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[WIN/MAC/LINUX] KSP Trajectory Optimization Tool v1.6.10 [Major LVD Improvements!]

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On 9/8/2016 at 5:28 PM, TMarkos said:

I don't see any obvious error messages but I'll include a full dump of the log it made during the attempt:

[LOG 17:19:21.187] [KSPTOT Connect] accepted connection [0] from IP:
[LOG 17:19:21.188] [KSPTOT Connect] new connection
[LOG 17:19:21.259] [KSPTOT Connect] [CONNECTION][0][READING] received complete message head
[LOG 17:19:21.259] [KSPTOT Connect] [CONNECTION][0][READING] data Size: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.260] [KSPTOT Connect] message from [0]: GetCelestialBodyData n 0
[LOG 17:19:21.261] [KSPTOT Connect] about to handle msg
[LOG 17:19:21.265] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Sun
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] Sun: 9
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Sun
[LOG 17:19:21.266] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Earth
[LOG 17:19:21.267] [KSPTOT Connect] Earth: 40
[LOG 17:19:21.267] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Earth
[LOG 17:19:21.268] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mercury
[LOG 17:19:21.268] [KSPTOT Connect] Mercury: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mercury
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Venus
[LOG 17:19:21.269] [KSPTOT Connect] Venus: 38
[LOG 17:19:21.270] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Venus
[LOG 17:19:21.270] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Callisto
[LOG 17:19:21.271] [KSPTOT Connect] Callisto: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.271] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Callisto
[LOG 17:19:21.272] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Jupiter
[LOG 17:19:21.272] [KSPTOT Connect] Jupiter: 44
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Jupiter
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Titan
[LOG 17:19:21.273] [KSPTOT Connect] Titan: 33
[LOG 17:19:21.274] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Titan
[LOG 17:19:21.274] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Phobos
[LOG 17:19:21.275] [KSPTOT Connect] Phobos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.275] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Phobos
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Io
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] Io: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.276] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Io
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Europa
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] Europa: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.277] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Europa
[LOG 17:19:21.278] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Moon
[LOG 17:19:21.278] [KSPTOT Connect] Moon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Moon
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mars
[LOG 17:19:21.279] [KSPTOT Connect] Mars: 35
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mars
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Deimos
[LOG 17:19:21.280] [KSPTOT Connect] Deimos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.281] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Deimos
[LOG 17:19:21.281] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ganymede
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] Ganymede: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ganymede
[LOG 17:19:21.282] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Saturn
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] Saturn: 43
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Saturn
[LOG 17:19:21.283] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Mimas
[LOG 17:19:21.284] [KSPTOT Connect] Mimas: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.284] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Mimas
[LOG 17:19:21.285] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Enceladus
[LOG 17:19:21.285] [KSPTOT Connect] Enceladus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.286] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Enceladus
[LOG 17:19:21.286] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Tethys
[LOG 17:19:21.287] [KSPTOT Connect] Tethys: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.287] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Tethys
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Dione
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] Dione: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.288] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Dione
[LOG 17:19:21.289] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Rhea
[LOG 17:19:21.289] [KSPTOT Connect] Rhea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.290] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Rhea
[LOG 17:19:21.290] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Iapetus
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] Iapetus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Iapetus
[LOG 17:19:21.291] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Uranus
[LOG 17:19:21.292] [KSPTOT Connect] Uranus: 39
[LOG 17:19:21.292] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Uranus
[LOG 17:19:21.293] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Neptune
[LOG 17:19:21.293] [KSPTOT Connect] Neptune: 42
[LOG 17:19:21.294] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Neptune
[LOG 17:19:21.294] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Triton
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] Triton: 18
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Triton
[LOG 17:19:21.295] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pluto
[LOG 17:19:21.296] [KSPTOT Connect] Pluto: 18
[LOG 17:19:21.296] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pluto
[LOG 17:19:21.297] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Charon
[LOG 17:19:21.297] [KSPTOT Connect] Charon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Charon
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Vesta
[LOG 17:19:21.298] [KSPTOT Connect] Vesta: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.299] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Vesta
[LOG 17:19:21.299] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Lutetia
[LOG 17:19:21.300] [KSPTOT Connect] Lutetia: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.300] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Lutetia
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Juno
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] Juno: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.301] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Juno
[LOG 17:19:21.302] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ceres
[LOG 17:19:21.302] [KSPTOT Connect] Ceres: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.303] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ceres
[LOG 17:19:21.303] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pallas
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] Pallas: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pallas
[LOG 17:19:21.304] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ida
[LOG 17:19:21.305] [KSPTOT Connect] Ida: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.305] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ida
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Dactyl
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] Dactyl: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.306] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Dactyl
