math).

2. what is important to make if you want to explore other planets? And how to make them?

Back to rowns

- Know to play with your orbit.

- Know to do a transfer (start with the mun/mimnus)

- know how to land (vacum and atmospheric) and relaunch.

- then only other planet can be done.

(I have 180+ hours of game and still haven't been to other planets, I could but I want to play with big ships first).

Edit: as you replay to rowns,

To dock you need the clamp'o'tron (there are 3 sizes: small "Jr", medium, Large "sr"

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Build a ship that can get you into orbit with a reasonable amount of fuel left over.

Achieve a stable orbit.

Understand what affects your Ap and Pe.

Understand what affects your inclination.

Understand what the numbers on the navball mean and how they relate to the above.

Fly to the moon and back.

Land on the moon.

Use RCS and get a feel for how it works.

Dock two ships in orbit.

Then think about mods.

That's exactly my thought.

If you delay yourself in first point with multiple things, you'll miss quite a lot of things. Focus first on what the game brings you.

Then only watch somewere else.

It's a sandbox game, and by the way you are free to do what you want, but when I see some post (like few days before) : "I need to go to Mün with MJ, how can I do ?" I can't help thinking that this person is far away to undersand what he is doing, and feel sad for him/her.

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I was about to say "It is not that hard", but then I remembered my first attempts...

It DID look like the mishaps with the V2 and other rockets... Like going sideways, just toppling over on the launchpad, spiralling out of control during liftoff...

It was like... "I have seen that before...."

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To dock, you will need a docking port on both craft you wish to dock. I would recommend the largest port as you can be less precise. You will need an RCS tank, I would suggest 750 monopropellent on each craft. You will need RCS thrusters. The positioning of them is a bit trial anderror but you will want some facing outward at the centre of mass for left/right up/down, some 4 way ones at the ends of your craft for turning and some at the front and back to go forward and backward.

It takes a long time. The hardest bit is keeping both craft motionless relative to each other and then moving slowly in.

I`d download Mechjeb 2 and watch the rendezvous autopilot first then the docking computer then figure out why it does things the way it does and see if you can figure out a better way (It`s not the most efficient but it does get the job done)

For interplanetary travel I have found this website handy.


It helps you figure out the time to burn so you will use the least fuel

I`m not sure I have helped much, Best thing is look at youtube, wiki, and keep asking questions on the forum ;)

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First, read up on the wiki, then watch Scott Manley, Try Dying To Live, Hoc Gaming, and others, especially their older videos. Try getting to orbit with ease, make a space station(s), make an orbital Mun Base, a ground Mun base, a Minimal Mun lander, Rover Despenser, Crew carrier. Just wanted to throw some stuff at you.

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