[LOG 17:19:21.307] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: ChuryumovGerasimenko
[LOG 17:19:21.307] [KSPTOT Connect] ChuryumovGerasimenko: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: ChuryumovGerasimenko
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Metis
[LOG 17:19:21.308] [KSPTOT Connect] Metis: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.309] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Metis
[LOG 17:19:21.309] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Adrastea
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] Adrastea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Adrastea
[LOG 17:19:21.310] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Amalthea
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] Amalthea: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Amalthea
[LOG 17:19:21.311] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pan
[LOG 17:19:21.312] [KSPTOT Connect] Pan: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.312] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pan
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Daphnis
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] Daphnis: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.313] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Daphnis
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Hyperion
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] Hyperion: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.314] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Hyperion
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Phoebe
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] Phoebe: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.315] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Phoebe
[LOG 17:19:21.316] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Pandora
[LOG 17:19:21.316] [KSPTOT Connect] Pandora: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Pandora
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Prometheus
[LOG 17:19:21.317] [KSPTOT Connect] Prometheus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.318] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Prometheus
[LOG 17:19:21.318] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Epimetheus
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] Epimetheus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Epimetheus
[LOG 17:19:21.319] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Janus
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] Janus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Janus
[LOG 17:19:21.320] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Chariklo
[LOG 17:19:21.321] [KSPTOT Connect] Chariklo: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.321] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Chariklo
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Halley
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] Halley: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.322] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Halley
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Titania
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] Titania: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.323] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Titania
[LOG 17:19:21.324] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Miranda
[LOG 17:19:21.324] [KSPTOT Connect] Miranda: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Miranda
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Ariel
[LOG 17:19:21.325] [KSPTOT Connect] Ariel: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Ariel
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Umbriel
[LOG 17:19:21.326] [KSPTOT Connect] Umbriel: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.327] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Umbriel
[LOG 17:19:21.327] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Oberon
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] Oberon: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Oberon
[LOG 17:19:21.328] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Proteus
[LOG 17:19:21.329] [KSPTOT Connect] Proteus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.329] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Proteus
[LOG 17:19:21.330] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Styx
[LOG 17:19:21.330] [KSPTOT Connect] Styx: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.331] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Styx
[LOG 17:19:21.331] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Nix
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] Nix: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Nix
[LOG 17:19:21.332] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Kerberos
[LOG 17:19:21.333] [KSPTOT Connect] Kerberos: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.333] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Kerberos
[LOG 17:19:21.334] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Hydra
[LOG 17:19:21.334] [KSPTOT Connect] Hydra: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Hydra
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Orcus
[LOG 17:19:21.335] [KSPTOT Connect] Orcus: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.336] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Orcus
[LOG 17:19:21.336] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Vanth
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] Vanth: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Vanth
[LOG 17:19:21.337] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Makemake
[LOG 17:19:21.338] [KSPTOT Connect] Makemake: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.338] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Makemake
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: Sedna
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] Sedna: 0
[LOG 17:19:21.339] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: Sedna
[LOG 17:19:21.340] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: PlutoCharon
[LOG 17:19:21.340] [KSPTOT Connect] PlutoCharon: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.341] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: PlutoCharon
[LOG 17:19:21.341] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: PlutoCharonOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.342] [KSPTOT Connect] PlutoCharonOrbit: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.342] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: PlutoCharonOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: OrcusVanth
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] OrcusVanth: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.343] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: OrcusVanth
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] Start Body: OrcusVanthOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] OrcusVanthOrbit: 6
[LOG 17:19:21.344] [KSPTOT Connect] End Body: OrcusVanthOrbit
[LOG 17:19:21.345] [KSPTOT Connect] Transmitting Data Of Length: 15018
[LOG 17:19:22.561] [KSPTOT Connect] Transmitting Data Of Byte Length: 120144
[LOG 17:19:22.562] [KSPTOT Connect] about to close stream
[LOG 17:19:22.563] [KSPTOT Connect] about to close connection 0
[LOG 17:19:22.564] [KSPTOT Connect] Shutting down message receiving
[LOG 17:19:22.564] [KSPTOT Connect] waiting for writing thread to terminate
[LOG 17:19:22.565] [KSPTOT Connect] Shutting down message sending
[LOG 17:19:22.566] [KSPTOT Connect] Closing socket
[LOG 17:19:22.566] [KSPTOT Connect] Removing disconnected connection 0

To save you hunting, the barycentre objects are listed near the end of the stream.  

I installed all the mods you listed into KSP and was unable to reproduce the issue.  Are you still having trouble with this?

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32 minutes ago, Arrowstar said:

I installed all the mods you listed into KSP and was unable to reproduce the issue.  Are you still having trouble with this?

I am, but if you got it to spit out a valid bodies.ini file with that modset then I should be able to use that in lieu of generating my own.  Do you happen to have it still?

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1 minute ago, TMarkos said:

I am, but if you got it to spit out a valid bodies.ini file with that modset then I should be able to use that in lieu of generating my own.  Do you happen to have it still?

Sure.  Take a look and see if this is what you are looking for.  And if it's not, then it's possible I didn't install something correctly in KSP, so please let me know.


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33 minutes ago, Arrowstar said:

Sure.  Take a look and see if this is what you are looking for.  And if it's not, then it's possible I didn't install something correctly in KSP, so please let me know.


Thank you, this will be a big help!  It appears to be working just fine.  

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two more issues for you, @Arrowstar:

First up, recall that issue I posted about a while back with the Revs on TA coasts resetting to 0 but actually still equaling 1? Well, I have a mission file for you that has it. Haven't worked on replicating it unless you can't figure it out from the MAT file. Just open the coast event and you'll see the TA rev at 0 even though you can see it's coasting through one orbit.

Second issue is pretty serious. If you happen to forget you have a MA window open (buried under some other windows and you've been away from the PC for a while) and go to open it from the KSPTOT menu, it will reload MA and wipe anything already loaded. Don't worry didn't lose any unsaved data, but one could.

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17 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

two more issues for you, @Arrowstar:

First up, recall that issue I posted about a while back with the Revs on TA coasts resetting to 0 but actually still equaling 1? Well, I have a mission file for you that has it. Haven't worked on replicating it unless you can't figure it out from the MAT file. Just open the coast event and you'll see the TA rev at 0 even though you can see it's coasting through one orbit.

Second issue is pretty serious. If you happen to forget you have a MA window open (buried under some other windows and you've been away from the PC for a while) and go to open it from the KSPTOT menu, it will reload MA and wipe anything already loaded. Don't worry didn't lose any unsaved data, but one could.

Thanks for the heads up!  I'll look into correcting both these issues in the next release. :)

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On 9/13/2016 at 1:27 AM, Drew Kerman said:

two more issues for you, @Arrowstar:

First up, recall that issue I posted about a while back with the Revs on TA coasts resetting to 0 but actually still equaling 1? Well, I have a mission file for you that has it. Haven't worked on replicating it unless you can't figure it out from the MAT file. Just open the coast event and you'll see the TA rev at 0 even though you can see it's coasting through one orbit.

Second issue is pretty serious. If you happen to forget you have a MA window open (buried under some other windows and you've been away from the PC for a while) and go to open it from the KSPTOT menu, it will reload MA and wipe anything already loaded. Don't worry didn't lose any unsaved data, but one could.

Both issues have been resolved for the next release.

Just a heads up everyone, I did (very briefly!) try out KSPTOTConnect in KSP 1.2 yesterday and it looks like the "create bodies file" works and the "real time system" stuff kinda works but returns wonky values.  So you can probably get away with using KSPTOTConnect in 1.2 for now, but the official compatibility release will be in KSPTOT v1.5.6.

EDIT: I think I've fixed the KSPTOTConnect issues.  I'll put out a new pre-release soon with the updated KSPTOT and KSPTOTConnect. :) 

Edited by Arrowstar
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Hi everyone,

I've finished packing up the latest prerelease for KSPTOT v1.5.6.  The changes are as follows:

  • Update for compatibility with KSP v1.2.  KSPTOTConnect is only compatible with KSP 1.2 as of this release!
  • Added stock comm max range model (sqrt(r1*r2)) to Mission Architect comm network analysis tool.
  • Resolved issue with Mission Architect where trying to open up two sessions of MA would kill the first session without any prompting.
  • Resolved rare issue with Mission Architect where the number of revolutions in a coast would be computed incorrectly when opening the Edit Coast dialog box.
  • KSPTOT Real Time System now uses skin temperature in the thermal console screen, as opposed to the interior temperature.

You may download the pre-release at the following location: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29126891/KSPTOT_v156_prerelease3.zip

Please let me know if you find any bugs or have any questions.  Thanks!

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crap you know what I keep meaning to request? That the MA save dialog make use of the fact that MA now knows when a file has changes (asterisk shows in the window title). Unless the save confirmation is performing another purpose when you go to open/create a new file or close MA, it'd be nice not to have to clear it every time when there's been no changes to save.

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22 hours ago, Arrowstar said:

Hi everyone,

I've finished packing up the latest prerelease for KSPTOT v1.5.6.  The changes are as follows:

  • Update for compatibility with KSP v1.2.  KSPTOTConnect is only compatible with KSP 1.2 as of this release!
  • Added stock comm max range model (sqrt(r1*r2)) to Mission Architect comm network analysis tool.
  • Resolved issue with Mission Architect where trying to open up two sessions of MA would kill the first session without any prompting.
  • Resolved rare issue with Mission Architect where the number of revolutions in a coast would be computed incorrectly when opening the Edit Coast dialog box.
  • KSPTOT Real Time System now uses skin temperature in the thermal console screen, as opposed to the interior temperature.

You may download the pre-release at the following location: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29126891/KSPTOT_v156_prerelease3.zip

Please let me know if you find any bugs or have any questions.  Thanks!

Hi, to be clear...

For 1.1.3 users, can we use the previous KSPTOTConnect version and this updated.exe, to get the MA fixes?

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4 hours ago, Gilph said:

Hi, to be clear...

For 1.1.3 users, can we use the previous KSPTOTConnect version and this updated.exe, to get the MA fixes?

In theory that should work, yes.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes. :)

18 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

crap you know what I keep meaning to request? That the MA save dialog make use of the fact that MA now knows when a file has changes (asterisk shows in the window title). Unless the save confirmation is performing another purpose when you go to open/create a new file or close MA, it'd be nice not to have to clear it every time when there's been no changes to save.

Yeah, I could probably do that.  It's a good suggestion. :)

EDIT: Implemented for next release.

Edited by Arrowstar
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In theory that should work, yes.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes. :)

OK..will try it in the next few days.

Wanted to report a minor nit...in the rendezvous screen, at the bottom, where you as for the start time for the calculation, you added an import from KSP menu, which works great. But, when you import, the time text underneath does not update. No real impact other than cosmetic.

As a potential feature request, I'd like to see an "EZ Mode" option for the porkchop/burn process. If I understand correctly, you currently calculate results to be put into MA to be further optimized.  But, not all missions require the complexity of MA.  Most of the time, I want to get from body A to body B, and want the best transfer window.  You calculate based on depart, arrival, or depart/arrival, which is better than other tools. But, the transfer rarely uploads correctly to get the intercept. In short, you can compute trajectories better than Mechjeb and KAC, but that accuracy doesn't seem to easily available for simple porkchop transfers.  Does this make sense?


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On 9/20/2016 at 11:42 AM, Gilph said:

As a potential feature request, I'd like to see an "EZ Mode" option for the porkchop/burn process. If I understand correctly, you currently calculate results to be put into MA to be further optimized.  But, not all missions require the complexity of MA.  Most of the time, I want to get from body A to body B, and want the best transfer window.  You calculate based on depart, arrival, or depart/arrival, which is better than other tools. But, the transfer rarely uploads correctly to get the intercept. In short, you can compute trajectories better than Mechjeb and KAC, but that accuracy doesn't seem to easily available for simple porkchop transfers.  Does this make sense?


Hey there, so KSPTOT is actually designed to work the way you described.  The probable cause to your troubles is that you're not telling KSPTOT your orbit epoch and mean anomaly at that epoch.  If you don't supply this, KSPTOT simply assumes that your orbit will work out such that the spacecraft will be at the right point in space at the right time to perform the burn.  Since this is rarely true, the uploaded maneuvers don't work out.  They will work out (or they should anyway) if you give KSPTOT your epoch and mean anomaly.

Does that help any? :)

8 hours ago, Sigma88 said:

@Arrowstar if you are still having issues with sigma binary feel free to contact me, I will be happy to provide you any information you might need on the mod :wink:

Thanks!  I think we're alright for now, but I'll let you know. :)

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16 hours ago, Arrowstar said:

Hey there, so KSPTOT is actually designed to work the way you described.  The probable cause to your troubles is that you're not telling KSPTOT your orbit epoch and mean anomaly at that epoch.  If you don't supply this, KSPTOT simply assumes that your orbit will work out such that the spacecraft will be at the right point in space at the right time to perform the burn.  Since this is rarely true, the uploaded maneuvers don't work out.  They will work out (or they should anyway) if you give KSPTOT your epoch and mean anomaly.

Does that help any? :)

It does, but I have tried it both including and not including, and never seemed to make a difference.  But, I will now be more careful in recording steps and will post if it happens again.  I did have a case once where I kept the calculated maneuver that did not intercept, quit the game, restarted next day and the maneuver had an intercept. Will try to do that process again to see if it's just a display bug.

You always help...much appreciated.


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17 hours ago, Drew Kerman said:

oooh! I can go back to using it for Plock/Karen and Duna/Ike?

Not as such.  The issue before was that apparently something with the mod was preventing the bodies.ini file from being generated, but I could not reproduce.

4 hours ago, Gilph said:

It does, but I have tried it both including and not including, and never seemed to make a difference.  But, I will now be more careful in recording steps and will post if it happens again.  I did have a case once where I kept the calculated maneuver that did not intercept, quit the game, restarted next day and the maneuver had an intercept. Will try to do that process again to see if it's just a display bug.

You always help...much appreciated.


Yeah, definitely, if you can provide me with a bodies.ini file, the settings/inputs you're using in the KSPTOT application, and a stock scenario file, I'll take a look.

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OK, have some data. this is with latest prerelease on 1.1.3 with older connect file (which works fine)

1. Recreated and loaded bodies.ini

2. Selected my space station that I want to send from Minmus to Mun

3. Calculated porkchop


4. Calculated Departure Burn


5. Uploaded Maneuver (8 days in future)

Note it's not even close


6 Stopped and restarted game - no difference

7. Warped to 2h before maneuver, deleted maneuver, and redid everything. No difference



Bodies.ini and TOT log: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AigvIEvgjetqikNBLmuB5BXhIPUS


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can we have the ability to directly edit bodies that are included in a MAT file? Right now it's a bit indirect as you have to load the bodies that you want first, then open MA to be able to save those bodies with the mission file. It would be nice if there was a dialog box with a list of bodies loaded from the current .ini file and you just Ctrl+click to select the ones you want MA to have loaded for the current save file. Might be another way for people to optimize mission plotting as well, like how you can restrict SOI search. Also I think any New Projects should load the currently selected .ini file, not just use whatever body data was loaded from the last MAT file

Edited by Drew Kerman
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ooh, @Arrowstar had another thought - while it's hard if not impossible to show the position of other spacecraft like you can with body markers in the main diagram, perhaps there can be an option to only render 0.5% of their orbits from the current event UT, which is enough to be visible and give a good indication of the position of the spacecraft. Here's how it looks in action with a Delta Time Coast using Plock from OPM:


Definitely visible, even in the small default diagram. And I'm mainly asking because it would be great to be able to turn this:


into a scatter plot of locations like this:

(also, slightly related to my previous request, that image with all the asteroid plots has a planet in it I don't want to show up in published diagrams for KSA, which is why it would be cool to be able to remove it - and even the outer planets to move the diagram view inwards by default - without having to re-enter all the asteroid data... but also in general make it easier than having to delete a body from the config, reload in KSPTOT and then save in MA then restore the body in the config file)

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hope you didn't get turned off by my requests @Arrowstar - I know they can really be a bit "out there" at times :P Really excited for the semi-orbit rendering idea tho, I've been looking for years for an easy way to create a scatter plot of asteroid locations throughout the Kerbol system. But if it can't be done I'll just have to return to the drawing board once again...

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12 minutes ago, Drew Kerman said:

hope you didn't get turned off by my requests @Arrowstar - I know they can really be a bit "out there" at times :P Really excited for the semi-orbit rendering idea tho, I've been looking for years for an easy way to create a scatter plot of asteroid locations throughout the Kerbol system. But if it can't be done I'll just have to return to the drawing board once again...

Hey, not at all!  I've just been super busy with work and life at the moment. I will try to consider your requests in the near future. :-) 

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